Declares XName fields for the empty namespace.


  • NoNamespace


Append AutoFit ConnectionID_ DataBindingLoadMode DataBindingName DrawAspect FileBinding FileBindingName ID_ Name_ Namespace ObjectID_ ObjectType_ PreserveFormat PreserveSortAFLayout ProgID_ RootElement SchemaID SchemaRef SelectedStyle SelectionNamespaces ShapeID_ ShowImportExportValidationErrors StyleName_ Type_ URI_ UpdateMode a aboveAverage aca accel accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 accentbar accumulate accuracyVersion action actionId activeCell activeCellId activeCol activePane activePresent activeRow activeSheetId activeTab additive addlXml_ addlxml adj adjust adjustColumnWidth adjusthandles advAuto advClick advTm advise afterEffect aggregatedColumn algIdExt algIdExtSource algn algorithmName align alignLabel alignWithMargins alignment alignmentLevel alignshape allCaption allDrilled allUniqueName allocationMethod allowBlank allowComments_ allowOverlap allowPng allowRefreshQuery allowcomments allowedTaskSizes alt altLang altText altTextSummary alwaysShow amount amt anchor anchorCtr anchorx anchory and ang angle animBg annotation appName appRef_ apply applyAlignment applyAlignmentFormats applyBorder applyBorderFormats applyFill applyFont applyFontFormats applyNumberFormat applyNumberFormats applyPatternFormats applyProtection applyStyles applyWidthHeightFormats appref arcsize arg array arrowok ascender aspect aspectratio assign assignedTo asteriskTotals attribute author authorId auto autoAdjust autoApply autoCompressPictures autoDelete autoEnd autoFill autoFilter autoFilterDateGrouping autoFormatId autoLine autoLoad autoPage autoPageBreaks autoPict autoRecover autoRepublish autoRev autoScale autoShow autoStart autoUpdate autoUpdateAnimBg autoformat autolayout autorotationcenter avgSubtotal axis axisPosition b bIns backdepth background backgroundQuery backgroundRefresh backupFile backwards bandCol bandRow base baseColWidth baseField baseItem baseType baseline bc beginModifierType behindDoc bestFit bg1 bg2 bilevel blackAndWhite blacklevel blank bld bldLvl bldStep blend blipPhldr blurRad bmk bmkName bookmarkIdSeed boolean border borderId bottom boxStyle bright brightness brushRef brushSize build builtIn builtInGroupCount builtinId bw bwMode bwNormal bwPure bx by byPosition c ca cache cacheId cacheIdCreatedVersion cacheIdSupportedVersion cacheIndex calcCompleted calcId calcMode_ calcOnSave calcmode calculatedColumn calculatedMembersInFilters calendarType canvasRef canvasTransformRef cap caption caseSensitive categoryIdx categoryName cell cellColor cellComments cellMeta cellRange centerVertically centroid cf cfe cff cfo chOrder changesSavedWin channel char characterSet charset chart chartFormat chartTrackingRefBase che checkCompatibility checked chf cho chromakey class classificationOutcomeType clearAll clearComments clearContents clearFormats click clientInsertedTime clipped clr clrIdx clrMode clrSpc cm cmd cmpd cnt codeName codePage coerce coherent3DOff colGrandTotals colHeaderCaption colHidden colId colPageCount collapse collapsed collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals color color2 colorId colorTemp colored colors cols column columnCount columnSort columnWidthPercent columns comma command commandType comment compact compactData compatLnSpc compatMode complete composite concurrent concurrentCalc concurrentManualCount conformance connection connectionId connectloc connectorLines consecutive constrainbounds containsBlank containsDate containsInteger containsMixedTypes containsNonDate containsNumber containsSemiMixedTypes containsString content contentBits contentType contextRef continuation contourW contrast control1 control2 coordorigin coordsize copies copy count countASubtotal countSubtotal cp crackSpacing crashSave created createdVersion credentials cropbottom cropleft cropping cropright croptop crossFilter cryptAlgorithmClass cryptAlgorithmSid cryptAlgorithmType cryptProvider cryptProviderType cryptProviderTypeExt cryptProviderTypeExtSource cs csCatId csTypeId css cstate ct culture current custAng custFlipHor custFlipVert custLinFactNeighborX custLinFactNeighborY custLinFactX custLinFactY custRadScaleInc custRadScaleRad custScaleX custScaleY custSzX custSzY custT custom customBuiltin customFormat customHeight customList customListSort customMenu customRecognizerId customRollUp customView customWidth cx cxnId cy d dT_ dashstyle data dataBound dataCaption dataCellStyle dataDxfId dataExtractLoad dataField dataOnRows dataOnly dataPosition dataSourceSort databaseField date1904 dateAxis dateCompatibility dateTime dateTimeGrouping day dde ddeService ddeTopic decel decimal decoupled def defStyle defTabSz default defaultAttributeDrillState defaultColWidth defaultGridColor defaultImageDpi defaultMemberUniqueName defaultPivotStyle defaultRowHeight defaultSize defaultSlicerStyle defaultSubtotal defaultTableStyle defaultThemeVersion defaultTimelineStyle degree del1 del2 delay delete deleteColumns deleteRows deleted delimited delimiter denormalized descender descending descr description destId destOrd destination destinationFile detail dgmbasetextscale dgmfontsize dgmscalex dgmscaley dgmstyle diagonalDown diagonalUp differentFirst differentOddEven diffusity dimension dimensionUniqueName dir direction dirty disableEdit disableFieldList disablePrompts disableRefresh disabled discardImageEditData disjunction_type diskRevisions display displayEmptyCellsAs displayFolder displayHidden displayName displayXAxis dist distB distL distR distT distance divId dn dockstate documentID done double dpi dr draft dragOff dragToCol dragToData dragToPage dragToRow drillThrough drop dropLines dropStyle dropauto dt dt2D dtr dueDate dur duration dvAspect dx dxf dxfId_ dxfid dy dynamicSet dz e eaLnBrk eb edge edit editAs_ editData editPage editVal editas edited embedTrueTypeFonts embeddedDataId embeddedHtml embosscolor emptyCellReference enableDrill enableEdit enableFieldProperties enableFormatConditionsCalculation enableRefresh enableWizard enabled encoding end endA endDate endModifierType endNum endOfListFormulaUpdate endPos endSnd endangle endarrow endarrowlength endarrowwidth endcap eol eqn equalAverage equationxml err error errorCaption errorStyle errorTitle errors evalError evalOrder evt evtFilter excludeFromRefreshAll exclusive exp expand extendable extrusionH extrusionOk extrusioncolor f fLocksText fLocksWithSheet fPrintsWithSheet fPublished facet fact fadeDir fc fi field fieldId fieldIdWrapped fieldListSortAscending fieldPosition fieldPrintTitles fileType fill fillDownLabels fillDownLabelsDefault fillFormulas fillId fillcolor filled fillok filltype filter filterId filterMode filterPivotName filterPrivacy filterTabId filterType filterUnique filterVal final first firstBackgroundRefresh firstButton firstCol firstColumnMaxWidth firstColumnMinWidth firstDataCol firstDataRow firstHeaderRow firstPageNumber firstRow firstSheet firstSlideNum fitToHeight fitToPage fitToWidth fitpath fitshape flattenHierarchies fld flip flipH flipV fmla fmlaGroup fmlaLink fmlaRange fmlaTxbx fmtid focus focusposition focussize folHlink followColorScheme fontAlgn fontId fontScale footer for forName forceAA forceFullCalc foredepth format formatCells formatCode formatColumns formatIdx formatRows formula formulaRange fov frame frameSlides from fromColumn fromTable fromWordArt frozen ftr fullCalcOnLoad fullPrecision fullScrn func function functionGroupId g gain gamma gap gapWidth gdRefAng gdRefR gdRefX gdRefY getAltText getContent getDescription getEnabled getHelperText getImage getItemCount getItemHeight getItemID getItemImage getItemLabel getItemScreentip getItemSupertip getItemWidth getKeytip getLabel getPressed getScreentip getSelectedItemID getSelectedItemIndex getShowImage getShowLabel getSize getStyle getSupertip getTarget getText getTitle getVisible ghostCol ghostRow goal gradient gradientshapeok grainSize grandCol grandRow grandTotalCaption grayscale gridDropZones gridLines gridLinesSet gridSize gridSpan group groupBy groupInterval grouping grow growShrinkType grpId gte guid h hMerge hR hangingPunct hasBounce hasCustomPrompt hashData hashValue hdr header headerRowBorderDxfId headerRowCellStyle headerRowCount headerRowDxfId headers headersInLastRefresh headings height help helperText hidden hiddenButton hiddenColumn hiddenColumns hiddenLevel hiddenRow hiddenRows hiddenSlides hideGeom hideLastTrans hideNewItems hidePivotFieldList hideValuesRow hier hierarchizeDistinct hierarchy hierarchyName hierarchyUsage high highlightClick history hlink horiz horizontal horizontalCentered horizontalDpi horzBarState horzOverflow hotPoints hour how href ht htmlFormat htmlTables hue hueDir i i1 i2 i3 i4 iLevel iMeasureFld iMeasureHier icon iconId iconSet id idMso idQ idcntr iddest idref idsrc idx ignore image imageMso imagealignshape imageaspect imagesize imeMode imgH imgSz imgW immersive in inc includeHiddenRowCol includeNewItemsInFilter includePrintSettings indent index indexed initial initials inkSourceRef insertAfterMso insertAfterQ insertBeforeMso insertBeforeQ insertBlankRow insertColumns insertHyperlinks insertPageBreak insertRow insertRowShift insertRows inset insetpen insetpenok integer intensity intermediate interpolation interval intervalClosed invX_ invY_ invalEndChars invalStChars invalid invalidUrl invalidateContentOnDrop invertible invx invy isActiveX isComment isContent isCountDistinct isDefinitive isInverted isLegacyGroup isNarration isPhoto isSignatureLine_ issignatureline item itemHeight itemPageCount itemPrintTitles itemSize itemWidth iterate iterateCount iterateDelta joinstyle justLastX justifyLastLine keepAlive keepChangeHistory kern keyAttribute keytip kumimoji kx ky l lBound lIns label labelOnly lang last lastClr lastCol lastEdited lastGuid lastIdx lastRefreshVersion lastRow lastView lat latinLnBrk layout layoutChildren layoutId layoutInCell leadZeros left leftLabels len length_ lengthspecified level lfe lff lfo lhe lhf lho lightface lightharsh lightharsh2 lightlevel lightlevel2 lightposition lightposition2 likes lim limo lineWeight linestyle link linkTarget linkType linkedCell listDataValidation listFillRange lkTxEntry lnSpcReduction loCatId loTypeId loadImage local localConnection localRefresh localSheetId location lockRevision lockStructure lockText lockWindows locked lockedPosition lockrotationcenter lon longFileNames longText loop low lowestEdited lum lvl m macro majorUnit man manualBreakCount manualMax manualMin manufacturer map mapId mappingCount mappingRef marB marL marR marT markers masterRel matchingName mathML mathStruct mathSymbol matrix max maxAng maxAxisType maxDate maxLength maxR maxRId maxRank maxSheetId maxSubtotal maxVal maxValIso maxValue maxX maxY maximized mdx mdxLong mdxSubqueries meanLine meanMarker measure measureFilter measureGroup measures measuresSet mediaType memberName memberPropertyField memberValueDatatype mentionId mentionpersonId merge mergeCell mergeInterval mergeItem metal meth method midline min minAng minAxisType minDate minLength minR minRId minRefreshableVersion minSubtotal minSupportedVersion minValue minVer minVersionLoad minX minY minimalRefreshVersion minimized minimumVersion minorUnit minusx minusy minute missingCaption missingItemsLimit miterlimit mod model modelId mods month moveWith moveWithCells movingMultiple movingPeriod mpFld multiLine multiSel multipleFieldFilters multipleItemSelectionAllowed mute n nameLen name_ nd negative negativeBarBorderColorSameAsPositive negativeBarColorSameAsPositive new newLength newName newVal nextAc nextId nf noAdjustHandles noChangeArrowheads noChangeAspect noChangeShapeType noCrop noDrilldown noEditPoints noGrp noMove noProof noResize noRot noSelect noTextEdit noThreeD noThreeD2 noUngrp noWrap nodePh nodeType node_number nonAutoSortDefault nonoutliers normalEastAsianFlow normalizeH np ns numCol numFmtId numSld numberFormat numberOfShades numberStoredAsText o oEmbedUrl objId objectId objectType objects obscured odcFile odxf offset offset2 old oldComment oldCustomMenu oldDescription oldFunction oldFunctionGroupId oldHelp oldHidden oldLength oldName oldPh oldQuotePrefix oldShortcutKey oldStatusBar oldVal ole oleUpdate on onAction onChange onHide onLoad onShow oneField onlySync onlyUseConnectionFile op opacity operator optimizeMemory organizeInFolders orient orientation orientationangle origin out outliers outline outlineData outlineLevel outlineLevelCol outlineLevelRow outlineSymbols overflow overlay override ownerIdx p pLen pPos page pageOrder pageOverThenDown pageStyle pageWrap pane panose paperSize par parTransId parameterType parent parentId parentSet parsePre password passwordEdit pasteAll pasteBorders pasteColWidths pasteComments pasteDataValidation pasteFormats pasteFormulas pasteNumberFormats pasteValues path pathEditMode pattern patternType pencilSize percent percentComplete personId personalView ph phldr phldrT phonetic picLocksAutoForOEmbed pid pitchFamily pivot pivotButton pivotCacheId pivotShowAs pivotTableStyle pivotTables points polar pos position post prLst pred preferPic preferRelativeResize preferSingleView prefix presAssocID presId presName presStyleCnt presStyleIdx presStyleLbl preserve preserveFormatting preserveHistory preserveSortFilterLayout presetClass presetID presetSubtype pressure prevAc previousCol previousRow pri print printArea printDrill priorRef priority prnWhat productSubtotal progId prompt promptTitle promptedSolutions propertyName protected provId_ provid providerId prst prstMaterial pt ptCount ptType ptsTypes pubBrowser publishItems publishToServer published qsCatId qsTypeId qualifier quartileMethod queryFailed queryTableFieldId quotePrefix r r1 r2 rAng rId rIns ra rad radius radiusrange rank rankBy rctx readOnlyRecommended readingOrder recalcAlways recolor recolortarget reconnectionMethod recordCount ref ref3D refFor refForName refMode refPtType refType referenceDateBegin referenceMultiple referencePeriod refersTo refreshAllConnections refreshError refreshOnChange refreshOnLoad refreshedBy refreshedDate refreshedDateIso refreshedVersion relId relNeededHidden relation relative relativeFrom relativeHeight relativeIndent relyOnVml removeDataOnSave removePersonalInfoOnSave removed render repairLoad repeatCount repeatDur resId reservationPassword resizeGraphics resource respectTo restart rev reverse revisionId revisionsAlgorithmName revisionsHashValue revisionsPassword revisionsSaltValue revisionsSpinCount rfe rff rfo rgb rhe rhf rho richSortKey rig right rightToLeft rot rotWithShape rotate rotatedBoundingBox rotation rotationAngle_ rotationangle rotationcenter row rowColShift rowCount rowDrillCount rowGrandTotals rowHeaderCaption rowHeight rowHidden rowNumbers rowPageCount rowSpan rows rtl rtlCol rupBuild s sId saltData saltValue sat saveData saveExternalLinkValues savePassword saveSubsetFonts sb scale scaleToFitPaper scaleWithDoc scaled scaling scenarios scope screentip script scrollPosition sd second secondColumnMaxWidth secondColumnMinWidth securityDescriptor seek sel selectLockedCells selectUnlockedCells selected selection selectionLevel seltype semanticType semicolon sendLocale seq serialNo series seriesIdx seriesName serverCommand serverField serverFill serverFont serverFontColor serverNumberFormat serverSldId serverSldModifiedTime serverZoom set setDate setDefinition shadeToTitle shadow shadowcolor shadowok shapeGeometry shapeId shapeName shapetype shared sheet sheetId sheetPosition shininess shortcutKey show showAll showAnimation showAsCaption showAsIcon showAutoFilter showBorderUnselectedTables showButton showCalcMbrs showCaption showCaptions showCell showColHeaders showColStripes showColumnStripes showComments showDataAs showDataDropDown showDataTips showDrill showDropDown showDropDowns showDropZones showEmptyCol showEmptyRow showError showErrorMessage showFirstColumn showFormatting showFormulaBar showFormulas showGridLines showGuides showHeader showHeaders showHorizontalScroll showHorizontalScrollbar showImage showInFieldList showInRibbon showInkAnnotation showInputMessage showItemImage showItemLabel showItems showLabel showLastColumn showMasterPhAnim showMasterSp showMemberPropertyTips showMissing showMultipleLabel showNarration showObjects showOutlineIcons showOutlineSymbols showPageBreaks showPivotChartFilter showPropAsCaption showPropCell showPropTip showRowCol showRowColHeaders showRowHeaders showRowStripes showRuler showScrollbar showSelectionLabel showSheetTabs showSignDate_ showSpeakerNotes showSpecialPlsOnTitleSld showStatus showStatusbar showTimeLevel showTip showValue showVerticalScroll showWhenStopped showWhiteSpace showZeros showsigndate shrinkToFit si sibTransId side sigProvUrl_ signingInstructionsSet_ signingInstructions_ signinginstructions signinginstructionsset sigprovurl simplePos singleRangeFilterState singleSignOnId siteId size sizeString sizeWithCells skewamt skewangle sldNum slicerData slideIdLst smoothness smtClean smtId snapToGrid snapToObjects snapVertSplitter solveOrder sort sortBy sortMethod sortOrder sortType source sourceCaption sourceData sourceDataName sourceField sourceFile sourceLinked sourceName sourceObject sourceRef sourceSheetId sourceType sp space spans spc spcCol spcFirstLastPara spd specificationRef specularity spid spidmax spinCount spinValue splitAll splitFirst spokes sqlType sqref src srcId srcOrd srcUrl st stA stAng stPos start startAt startDate startFromScratch startIndex startItem startLabels startNum startangle startarrow startarrowlength startarrowwidth state status statusBar stdDev stdDevPSubtotal stdDevSubtotal step stopIfTrue store storeType strictFirstAndLastChars strike string stringValue1 stringValue2 stroke strokecolor stroked strokeok strokeweight style styleId styleLbl styleName subtotal subtotalCaption subtotalHiddenItems subtotalTop suggestedSigner suggestedSigner2 suggestedSignerEmail sumSubtotal summaryBelow summaryRight supertip supportAddCalcMems supportAdvancedDrill supportSubquery supportSubqueryCalcMem supportSubqueryNonVisual swAng switch sx sy symbol syncBehavior syncHorizontal syncRef syncVertical sz t tIns tab tabId tabRatio tabSelected table tableBorderDxfId tableColumnId tableId tableType tag tags target targetScreenSize text textDates textHAlign textRotation textVAlign textborder textboxrect textlink textpathok tgtFrame theme thickBot thickBottom thickTop thicket thousands thresh thruBlk time timeOffset timePeriod timeString timeZoneBias timelineData timestampRef tint title tm tmFilter to toColumn toTable tooltip top topAutoShow topLabels topLeftCell totalsRowBorderDxfId totalsRowCellStyle totalsRowCount totalsRowDxfId totalsRowFunction totalsRowLabel totalsRowShown traceDataRef traceFormatRef track trackRevisions trans transition transitionEntry transitionEvaluation trend trim tupleCache twoDigitTextYear tx tx1 tx2 txBox ty type typeface u uBound ua uiExpand uiObject un unbalanced unbalancedGroup unboundColumnsLeft unboundColumnsRight underflow undone ungrouping uniform uniqueCount uniqueId uniqueList uniqueMemberProperty uniqueName uniqueParent unit units unlockedFormula updateAutomatic updateLinks updatedVersion upgradeOnRefresh upright uri url useA useAutoFormatting useBgFill useDef useFirstPageNumber useLongFilenames usePrinterDefaults useTimings useWholeDay usedByAddin user userDrawn userId userName userProvider v vMerge vacatedStyle val valIso value valueType varPSubtotal varScale varSubtotal variable vbProcedure version vert vertBarState vertOverflow vertical verticalBar verticalCentered verticalDpi verticies vid view viewpoint viewpointorigin visibility visible visualTotals visualTotalsForSets vm vml vocabulary vol w wR weight weightExpression width widthMin windowHeight windowProtection windowWidth workbookAlgorithmName workbookHashValue workbookParameter workbookPassword workbookSaltValue workbookSpinCount workbookViewId wrap wrapText wrapcoords x x1 x2 xSplit xWindow xfDxf xfId xfrmType xl2000 xl97 xlm xml xmlDataType xpath xrange xscale y y1 y2 ySplit yWindow year yrange z zOrderOff z_order zeroHeight zeroValues zoom zoomContents zoomScale zoomScaleNormal zoomScalePageLayoutView zoomScaleSheetLayoutView zoomToFit


Append: XName = ...

Represents the Append XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Map_

AutoFit: XName = ...

Represents the AutoFit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Map_

ConnectionID_: XName = ...

Represents the ConnectionID XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: DataBinding

DataBindingLoadMode: XName = ...

Represents the DataBindingLoadMode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: DataBinding

DataBindingName: XName = ...

Represents the DataBindingName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: DataBinding

DrawAspect: XName = ...

Represents the DrawAspect XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: OLEObject

FileBinding: XName = ...

Represents the FileBinding XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: DataBinding

FileBindingName: XName = ...

Represents the FileBindingName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: DataBinding

ID_: XName = ...

Represents the ID XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Map_, Schema

Name_: XName = ...

Represents the Name XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Map_

Namespace: XName = ...

Represents the Namespace XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Schema

ObjectID_: XName = ...

Represents the ObjectID XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: OLEObject

ObjectType_: XName = ...

Represents the ObjectType XML name.

PreserveFormat: XName = ...

Represents the PreserveFormat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Map_

PreserveSortAFLayout: XName = ...

Represents the PreserveSortAFLayout XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Map_

ProgID_: XName = ...

Represents the ProgID XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: OLEObject

RootElement: XName = ...

Represents the RootElement XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Map_

SchemaID: XName = ...

Represents the SchemaID XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Map_

SchemaRef: XName = ...

Represents the SchemaRef XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Schema

SelectedStyle: XName = ...

Represents the SelectedStyle XML name.

SelectionNamespaces: XName = ...

Represents the SelectionNamespaces XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: MapInfo

ShapeID_: XName = ...

Represents the ShapeID XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: OLEObject

ShowImportExportValidationErrors: XName = ...

Represents the ShowImportExportValidationErrors XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: Map_

StyleName_: XName = ...

Represents the StyleName XML name.

Type_: XName = ...

Represents the Type XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: OLEObject

URI_: XName = ...

Represents the URI XML name.

UpdateMode: XName = ...

Represents the UpdateMode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: OLEObject

a: XName = ...

Represents the a XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alphaRepl, c

aboveAverage: XName = ...

Represents the aboveAverage XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, cfRule

aca: XName = ...

Represents the aca XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

accel: XName = ...

Represents the accel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

accent1: XName = ...

Represents the accent1 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

accent2: XName = ...

Represents the accent2 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

accent3: XName = ...

Represents the accent3 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

accent4: XName = ...

Represents the accent4 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

accent5: XName = ...

Represents the accent5 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

accent6: XName = ...

Represents the accent6 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

accentbar: XName = ...

Represents the accentbar XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout

accumulate: XName = ...

Represents the accumulate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cBhvr

accuracyVersion: XName = ...

Represents the accuracyVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

action: XName = ...

Represents the action XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hlinkClick, hlinkHover, hlinkMouseOver, format, rcmt, rcv, rrc

actionId: XName = ...

Represents the actionId XML name.

activeCell: XName = ...

Represents the activeCell XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: selection

activeCellId: XName = ...

Represents the activeCellId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: selection

activeCol: XName = ...

Represents the activeCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotSelection

activePane: XName = ...

Represents the activePane XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pane

activePresent: XName = ...

Represents the activePresent XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule

activeRow: XName = ...

Represents the activeRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotSelection

activeSheetId: XName = ...

Represents the activeSheetId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

activeTab: XName = ...

Represents the activeTab XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookView

additive: XName = ...

Represents the additive XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cBhvr

addlXml_: XName = ...

Represents the addlXml XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

addlxml: XName = ...

Represents the addlxml XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureline

adj: XName = ...

Represents the adj XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: shape, shapetype

adjust: XName = ...

Represents the adjust XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

adjustColumnWidth: XName = ...

Represents the adjustColumnWidth XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable

adjusthandles: XName = ...

Represents the adjusthandles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock

advAuto: XName = ...

Represents the advAuto XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bldP

advClick: XName = ...

Represents the advClick XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: transition

advTm: XName = ...

Represents the advTm XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: transition

advise: XName = ...

Represents the advise XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ddeItem, oleItem, oleItem

afterEffect: XName = ...

Represents the afterEffect XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

aggregatedColumn: XName = ...

Represents the aggregatedColumn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

algIdExt: XName = ...

Represents the algIdExt XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

algIdExtSource: XName = ...

Represents the algIdExtSource XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

algn: XName = ...

Represents the algn XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, ln, lnB, lnBlToTr, lnL, lnR, lnT, lnTlToBr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, outerShdw, pPr, reflection, tab, tile, uLn, hiddenLine

algorithmName: XName = ...

Represents the algorithmName XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier, fileSharing, protectedRange, sheetProtection, protectedRange

align: XName = ...

Represents the align XML name.

alignLabel: XName = ...

Represents the alignLabel XML name.

alignWithMargins: XName = ...

Represents the alignWithMargins XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headerFooter

alignment: XName = ...

Represents the alignment XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: phoneticPr

alignmentLevel: XName = ...

Represents the alignmentLevel XML name.

alignshape: XName = ...

Represents the alignshape XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fill

allCaption: XName = ...

Represents the allCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

allDrilled: XName = ...

Represents the allDrilled XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

allUniqueName: XName = ...

Represents the allUniqueName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

allocationMethod: XName = ...

Represents the allocationMethod XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotChange, pivotTableDefinition

allowBlank: XName = ...

Represents the allowBlank XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, dataValidation

allowComments_: XName = ...

Represents the allowComments XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

allowOverlap: XName = ...

Represents the allowOverlap XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor

allowPng: XName = ...

Represents the allowPng XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr, webPublishing

allowRefreshQuery: XName = ...

Represents the allowRefreshQuery XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

allowcomments: XName = ...

Represents the allowcomments XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureline

allowedTaskSizes: XName = ...

Represents the allowedTaskSizes XML name.

alt: XName = ...

Represents the alt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, group, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

altLang: XName = ...

Represents the altLang XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

altText: XName = ...

Represents the altText XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, controlPr, objectPr, pivotTableDefinition, table

altTextSummary: XName = ...

Represents the altTextSummary XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, table

alwaysShow: XName = ...

Represents the alwaysShow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcmt

amount: XName = ...

Represents the amount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharpenSoften

amt: XName = ...

Represents the amt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alphaModFix, tint

anchor: XName = ...

Represents the anchor XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, tcPr, bodyPr

anchorCtr: XName = ...

Represents the anchorCtr XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, tcPr, bodyPr

anchorx: XName = ...

Represents the anchorx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: wrap

anchory: XName = ...

Represents the anchory XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: wrap

and: XName = ...

Represents the and XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customFilters, customFilters

ang: XName = ...

Represents the ang XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxn, lin

angle: XName = ...

Represents the angle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout, fill

animBg: XName = ...

Represents the animBg XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bldChart, bldOleChart, bldP

annotation: XName = ...

Represents the annotation XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ink

appName: XName = ...

Represents the appName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileVersion

appRef_: XName = ...

Represents the appRef XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webExtension

apply: XName = ...

Represents the apply XML name.

applyAlignment: XName = ...

Represents the applyAlignment XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xf

applyAlignmentFormats: XName = ...

Represents the applyAlignmentFormats XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, queryTable, raf

applyBorder: XName = ...

Represents the applyBorder XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xf

applyBorderFormats: XName = ...

Represents the applyBorderFormats XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, queryTable, raf

applyFill: XName = ...

Represents the applyFill XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xf

applyFont: XName = ...

Represents the applyFont XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xf

applyFontFormats: XName = ...

Represents the applyFontFormats XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, queryTable, raf

applyNumberFormat: XName = ...

Represents the applyNumberFormat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xf

applyNumberFormats: XName = ...

Represents the applyNumberFormats XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, queryTable, raf

applyPatternFormats: XName = ...

Represents the applyPatternFormats XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, queryTable, raf

applyProtection: XName = ...

Represents the applyProtection XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xf

applyStyles: XName = ...

Represents the applyStyles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: outlinePr

applyWidthHeightFormats: XName = ...

Represents the applyWidthHeightFormats XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, queryTable, raf

appref: XName = ...

Represents the appref XML name.

arcsize: XName = ...

Represents the arcsize XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: roundrect

arg: XName = ...

Represents the arg XML name.

array: XName = ...

Represents the array XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calculatedColumnFormula, totalsRowFormula, undo

arrowok: XName = ...

Represents the arrowok XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

ascender: XName = ...

Represents the ascender XML name.

aspect: XName = ...

Represents the aspect XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fill

aspectratio: XName = ...

Represents the aspectratio XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock

assign: XName = ...

Represents the assign XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

assignedTo: XName = ...

Represents the assignedTo XML name.

asteriskTotals: XName = ...

Represents the asteriskTotals XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

attribute: XName = ...

Represents the attribute XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

author: XName = ...

Represents the author XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcmt

authorId: XName = ...

Represents the authorId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cm, parentCm, comment

auto: XName = ...

Represents the auto XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bgColor, color, fgColor, tabColor, axisColor, borderColor, color, colorAxis, colorFirst, colorHigh, colorLast, colorLow, colorMarkers, colorNegative, colorSeries, fillColor, negativeBorderColor, negativeFillColor

autoAdjust: XName = ...

Represents the autoAdjust XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: restoredLeft, restoredTop

autoApply: XName = ...

Represents the autoApply XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

autoCompressPictures: XName = ...

Represents the autoCompressPictures XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation, workbookPr

autoDelete: XName = ...

Represents the autoDelete XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

autoEnd: XName = ...

Represents the autoEnd XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangePr

autoFill: XName = ...

Represents the autoFill XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, controlPr, objectPr

autoFilter: XName = ...

Represents the autoFilter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

autoFilterDateGrouping: XName = ...

Represents the autoFilterDateGrouping XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookView

autoFormatId: XName = ...

Represents the autoFormatId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, queryTable, raf

autoLine: XName = ...

Represents the autoLine XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, controlPr, objectPr

autoLoad: XName = ...

Represents the autoLoad XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: oleObject

autoPage: XName = ...

Represents the autoPage XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: consolidation

autoPageBreaks: XName = ...

Represents the autoPageBreaks XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetUpPr

autoPict: XName = ...

Represents the autoPict XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: controlPr, objectPr

autoRecover: XName = ...

Represents the autoRecover XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileRecoveryPr

autoRepublish: XName = ...

Represents the autoRepublish XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishItem, webPublishObject

autoRev: XName = ...

Represents the autoRev XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

autoScale: XName = ...

Represents the autoScale XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr

autoShow: XName = ...

Represents the autoShow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

autoStart: XName = ...

Represents the autoStart XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangePr

autoUpdate: XName = ...

Represents the autoUpdate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

autoUpdateAnimBg: XName = ...

Represents the autoUpdateAnimBg XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bldP

autoformat: XName = ...

Represents the autoformat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: diagram

autolayout: XName = ...

Represents the autolayout XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: diagram

autorotationcenter: XName = ...

Represents the autorotationcenter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

avgSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the avgSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

axis: XName = ...

Represents the axis XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotArea, pivotField, pivotSelection, pivotArea

axisPosition: XName = ...

Represents the axisPosition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataBar

b: XName = ...

Represents the b XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, fillRect, fillToRect, rect, rPr, scrgbClr, srcRect, tcTxStyle, tileRect, backgroundRemoval, rgb, effectExtent, e, m, n, s, t, x

bIns: XName = ...

Represents the bIns XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

backdepth: XName = ...

Represents the backdepth XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

background: XName = ...

Represents the background XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

backgroundQuery: XName = ...

Represents the backgroundQuery XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

backgroundRefresh: XName = ...

Represents the backgroundRefresh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable

backupFile: XName = ...

Represents the backupFile XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

backwards: XName = ...

Represents the backwards XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: iterate

bandCol: XName = ...

Represents the bandCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tblPr

bandRow: XName = ...

Represents the bandRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tblPr

base: XName = ...

Represents the base XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fieldGroup

baseColWidth: XName = ...

Represents the baseColWidth XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetFormatPr

baseField: XName = ...

Represents the baseField XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataField

baseItem: XName = ...

Represents the baseItem XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataField

baseType: XName = ...

Represents the baseType XML name.

baseline: XName = ...

Represents the baseline XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

bc: XName = ...

Represents the bc XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: e, m, n, s, t, x

beginModifierType: XName = ...

Represents the beginModifierType XML name.

behindDoc: XName = ...

Represents the behindDoc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor

bestFit: XName = ...

Represents the bestFit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: col

bg1: XName = ...

Represents the bg1 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

bg2: XName = ...

Represents the bg2 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

bilevel: XName = ...

Represents the bilevel XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: image, imagedata

blackAndWhite: XName = ...

Represents the blackAndWhite XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

blacklevel: XName = ...

Represents the blacklevel XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: image, imagedata

blank: XName = ...

Represents the blank XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filters

bld: XName = ...

Represents the bld XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bldChart, bldDgm, bldDgm, bldOleChart

bldLvl: XName = ...

Represents the bldLvl XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bldP, cTn

bldStep: XName = ...

Represents the bldStep XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: chart, dgm

blend: XName = ...

Represents the blend XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: blend, fillOverlay

blipPhldr: XName = ...

Represents the blipPhldr XML name.

blurRad: XName = ...

Represents the blurRad XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: innerShdw, outerShdw, reflection

bmk: XName = ...

Represents the bmk XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

bmkName: XName = ...

Represents the bmkName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bmkTgt

bookmarkIdSeed: XName = ...

Represents the bookmarkIdSeed XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation

boolean: XName = ...

Represents the boolean XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: parameter

border: XName = ...

Represents the border XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataBar

borderId: XName = ...

Represents the borderId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xf

bottom: XName = ...

Represents the bottom XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, gradientFill, pageMargins, cfRule

boxStyle: XName = ...

Represents the boxStyle XML name.

bright: XName = ...

Represents the bright XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lum, brightnessContrast

brightness: XName = ...

Represents the brightness XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

brushRef: XName = ...

Represents the brushRef XML name.

brushSize: XName = ...

Represents the brushSize XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticPaintBrush, artisticWatercolorSponge

build: XName = ...

Represents the build XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bldP

builtIn: XName = ...

Represents the builtIn XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: snd, wavAudioFile, snd, sndTgt

builtInGroupCount: XName = ...

Represents the builtInGroupCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: functionGroups

builtinId: XName = ...

Represents the builtinId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cellStyle

bw: XName = ...

Represents the bw XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: photoAlbum

bwMode: XName = ...

Represents the bwMode XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: grpSpPr, spPr, contentPart, backgroundPr, bg, grpSpPr, spPr, grpSpPr, spPr

bwNormal: XName = ...

Represents the bwNormal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: backgroundPr

bwPure: XName = ...

Represents the bwPure XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: backgroundPr

bx: XName = ...

Represents the bx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

by: XName = ...

Represents the by XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anim, animRot, cBhvr

byPosition: XName = ...

Represents the byPosition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: reference

c: XName = ...

Represents the c XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: b, d, e, item, m, ms, n, s, sortByTuple, t, tpls, i

ca: XName = ...

Represents the ca XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

cache: XName = ...

Represents the cache XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: slicer, timeline

cacheId: XName = ...

Represents the cacheId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCache, pivotTableDefinition, pivotTableData

cacheIdCreatedVersion: XName = ...

Represents the cacheIdCreatedVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheIdVersion

cacheIdSupportedVersion: XName = ...

Represents the cacheIdSupportedVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheIdVersion

cacheIndex: XName = ...

Represents the cacheIndex XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotArea, pivotArea

calcCompleted: XName = ...

Represents the calcCompleted XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

calcId: XName = ...

Represents the calcId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

calcMode_: XName = ...

Represents the calcMode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

calcOnSave: XName = ...

Represents the calcOnSave XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

calcmode: XName = ...

Represents the calcmode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anim

calculatedColumn: XName = ...

Represents the calculatedColumn XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ignoredError, ignoredError

calculatedMembersInFilters: XName = ...

Represents the calculatedMembersInFilters XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

calendarType: XName = ...

Represents the calendarType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filters

canvasRef: XName = ...

Represents the canvasRef XML name.

canvasTransformRef: XName = ...

Represents the canvasTransformRef XML name.

cap: XName = ...

Represents the cap XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, ln, lnB, lnBlToTr, lnL, lnR, lnT, lnTlToBr, rPr, uLn, hiddenLine, pageField

caption: XName = ...

Represents the caption XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField, cacheHierarchy, dimension, group, groupLevel, kpi, measureGroup, pivotHierarchy, slicer, timeline

caseSensitive: XName = ...

Represents the caseSensitive XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sortState

categoryIdx: XName = ...

Represents the categoryIdx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: chart

categoryName: XName = ...

Represents the categoryName XML name.

cell: XName = ...

Represents the cell XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: parameter, rcmt

cellColor: XName = ...

Represents the cellColor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: colorFilter

cellComments: XName = ...

Represents the cellComments XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

cellMeta: XName = ...

Represents the cellMeta XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

cellRange: XName = ...

Represents the cellRange XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cameraTool

centerVertically: XName = ...

Represents the centerVertically XML name.

centroid: XName = ...

Represents the centroid XML name.

cf: XName = ...

Represents the cf XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: controlPr

cfe: XName = ...

Represents the cfe XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

cff: XName = ...

Represents the cff XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

cfo: XName = ...

Represents the cfo XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

chOrder: XName = ...

Represents the chOrder XML name.

changesSavedWin: XName = ...

Represents the changesSavedWin XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

channel: XName = ...

Represents the channel XML name.

char: XName = ...

Represents the char XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: buChar

characterSet: XName = ...

Represents the characterSet XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, webPublishing, textPr

charset: XName = ...

Represents the charset XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: buFont, cs, ea, latin, sym, font

chart: XName = ...

Represents the chart XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: chartFormat

chartFormat: XName = ...

Represents the chartFormat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

chartTrackingRefBase: XName = ...

Represents the chartTrackingRefBase XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

che: XName = ...

Represents the che XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

checkCompatibility: XName = ...

Represents the checkCompatibility XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

checked: XName = ...

Represents the checked XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

chf: XName = ...

Represents the chf XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

cho: XName = ...

Represents the cho XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

chromakey: XName = ...

Represents the chromakey XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: imagedata

class: XName = ...

Represents the class XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: curve, group, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

classificationOutcomeType: XName = ...

Represents the classificationOutcomeType XML name.

clearAll: XName = ...

Represents the clearAll XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

clearComments: XName = ...

Represents the clearComments XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

clearContents: XName = ...

Represents the clearContents XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

clearFormats: XName = ...

Represents the clearFormats XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

click: XName = ...

Represents the click XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotSelection

clientInsertedTime: XName = ...

Represents the clientInsertedTime XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sldSyncPr

clipped: XName = ...

Represents the clipped XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableField, queryTable

clr: XName = ...

Represents the clr XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

clrIdx: XName = ...

Represents the clrIdx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cmAuthor

clrMode: XName = ...

Represents the clrMode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: prnPr

clrSpc: XName = ...

Represents the clrSpc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: animClr

cm: XName = ...

Represents the cm XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: c, nc, oc

cmd: XName = ...

Represents the cmd XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cmd

cmpd: XName = ...

Represents the cmpd XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ln, lnB, lnBlToTr, lnL, lnR, lnT, lnTlToBr, uLn, hiddenLine

cnt: XName = ...

Represents the cnt XML name.

codeName: XName = ...

Represents the codeName XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileVersion, sheetPr, workbookPr

codePage: XName = ...

Represents the codePage XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, webPublishing, textPr

coerce: XName = ...

Represents the coerce XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

coherent3DOff: XName = ...

Represents the coherent3DOff XML name.

colGrandTotals: XName = ...

Represents the colGrandTotals XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

colHeaderCaption: XName = ...

Represents the colHeaderCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

colHidden: XName = ...

Represents the colHidden XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr

colId: XName = ...

Represents the colId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filterColumn

colPageCount: XName = ...

Represents the colPageCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: location

collapse: XName = ...

Represents the collapse XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sld

collapsed: XName = ...

Represents the collapsed XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: col, row

collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals: XName = ...

Represents the collapsedLevelsAreSubtotals XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotArea, pivotArea

color: XName = ...

Represents the color XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, extrusion, left, right, top, fill, shadow, stroke

color2: XName = ...

Represents the color2 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, fill, shadow, stroke

colorId: XName = ...

Represents the colorId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, sheetView

colorTemp: XName = ...

Represents the colorTemp XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: colorTemperature

colored: XName = ...

Represents the colored XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

colors: XName = ...

Represents the colors XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: colormru, fill

cols: XName = ...

Represents the cols XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: values, values

column: XName = ...

Represents the column XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableSlicerCache

columnCount: XName = ...

Represents the columnCount XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: slicer, tupleSet, pivotTableData

columnSort: XName = ...

Represents the columnSort XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sortState

columnWidthPercent: XName = ...

Represents the columnWidthPercent XML name.

columns: XName = ...

Represents the columns XML name.

comma: XName = ...

Represents the comma XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

command: XName = ...

Represents the command XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dbPr

commandType: XName = ...

Represents the commandType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dbPr

comment: XName = ...

Represents the comment XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName, rdn, scenario, table

compact: XName = ...

Represents the compact XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, pivotTableDefinition

compactData: XName = ...

Represents the compactData XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

compatLnSpc: XName = ...

Represents the compatLnSpc XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

compatMode: XName = ...

Represents the compatMode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation

complete: XName = ...

Represents the complete XML name.

composite: XName = ...

Represents the composite XML name.

concurrent: XName = ...

Represents the concurrent XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: seq

concurrentCalc: XName = ...

Represents the concurrentCalc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

concurrentManualCount: XName = ...

Represents the concurrentManualCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

conformance: XName = ...

Represents the conformance XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation, workbook

connection: XName = ...

Represents the connection XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dbPr, dataFeedPr, modelTable, oledbPr

connectionId: XName = ...

Represents the connectionId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheSource, queryTable, singleXmlCell, table

connectloc: XName = ...

Represents the connectloc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: proxy

connectorLines: XName = ...

Represents the connectorLines XML name.

consecutive: XName = ...

Represents the consecutive XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, webPr, textPr

constrainbounds: XName = ...

Represents the constrainbounds XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: diagram

containsBlank: XName = ...

Represents the containsBlank XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

containsDate: XName = ...

Represents the containsDate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

containsInteger: XName = ...

Represents the containsInteger XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

containsMixedTypes: XName = ...

Represents the containsMixedTypes XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

containsNonDate: XName = ...

Represents the containsNonDate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

containsNumber: XName = ...

Represents the containsNumber XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

containsSemiMixedTypes: XName = ...

Represents the containsSemiMixedTypes XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

containsString: XName = ...

Represents the containsString XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

content: XName = ...

Represents the content XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

contentBits: XName = ...

Represents the contentBits XML name.

contentType: XName = ...

Represents the contentType XML name.

contextRef: XName = ...

Represents the contextRef XML name.

continuation: XName = ...

Represents the continuation XML name.

contourW: XName = ...

Represents the contourW XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sp3d, hiddenSp3d

contrast: XName = ...

Represents the contrast XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lum, brightnessContrast

control1: XName = ...

Represents the control1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: curve

control2: XName = ...

Represents the control2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: curve

coordorigin: XName = ...

Represents the coordorigin XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, group, line, oval, polyline, rect, shape, shapetype

coordsize: XName = ...

Represents the coordsize XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, group, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

copies: XName = ...

Represents the copies XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

copy: XName = ...

Represents the copy XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

count: XName = ...
countASubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the countASubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

countSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the countSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

cp: XName = ...

Represents the cp XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: b, d, e, m, n, s

crackSpacing: XName = ...

Represents the crackSpacing XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticCement

crashSave: XName = ...

Represents the crashSave XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileRecoveryPr

created: XName = ...

Represents the created XML name.

createdVersion: XName = ...

Represents the createdVersion XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition, pivotTableDefinition

credentials: XName = ...

Represents the credentials XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

cropbottom: XName = ...

Represents the cropbottom XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: image, imagedata

cropleft: XName = ...

Represents the cropleft XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: image, imagedata

cropping: XName = ...

Represents the cropping XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock

cropright: XName = ...

Represents the cropright XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: image, imagedata

croptop: XName = ...

Represents the croptop XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: image, imagedata

crossFilter: XName = ...

Represents the crossFilter XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: level, tabular, tableSlicerCache

cryptAlgorithmClass: XName = ...

Represents the cryptAlgorithmClass XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

cryptAlgorithmSid: XName = ...

Represents the cryptAlgorithmSid XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

cryptAlgorithmType: XName = ...

Represents the cryptAlgorithmType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

cryptProvider: XName = ...

Represents the cryptProvider XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

cryptProviderType: XName = ...

Represents the cryptProviderType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

cryptProviderTypeExt: XName = ...

Represents the cryptProviderTypeExt XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

cryptProviderTypeExtSource: XName = ...

Represents the cryptProviderTypeExtSource XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

cs: XName = ...

Represents the cs XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: undo

csCatId: XName = ...

Represents the csCatId XML name.

csTypeId: XName = ...

Represents the csTypeId XML name.

css: XName = ...

Represents the css XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishing

cstate: XName = ...

Represents the cstate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: blip

ct: XName = ...

Represents the ct XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: t

culture: XName = ...

Represents the culture XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: serverFormat, connection

current: XName = ...

Represents the current XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: scenarios

custAng: XName = ...

Represents the custAng XML name.

custFlipHor: XName = ...

Represents the custFlipHor XML name.

custFlipVert: XName = ...

Represents the custFlipVert XML name.

custLinFactNeighborX: XName = ...

Represents the custLinFactNeighborX XML name.

custLinFactNeighborY: XName = ...

Represents the custLinFactNeighborY XML name.

custLinFactX: XName = ...

Represents the custLinFactX XML name.

custLinFactY: XName = ...

Represents the custLinFactY XML name.

custRadScaleInc: XName = ...

Represents the custRadScaleInc XML name.

custRadScaleRad: XName = ...

Represents the custRadScaleRad XML name.

custScaleX: XName = ...

Represents the custScaleX XML name.

custScaleY: XName = ...

Represents the custScaleY XML name.

custSzX: XName = ...

Represents the custSzX XML name.

custSzY: XName = ...

Represents the custSzY XML name.

custT: XName = ...

Represents the custT XML name.

custom: XName = ...

Represents the custom XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: iconSet

customBuiltin: XName = ...

Represents the customBuiltin XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cellStyle

customFormat: XName = ...

Represents the customFormat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: row

customHeight: XName = ...

Represents the customHeight XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: row, sheetFormatPr

customList: XName = ...

Represents the customList XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sortCondition, sortCondition

customListSort: XName = ...

Represents the customListSort XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, tabular, tableSlicerCache

customMenu: XName = ...

Represents the customMenu XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName, rdn

customRecognizerId: XName = ...

Represents the customRecognizerId XML name.

customRollUp: XName = ...

Represents the customRollUp XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: groupLevel

customView: XName = ...

Represents the customView XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

customWidth: XName = ...

Represents the customWidth XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: col

cx: XName = ...

Represents the cx XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: chExt, ext, gridSpacing, notesSz, sldSz, extent

cxnId: XName = ...

Represents the cxnId XML name.

cy: XName = ...

Represents the cy XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: chExt, ext, gridSpacing, notesSz, sldSz, extent

d: XName = ...

Represents the d XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ds, sx, sy, item, rowItem

dT_: XName = ...

Represents the dT XML name.

dashstyle: XName = ...

Represents the dashstyle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

data: XName = ...

Represents the data XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: idmap, pivotSelection

dataBound: XName = ...

Represents the dataBound XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableField

dataCaption: XName = ...

Represents the dataCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

dataCellStyle: XName = ...

Represents the dataCellStyle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table, tableColumn

dataDxfId: XName = ...

Represents the dataDxfId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table, tableColumn

dataExtractLoad: XName = ...

Represents the dataExtractLoad XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileRecoveryPr

dataField: XName = ...

Represents the dataField XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

dataOnRows: XName = ...

Represents the dataOnRows XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

dataOnly: XName = ...

Represents the dataOnly XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotArea, pivotArea

dataPosition: XName = ...

Represents the dataPosition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

dataSourceSort: XName = ...

Represents the dataSourceSort XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

databaseField: XName = ...

Represents the databaseField XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField

date1904: XName = ...

Represents the date1904 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

dateAxis: XName = ...

Represents the dateAxis XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

dateCompatibility: XName = ...

Represents the dateCompatibility XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

dateTime: XName = ...

Represents the dateTime XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: header, userInfo

dateTimeGrouping: XName = ...

Represents the dateTimeGrouping XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dateGroupItem

day: XName = ...

Represents the day XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dateGroupItem

dde: XName = ...

Represents the dde XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: objectPr

ddeService: XName = ...

Represents the ddeService XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ddeLink

ddeTopic: XName = ...

Represents the ddeTopic XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ddeLink

decel: XName = ...

Represents the decel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

decimal: XName = ...

Represents the decimal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

decoupled: XName = ...

Represents the decoupled XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDecoupled

def: XName = ...

Represents the def XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tblStyleLst

defStyle: XName = ...

Represents the defStyle XML name.

defTabSz: XName = ...

Represents the defTabSz XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr

default: XName = ...

Represents the default XML name.

defaultAttributeDrillState: XName = ...

Represents the defaultAttributeDrillState XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

defaultColWidth: XName = ...

Represents the defaultColWidth XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetFormatPr

defaultGridColor: XName = ...

Represents the defaultGridColor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

defaultImageDpi: XName = ...

Represents the defaultImageDpi XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

defaultMemberUniqueName: XName = ...

Represents the defaultMemberUniqueName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

defaultPivotStyle: XName = ...

Represents the defaultPivotStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableStyles

defaultRowHeight: XName = ...

Represents the defaultRowHeight XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetFormatPr

defaultSize: XName = ...

Represents the defaultSize XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, controlPr, objectPr

defaultSlicerStyle: XName = ...

Represents the defaultSlicerStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: slicerStyles

defaultSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the defaultSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

defaultTableStyle: XName = ...

Represents the defaultTableStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableStyles

defaultThemeVersion: XName = ...

Represents the defaultThemeVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

defaultTimelineStyle: XName = ...

Represents the defaultTimelineStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: timelineStyles

degree: XName = ...

Represents the degree XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: gradientFill

del1: XName = ...

Represents the del1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

del2: XName = ...

Represents the del2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

delay: XName = ...

Represents the delay XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cond, endSync

delete: XName = ...

Represents the delete XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

deleteColumns: XName = ...

Represents the deleteColumns XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

deleteRows: XName = ...

Represents the deleteRows XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

deleted: XName = ...

Represents the deleted XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection, inputCells

delimited: XName = ...

Represents the delimited XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

delimiter: XName = ...

Represents the delimiter XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

denormalized: XName = ...

Represents the denormalized XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xmlColumnPr

descender: XName = ...

Represents the descender XML name.

descending: XName = ...

Represents the descending XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sortCondition, sortCondition

descr: XName = ...

Represents the descr XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cNvPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, docPr, cNvPr, cNvPr

description: XName = ...

Represents the description XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection, definedName, filter, rdn

destId: XName = ...

Represents the destId XML name.

destOrd: XName = ...

Represents the destOrd XML name.

destination: XName = ...

Represents the destination XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rm

destinationFile: XName = ...

Represents the destinationFile XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishItem, webPublishObject

detail: XName = ...

Represents the detail XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticPhotocopy

dgmbasetextscale: XName = ...

Represents the dgmbasetextscale XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: diagram

dgmfontsize: XName = ...

Represents the dgmfontsize XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: diagram

dgmscalex: XName = ...

Represents the dgmscalex XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: diagram

dgmscaley: XName = ...

Represents the dgmscaley XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: diagram

dgmstyle: XName = ...

Represents the dgmstyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: diagram

diagonalDown: XName = ...

Represents the diagonalDown XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: border

diagonalUp: XName = ...

Represents the diagonalUp XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: border

differentFirst: XName = ...

Represents the differentFirst XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headerFooter

differentOddEven: XName = ...

Represents the differentOddEven XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headerFooter

diffusity: XName = ...

Represents the diffusity XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

dimension: XName = ...

Represents the dimension XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: map, pivotSelection

dimensionUniqueName: XName = ...

Represents the dimensionUniqueName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

dir: XName = ...

Represents the dir XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: innerShdw, lightRig, outerShdw, prstShdw, reflection, animClr, blinds, checker, comb, cover, pull, push, randomBar, split, strips, wipe, zoom, conveyor, doors, ferris, flip, flythrough, gallery, glitter, pan, prism, reveal, ripple, shred, switch, vortex, warp, window

direction: XName = ...

Represents the direction XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataBar

dirty: XName = ...

Represents the dirty XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

disableEdit: XName = ...

Represents the disableEdit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable

disableFieldList: XName = ...

Represents the disableFieldList XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

disablePrompts: XName = ...

Represents the disablePrompts XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidations, dataValidations

disableRefresh: XName = ...

Represents the disableRefresh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable

disabled: XName = ...

Represents the disabled XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, controlPr, objectPr

discardImageEditData: XName = ...

Represents the discardImageEditData XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

disjunction_type: XName = ...

Represents the disjunction-type XML name.

diskRevisions: XName = ...

Represents the diskRevisions XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

display: XName = ...

Represents the display XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn, hyperlink

displayEmptyCellsAs: XName = ...

Represents the displayEmptyCellsAs XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

displayFolder: XName = ...

Represents the displayFolder XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy, kpi, calculatedMember

displayHidden: XName = ...

Represents the displayHidden XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

displayName: XName = ...

Represents the displayName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

displayXAxis: XName = ...

Represents the displayXAxis XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

dist: XName = ...

Represents the dist XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: innerShdw, outerShdw, prstShdw, reflection

distB: XName = ...

Represents the distB XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor, inline, wrapSquare, wrapTopAndBottom

distL: XName = ...

Represents the distL XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor, inline, wrapSquare, wrapThrough, wrapTight

distR: XName = ...

Represents the distR XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor, inline, wrapSquare, wrapThrough, wrapTight

distT: XName = ...

Represents the distT XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor, inline, wrapSquare, wrapTopAndBottom

distance: XName = ...

Represents the distance XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout

divId: XName = ...

Represents the divId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishItem, webPublishObject

dn: XName = ...

Represents the dn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: undo

dockstate: XName = ...

Represents the dockstate XML name.

documentID: XName = ...

Represents the documentID XML name.

done: XName = ...

Represents the done XML name.

double: XName = ...

Represents the double XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: parameter

dpi: XName = ...

Represents the dpi XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: blipFill, blipFill, webPublishing

dr: XName = ...

Represents the dr XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: undo

draft: XName = ...

Represents the draft XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

dragOff: XName = ...

Represents the dragOff XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, pivotHierarchy

dragToCol: XName = ...

Represents the dragToCol XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, pivotHierarchy

dragToData: XName = ...

Represents the dragToData XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, pivotHierarchy

dragToPage: XName = ...

Represents the dragToPage XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, pivotHierarchy

dragToRow: XName = ...

Represents the dragToRow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, pivotHierarchy

drillThrough: XName = ...

Represents the drillThrough XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable

drop: XName = ...

Represents the drop XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout

dropLines: XName = ...

Represents the dropLines XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

dropStyle: XName = ...

Represents the dropStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

dropauto: XName = ...

Represents the dropauto XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout

dt: XName = ...

Represents the dt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cm, hf

dt2D: XName = ...

Represents the dt2D XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

dtr: XName = ...

Represents the dtr XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

dueDate: XName = ...

Represents the dueDate XML name.

dur: XName = ...

Represents the dur XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

duration: XName = ...

Represents the duration XML name.

dvAspect: XName = ...

Represents the dvAspect XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: oleObject

dx: XName = ...

Represents the dx XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: norm, up, formControlPr

dxf: XName = ...

Represents the dxf XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc

dxfId_: XName = ...

Represents the dxfId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, colorFilter, format, sortCondition, tableStyleElement, slicerStyleElement, sortCondition, timelineStyleElement

dxfid: XName = ...

Represents the dxfid XML name.

dy: XName = ...

Represents the dy XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: norm, up

dynamicSet: XName = ...

Represents the dynamicSet XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calculatedMember

dz: XName = ...

Represents the dz XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: norm, up

e: XName = ...

Represents the e XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: item

eaLnBrk: XName = ...

Represents the eaLnBrk XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr

eb: XName = ...

Represents the eb XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rPh

edge: XName = ...

Represents the edge XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion, rrc

edit: XName = ...

Represents the edit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

editAs_: XName = ...

Represents the editAs XML name.

editData: XName = ...

Represents the editData XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

editPage: XName = ...

Represents the editPage XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

editVal: XName = ...

Represents the editVal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

editas: XName = ...

Represents the editas XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: group

edited: XName = ...

Represents the edited XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: wrapPolygon

embedTrueTypeFonts: XName = ...

Represents the embedTrueTypeFonts XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation

embeddedDataId: XName = ...

Represents the embeddedDataId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

embeddedHtml: XName = ...

Represents the embeddedHtml XML name.

embosscolor: XName = ...

Represents the embosscolor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: imagedata

emptyCellReference: XName = ...

Represents the emptyCellReference XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ignoredError, ignoredError

enableDrill: XName = ...

Represents the enableDrill XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

enableEdit: XName = ...

Represents the enableEdit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

enableFieldProperties: XName = ...

Represents the enableFieldProperties XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

enableFormatConditionsCalculation: XName = ...

Represents the enableFormatConditionsCalculation XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetPr

enableRefresh: XName = ...

Represents the enableRefresh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

enableWizard: XName = ...

Represents the enableWizard XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

enabled: XName = ...

Represents the enabled XML name.

encoding: XName = ...

Represents the encoding XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

end: XName = ...

Represents the end XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnDERefs, proxy, charRg, pRg, sldRg, trim

endA: XName = ...

Represents the endA XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: reflection

endDate: XName = ...

Represents the endDate XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangePr, bounds, selection

endModifierType: XName = ...

Represents the endModifierType XML name.

endNum: XName = ...

Represents the endNum XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangePr

endOfListFormulaUpdate: XName = ...

Represents the endOfListFormulaUpdate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc

endPos: XName = ...

Represents the endPos XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: reflection

endSnd: XName = ...

Represents the endSnd XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hlinkClick, hlinkHover, hlinkMouseOver

endangle: XName = ...

Represents the endangle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc

endarrow: XName = ...

Represents the endarrow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

endarrowlength: XName = ...

Represents the endarrowlength XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

endarrowwidth: XName = ...

Represents the endarrowwidth XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

endcap: XName = ...

Represents the endcap XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

eol: XName = ...

Represents the eol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rrc

eqn: XName = ...

Represents the eqn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

equalAverage: XName = ...

Represents the equalAverage XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, cfRule

equationxml: XName = ...

Represents the equationxml XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: shape

err: XName = ...

Represents the err XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

error: XName = ...

Represents the error XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, dataValidation

errorCaption: XName = ...

Represents the errorCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

errorStyle: XName = ...

Represents the errorStyle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, dataValidation

errorTitle: XName = ...

Represents the errorTitle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, dataValidation

errors: XName = ...

Represents the errors XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

evalError: XName = ...

Represents the evalError XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ignoredError, ignoredError

evalOrder: XName = ...

Represents the evalOrder XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filter

evt: XName = ...

Represents the evt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cond, endSync

evtFilter: XName = ...

Represents the evtFilter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

excludeFromRefreshAll: XName = ...

Represents the excludeFromRefreshAll XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

exclusive: XName = ...

Represents the exclusive XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

exp: XName = ...

Represents the exp XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: undo

expand: XName = ...

Represents the expand XML name.

extendable: XName = ...

Represents the extendable XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotSelection

extrusionH: XName = ...

Represents the extrusionH XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sp3d, hiddenSp3d

extrusionOk: XName = ...

Represents the extrusionOk XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

extrusioncolor: XName = ...

Represents the extrusioncolor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: colormenu

f: XName = ...

Represents the f XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: b, d, e, item, m, mdx, n, s

fLocksText: XName = ...

Represents the fLocksText XML name.

fLocksWithSheet: XName = ...

Represents the fLocksWithSheet XML name.

fPrintsWithSheet: XName = ...

Represents the fPrintsWithSheet XML name.

fPublished: XName = ...

Represents the fPublished XML name.

facet: XName = ...

Represents the facet XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

fact: XName = ...

Represents the fact XML name.

fadeDir: XName = ...

Represents the fadeDir XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: reflection

fc: XName = ...

Represents the fc XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: e, m, n, s, t, x

fi: XName = ...

Represents the fi XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: t

field: XName = ...

Represents the field XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calculatedItem, mp, pivotArea, reference, pivotArea

fieldId: XName = ...

Represents the fieldId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rqt

fieldIdWrapped: XName = ...

Represents the fieldIdWrapped XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableRefresh

fieldListSortAscending: XName = ...

Represents the fieldListSortAscending XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

fieldPosition: XName = ...

Represents the fieldPosition XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotArea, pivotArea

fieldPrintTitles: XName = ...

Represents the fieldPrintTitles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

fileType: XName = ...

Represents the fileType XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

fill: XName = ...

Represents the fill XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path, shapedefaults, cTn, background

fillDownLabels: XName = ...

Represents the fillDownLabels XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

fillDownLabelsDefault: XName = ...

Represents the fillDownLabelsDefault XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

fillFormulas: XName = ...

Represents the fillFormulas XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable, queryTableField

fillId: XName = ...

Represents the fillId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xf

fillcolor: XName = ...

Represents the fillcolor XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: colormenu, shapedefaults, arc, background, curve, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

filled: XName = ...

Represents the filled XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

fillok: XName = ...

Represents the fillok XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

filltype: XName = ...

Represents the filltype XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

filter: XName = ...

Represents the filter XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: animEffect, customSheetView

filterId: XName = ...

Represents the filterId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: state

filterMode: XName = ...

Represents the filterMode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetPr

filterPivotName: XName = ...

Represents the filterPivotName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: state

filterPrivacy: XName = ...

Represents the filterPrivacy XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

filterTabId: XName = ...

Represents the filterTabId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: state

filterType: XName = ...

Represents the filterType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: state

filterUnique: XName = ...

Represents the filterUnique XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView

filterVal: XName = ...

Represents the filterVal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: top10

final: XName = ...

Represents the final XML name.

first: XName = ...

Represents the first XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: main, sparklineGroup

firstBackgroundRefresh: XName = ...

Represents the firstBackgroundRefresh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable

firstButton: XName = ...

Represents the firstButton XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

firstCol: XName = ...

Represents the firstCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tblPr

firstColumnMaxWidth: XName = ...

Represents the firstColumnMaxWidth XML name.

firstColumnMinWidth: XName = ...

Represents the firstColumnMinWidth XML name.

firstDataCol: XName = ...

Represents the firstDataCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: location

firstDataRow: XName = ...

Represents the firstDataRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: location

firstHeaderRow: XName = ...

Represents the firstHeaderRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: location

firstPageNumber: XName = ...

Represents the firstPageNumber XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

firstRow: XName = ...

Represents the firstRow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tblPr, textPr, webPr, textPr

firstSheet: XName = ...

Represents the firstSheet XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookView

firstSlideNum: XName = ...

Represents the firstSlideNum XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation

fitToHeight: XName = ...

Represents the fitToHeight XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

fitToPage: XName = ...

Represents the fitToPage XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, pageSetUpPr

fitToWidth: XName = ...

Represents the fitToWidth XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

fitpath: XName = ...

Represents the fitpath XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textpath

fitshape: XName = ...

Represents the fitshape XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textpath

flattenHierarchies: XName = ...

Represents the flattenHierarchies XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy, calculatedMember

fld: XName = ...

Represents the fld XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataField, filter, pageField, tpl

flip: XName = ...

Represents the flip XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: gradFill, tile

flipH: XName = ...

Represents the flipH XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm

flipV: XName = ...

Represents the flipV XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm

fmla: XName = ...

Represents the fmla XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: gd, tav

fmlaGroup: XName = ...

Represents the fmlaGroup XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

fmlaLink: XName = ...

Represents the fmlaLink XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

fmlaRange: XName = ...

Represents the fmlaRange XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

fmlaTxbx: XName = ...

Represents the fmlaTxbx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

fmtid: XName = ...

Represents the fmtid XML name.

focus: XName = ...

Represents the focus XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fill

focusposition: XName = ...

Represents the focusposition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fill

focussize: XName = ...

Represents the focussize XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fill

folHlink: XName = ...

Represents the folHlink XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

followColorScheme: XName = ...

Represents the followColorScheme XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: embed

fontAlgn: XName = ...

Represents the fontAlgn XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr

fontId: XName = ...

Represents the fontId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: phoneticPr, xf

fontScale: XName = ...

Represents the fontScale XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: normAutofit

footer: XName = ...

Represents the footer XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageMargins

for: XName = ...

Represents the for XML name.

forName: XName = ...

Represents the forName XML name.

forceAA: XName = ...

Represents the forceAA XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

forceFullCalc: XName = ...

Represents the forceFullCalc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

foredepth: XName = ...

Represents the foredepth XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

format: XName = ...

Represents the format XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: chartFormat, serverFormat

formatCells: XName = ...

Represents the formatCells XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

formatCode: XName = ...

Represents the formatCode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: numFmt

formatColumns: XName = ...

Represents the formatColumns XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

formatIdx: XName = ...

Represents the formatIdx XML name.

formatRows: XName = ...

Represents the formatRows XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

formula: XName = ...

Represents the formula XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField, calculatedItem, ignoredError, ignoredError

formulaRange: XName = ...

Represents the formulaRange XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ignoredError, ignoredError

fov: XName = ...

Represents the fov XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: camera

frame: XName = ...

Represents the frame XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: photoAlbum

frameSlides: XName = ...

Represents the frameSlides XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: prnPr

from: XName = ...

Represents the from XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anim, animRot, cBhvr, curve, line

fromColumn: XName = ...

Represents the fromColumn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modelRelationship

fromTable: XName = ...

Represents the fromTable XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modelRelationship

fromWordArt: XName = ...

Represents the fromWordArt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

frozen: XName = ...

Represents the frozen XML name.

ftr: XName = ...

Represents the ftr XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hf

fullCalcOnLoad: XName = ...

Represents the fullCalcOnLoad XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr, sheetCalcPr

fullPrecision: XName = ...

Represents the fullPrecision XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

fullScrn: XName = ...

Represents the fullScrn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: video

func: XName = ...

Represents the func XML name.

function: XName = ...

Represents the function XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataConsolidate, definedName, rdn

functionGroupId: XName = ...

Represents the functionGroupId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName, rdn

g: XName = ...

Represents the g XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: scrgbClr, rgb

gain: XName = ...

Represents the gain XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: image, imagedata

gamma: XName = ...

Represents the gamma XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: image, imagedata

gap: XName = ...

Represents the gap XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout

gapWidth: XName = ...

Represents the gapWidth XML name.

gdRefAng: XName = ...

Represents the gdRefAng XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahPolar

gdRefR: XName = ...

Represents the gdRefR XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahPolar

gdRefX: XName = ...

Represents the gdRefX XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahXY

gdRefY: XName = ...

Represents the gdRefY XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahXY

getAltText: XName = ...

Represents the getAltText XML name.

getContent: XName = ...

Represents the getContent XML name.

getDescription: XName = ...

Represents the getDescription XML name.

getEnabled: XName = ...

Represents the getEnabled XML name.

getHelperText: XName = ...

Represents the getHelperText XML name.

getImage: XName = ...

Represents the getImage XML name.

getItemCount: XName = ...

Represents the getItemCount XML name.

getItemHeight: XName = ...

Represents the getItemHeight XML name.

getItemID: XName = ...

Represents the getItemID XML name.

getItemImage: XName = ...

Represents the getItemImage XML name.

getItemLabel: XName = ...

Represents the getItemLabel XML name.

getItemScreentip: XName = ...

Represents the getItemScreentip XML name.

getItemSupertip: XName = ...

Represents the getItemSupertip XML name.

getItemWidth: XName = ...

Represents the getItemWidth XML name.

getKeytip: XName = ...

Represents the getKeytip XML name.

getLabel: XName = ...

Represents the getLabel XML name.

getPressed: XName = ...

Represents the getPressed XML name.

getScreentip: XName = ...

Represents the getScreentip XML name.

getSelectedItemID: XName = ...

Represents the getSelectedItemID XML name.

getSelectedItemIndex: XName = ...

Represents the getSelectedItemIndex XML name.

getShowImage: XName = ...

Represents the getShowImage XML name.

getShowLabel: XName = ...

Represents the getShowLabel XML name.

getSize: XName = ...

Represents the getSize XML name.

getStyle: XName = ...

Represents the getStyle XML name.

getSupertip: XName = ...

Represents the getSupertip XML name.

getTarget: XName = ...

Represents the getTarget XML name.

getText: XName = ...

Represents the getText XML name.

getTitle: XName = ...

Represents the getTitle XML name.

getVisible: XName = ...

Represents the getVisible XML name.

ghostCol: XName = ...

Represents the ghostCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

ghostRow: XName = ...

Represents the ghostRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

goal: XName = ...

Represents the goal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: kpi

gradient: XName = ...

Represents the gradient XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataBar

gradientshapeok: XName = ...

Represents the gradientshapeok XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

grainSize: XName = ...

Represents the grainSize XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticFilmGrain

grandCol: XName = ...

Represents the grandCol XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotArea, pivotArea

grandRow: XName = ...

Represents the grandRow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotArea, pivotArea

grandTotalCaption: XName = ...

Represents the grandTotalCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

grayscale: XName = ...

Represents the grayscale XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: image, imagedata

gridDropZones: XName = ...

Represents the gridDropZones XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

gridLines: XName = ...

Represents the gridLines XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: printOptions

gridLinesSet: XName = ...

Represents the gridLinesSet XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: printOptions

gridSize: XName = ...

Represents the gridSize XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticLightScreen

gridSpan: XName = ...

Represents the gridSpan XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tc

group: XName = ...

Represents the group XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: groupMember

groupBy: XName = ...

Represents the groupBy XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangePr

groupInterval: XName = ...

Represents the groupInterval XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangePr

grouping: XName = ...

Represents the grouping XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock

grow: XName = ...

Represents the grow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: blur

growShrinkType: XName = ...

Represents the growShrinkType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable

grpId: XName = ...

Represents the grpId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bldDgm, bldGraphic, bldOleChart, bldP, cTn

gte: XName = ...

Represents the gte XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfvo, cfvo

guid: XName = ...

Represents the guid XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: comment, customSheetView, customWorkbookView, header, headers, rcmt, rcv, userInfo

h: XName = ...

Represents the h XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bevel, bevelB, bevelT, path, tr, hsl, item

hMerge: XName = ...

Represents the hMerge XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tc

hR: XName = ...

Represents the hR XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arcTo

hangingPunct: XName = ...

Represents the hangingPunct XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr

hasBounce: XName = ...

Represents the hasBounce XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: flythrough

hasCustomPrompt: XName = ...

Represents the hasCustomPrompt XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ph

hashData: XName = ...

Represents the hashData XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

hashValue: XName = ...

Represents the hashValue XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier, fileSharing, protectedRange, sheetProtection, protectedRange

hdr: XName = ...

Represents the hdr XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hf

header: XName = ...

Represents the header XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageMargins

headerRowBorderDxfId: XName = ...

Represents the headerRowBorderDxfId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

headerRowCellStyle: XName = ...

Represents the headerRowCellStyle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table, tableColumn

headerRowCount: XName = ...

Represents the headerRowCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

headerRowDxfId: XName = ...

Represents the headerRowDxfId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table, tableColumn

headers: XName = ...

Represents the headers XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable, modelTextPr

headersInLastRefresh: XName = ...

Represents the headersInLastRefresh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableRefresh

headings: XName = ...

Represents the headings XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: printOptions

height: XName = ...

Represents the height XML name.

help: XName = ...

Represents the help XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName, rdn

helperText: XName = ...

Represents the helperText XML name.

hidden: XName = ...

Represents the hidden XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cNvPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, anchor, docPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, cacheHierarchy, cellStyle, col, definedName, protection, rdn, row, scenario

hiddenButton: XName = ...

Represents the hiddenButton XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filterColumn

hiddenColumn: XName = ...

Represents the hiddenColumn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcmt

hiddenColumns: XName = ...

Represents the hiddenColumns XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView

hiddenLevel: XName = ...

Represents the hiddenLevel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

hiddenRow: XName = ...

Represents the hiddenRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcmt

hiddenRows: XName = ...

Represents the hiddenRows XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView

hiddenSlides: XName = ...

Represents the hiddenSlides XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: prnPr

hideGeom: XName = ...

Represents the hideGeom XML name.

hideLastTrans: XName = ...

Represents the hideLastTrans XML name.

hideNewItems: XName = ...

Represents the hideNewItems XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

hidePivotFieldList: XName = ...

Represents the hidePivotFieldList XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

hideValuesRow: XName = ...

Represents the hideValuesRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

hier: XName = ...

Represents the hier XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageField, tpl

hierarchizeDistinct: XName = ...

Represents the hierarchizeDistinct XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy, calculatedMember

hierarchy: XName = ...

Represents the hierarchy XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField, calculatedMember, setLevel

hierarchyName: XName = ...

Represents the hierarchyName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: header

hierarchyUsage: XName = ...

Represents the hierarchyUsage XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: colHierarchyUsage, rowHierarchyUsage

high: XName = ...

Represents the high XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

highlightClick: XName = ...

Represents the highlightClick XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hlinkClick, hlinkHover, hlinkMouseOver

history: XName = ...

Represents the history XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hlinkClick, hlinkHover, hlinkMouseOver, headers

hlink: XName = ...

Represents the hlink XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

horiz: XName = ...

Represents the horiz XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

horizontal: XName = ...

Represents the horizontal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alignment

horizontalCentered: XName = ...

Represents the horizontalCentered XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: printOptions

horizontalDpi: XName = ...

Represents the horizontalDpi XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

horzBarState: XName = ...

Represents the horzBarState XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: normalViewPr

horzOverflow: XName = ...

Represents the horzOverflow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, tcPr, bodyPr

hotPoints: XName = ...

Represents the hotPoints XML name.

hour: XName = ...

Represents the hour XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dateGroupItem

how: XName = ...

Represents the how XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: r

href: XName = ...

Represents the href XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, group, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

ht: XName = ...

Represents the ht XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: row

htmlFormat: XName = ...

Represents the htmlFormat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

htmlTables: XName = ...

Represents the htmlTables XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

hue: XName = ...

Represents the hue XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hsl, hslClr, tint

hueDir: XName = ...

Represents the hueDir XML name.

i: XName = ...

Represents the i XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr, tcTxStyle, ink, c, e, i, m, n, s, t, c, x

i1: XName = ...

Represents the i1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangeSet

i2: XName = ...

Represents the i2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangeSet

i3: XName = ...

Represents the i3 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangeSet

i4: XName = ...

Represents the i4 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangeSet

iLevel: XName = ...

Represents the iLevel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cellStyle

iMeasureFld: XName = ...

Represents the iMeasureFld XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filter

iMeasureHier: XName = ...

Represents the iMeasureHier XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filter

icon: XName = ...

Represents the icon XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: oleItem, oleItem

iconId: XName = ...

Represents the iconId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: iconFilter, sortCondition, cfIcon, iconFilter, sortCondition

iconSet: XName = ...

Represents the iconSet XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy, iconFilter, iconSet, sortCondition, cfIcon, iconFilter, iconSet, sortCondition

id: XName = ...
idMso: XName = ...

Represents the idMso XML name.

idQ: XName = ...

Represents the idQ XML name.

idcntr: XName = ...

Represents the idcntr XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rel

iddest: XName = ...

Represents the iddest XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rel

idref: XName = ...

Represents the idref XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: proxy, r

idsrc: XName = ...

Represents the idsrc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rel

idx: XName = ...

Represents the idx XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: effectRef, endCxn, fillRef, fontRef, lnRef, stCxn, bgRef, cm, ph, parentCm

ignore: XName = ...

Represents the ignore XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField, cacheHierarchy, pivotField, pivotHierarchy

image: XName = ...

Represents the image XML name.

imageMso: XName = ...

Represents the imageMso XML name.

imagealignshape: XName = ...

Represents the imagealignshape XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

imageaspect: XName = ...

Represents the imageaspect XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

imagesize: XName = ...

Represents the imagesize XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

imeMode: XName = ...

Represents the imeMode XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, dataValidation

imgH: XName = ...

Represents the imgH XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: control, oleObj

imgSz: XName = ...

Represents the imgSz XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

imgW: XName = ...

Represents the imgW XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: control, oleObj

immersive: XName = ...

Represents the immersive XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

in: XName = ...

Represents the in XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fade, e, m, n, s, x

inc: XName = ...

Represents the inc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

includeHiddenRowCol: XName = ...

Represents the includeHiddenRowCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

includeNewItemsInFilter: XName = ...

Represents the includeNewItemsInFilter XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, pivotHierarchy

includePrintSettings: XName = ...

Represents the includePrintSettings XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

indent: XName = ...

Represents the indent XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr, alignment, pivotTableDefinition

index: XName = ...

Represents the index XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: undo, argumentDescription, cachedUniqueName

indexed: XName = ...

Represents the indexed XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bgColor, color, fgColor, tabColor, axisColor, borderColor, color, colorAxis, colorFirst, colorHigh, colorLast, colorLow, colorMarkers, colorNegative, colorSeries, fillColor, negativeBorderColor, negativeFillColor

initial: XName = ...

Represents the initial XML name.

initials: XName = ...

Represents the initials XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cmAuthor

inkSourceRef: XName = ...

Represents the inkSourceRef XML name.

insertAfterMso: XName = ...

Represents the insertAfterMso XML name.

insertAfterQ: XName = ...

Represents the insertAfterQ XML name.

insertBeforeMso: XName = ...

Represents the insertBeforeMso XML name.

insertBeforeQ: XName = ...

Represents the insertBeforeQ XML name.

insertBlankRow: XName = ...

Represents the insertBlankRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

insertColumns: XName = ...

Represents the insertColumns XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

insertHyperlinks: XName = ...

Represents the insertHyperlinks XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

insertPageBreak: XName = ...

Represents the insertPageBreak XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

insertRow: XName = ...

Represents the insertRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

insertRowShift: XName = ...

Represents the insertRowShift XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

insertRows: XName = ...

Represents the insertRows XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

inset: XName = ...

Represents the inset XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textbox

insetpen: XName = ...

Represents the insetpen XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, arc, curve, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype, stroke

insetpenok: XName = ...

Represents the insetpenok XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

integer: XName = ...

Represents the integer XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: parameter

intensity: XName = ...

Represents the intensity XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticGlowDiffused, artisticPaintStrokes

intermediate: XName = ...

Represents the intermediate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable

interpolation: XName = ...

Represents the interpolation XML name.

interval: XName = ...

Represents the interval XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

intervalClosed: XName = ...

Represents the intervalClosed XML name.

invX_: XName = ...

Represents the invX XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: prstTrans

invY_: XName = ...

Represents the invY XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: prstTrans

invalEndChars: XName = ...

Represents the invalEndChars XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: kinsoku

invalStChars: XName = ...

Represents the invalStChars XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: kinsoku

invalid: XName = ...

Represents the invalid XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

invalidUrl: XName = ...

Represents the invalidUrl XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hlinkClick, hlinkHover, hlinkMouseOver

invalidateContentOnDrop: XName = ...

Represents the invalidateContentOnDrop XML name.

invertible: XName = ...

Represents the invertible XML name.

invx: XName = ...

Represents the invx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: h

invy: XName = ...

Represents the invy XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: h

isActiveX: XName = ...

Represents the isActiveX XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: objectPr

isComment: XName = ...

Represents the isComment XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cNvContentPartPr, cNvContentPartPr, cNvContentPartPr

isContent: XName = ...

Represents the isContent XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: prism

isCountDistinct: XName = ...

Represents the isCountDistinct XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataField

isDefinitive: XName = ...

Represents the isDefinitive XML name.

isInverted: XName = ...

Represents the isInverted XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: prism

isLegacyGroup: XName = ...

Represents the isLegacyGroup XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: nonVisualGroupProps

isNarration: XName = ...

Represents the isNarration XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: audio

isPhoto: XName = ...

Represents the isPhoto XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: nvPr, nvPr

isSignatureLine_: XName = ...

Represents the isSignatureLine XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

issignatureline: XName = ...

Represents the issignatureline XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureline

item: XName = ...

Represents the item XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageField, tpl

itemHeight: XName = ...

Represents the itemHeight XML name.

itemPageCount: XName = ...

Represents the itemPageCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

itemPrintTitles: XName = ...

Represents the itemPrintTitles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

itemSize: XName = ...

Represents the itemSize XML name.

itemWidth: XName = ...

Represents the itemWidth XML name.

iterate: XName = ...

Represents the iterate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

iterateCount: XName = ...

Represents the iterateCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

iterateDelta: XName = ...

Represents the iterateDelta XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

joinstyle: XName = ...

Represents the joinstyle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

justLastX: XName = ...

Represents the justLastX XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, formControlPr

justifyLastLine: XName = ...

Represents the justifyLastLine XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alignment

keepAlive: XName = ...

Represents the keepAlive XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

keepChangeHistory: XName = ...

Represents the keepChangeHistory XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

kern: XName = ...

Represents the kern XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

keyAttribute: XName = ...

Represents the keyAttribute XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

keytip: XName = ...

Represents the keytip XML name.

kumimoji: XName = ...

Represents the kumimoji XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

kx: XName = ...

Represents the kx XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: outerShdw, reflection, xfrm

ky: XName = ...

Represents the ky XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: outerShdw, reflection, xfrm

l: XName = ...

Represents the l XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fillRect, fillToRect, rect, srcRect, tileRect, backgroundRemoval, hsl, effectExtent, c

lBound: XName = ...

Represents the lBound XML name.

lIns: XName = ...

Represents the lIns XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

label: XName = ...

Represents the label XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotSelection

labelOnly: XName = ...

Represents the labelOnly XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotArea, pivotArea

lang: XName = ...

Represents the lang XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr, kinsoku

last: XName = ...

Represents the last XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

lastClr: XName = ...

Represents the lastClr XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sysClr

lastCol: XName = ...

Represents the lastCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tblPr

lastEdited: XName = ...

Represents the lastEdited XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileVersion

lastGuid: XName = ...

Represents the lastGuid XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

lastIdx: XName = ...

Represents the lastIdx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cmAuthor

lastRefreshVersion: XName = ...

Represents the lastRefreshVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: state

lastRow: XName = ...

Represents the lastRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tblPr

lastView: XName = ...

Represents the lastView XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: viewPr

lat: XName = ...

Represents the lat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rot

latinLnBrk: XName = ...

Represents the latinLnBrk XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr

layout: XName = ...

Represents the layout XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: photoAlbum

layoutChildren: XName = ...

Represents the layoutChildren XML name.

layoutId: XName = ...

Represents the layoutId XML name.

layoutInCell: XName = ...

Represents the layoutInCell XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor

leadZeros: XName = ...

Represents the leadZeros XML name.

left: XName = ...

Represents the left XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: gradientFill, pageMargins

leftLabels: XName = ...

Represents the leftLabels XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataConsolidate

len: XName = ...

Represents the len XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headEnd, tailEnd

length_: XName = ...

Represents the length XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout, rfmt

lengthspecified: XName = ...

Represents the lengthspecified XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout

level: XName = ...

Represents the level XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField, members, mp, slicer, timeline

lfe: XName = ...

Represents the lfe XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

lff: XName = ...

Represents the lff XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

lfo: XName = ...

Represents the lfo XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

lhe: XName = ...

Represents the lhe XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

lhf: XName = ...

Represents the lhf XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

lho: XName = ...

Represents the lho XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

lightface: XName = ...

Represents the lightface XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

lightharsh: XName = ...

Represents the lightharsh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

lightharsh2: XName = ...

Represents the lightharsh2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

lightlevel: XName = ...

Represents the lightlevel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

lightlevel2: XName = ...

Represents the lightlevel2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

lightposition: XName = ...

Represents the lightposition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

lightposition2: XName = ...

Represents the lightposition2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

likes: XName = ...

Represents the likes XML name.

lim: XName = ...

Represents the lim XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: miter

limo: XName = ...

Represents the limo XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

lineWeight: XName = ...

Represents the lineWeight XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

linestyle: XName = ...

Represents the linestyle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

link: XName = ...

Represents the link XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataConsolidate, oleObject

linkTarget: XName = ...

Represents the linkTarget XML name.

linkType: XName = ...

Represents the linkType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: objectPr

linkedCell: XName = ...

Represents the linkedCell XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: controlPr

listDataValidation: XName = ...

Represents the listDataValidation XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ignoredError, ignoredError

listFillRange: XName = ...

Represents the listFillRange XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: controlPr

lkTxEntry: XName = ...

Represents the lkTxEntry XML name.

lnSpcReduction: XName = ...

Represents the lnSpcReduction XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: normAutofit

loCatId: XName = ...

Represents the loCatId XML name.

loTypeId: XName = ...

Represents the loTypeId XML name.

loadImage: XName = ...

Represents the loadImage XML name.

local: XName = ...

Represents the local XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olapPr

localConnection: XName = ...

Represents the localConnection XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olapPr

localRefresh: XName = ...

Represents the localRefresh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olapPr

localSheetId: XName = ...

Represents the localSheetId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName, rdn

location: XName = ...

Represents the location XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hyperlink

lockRevision: XName = ...

Represents the lockRevision XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

lockStructure: XName = ...

Represents the lockStructure XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

lockText: XName = ...

Represents the lockText XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, formControlPr

lockWindows: XName = ...

Represents the lockWindows XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

locked: XName = ...

Represents the locked XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor, commentPr, controlPr, objectPr, protection, scenario

lockedPosition: XName = ...

Represents the lockedPosition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: slicer

lockrotationcenter: XName = ...

Represents the lockrotationcenter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

lon: XName = ...

Represents the lon XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rot

longFileNames: XName = ...

Represents the longFileNames XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishing

longText: XName = ...

Represents the longText XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

loop: XName = ...

Represents the loop XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: showPr, stSnd

low: XName = ...

Represents the low XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

lowestEdited: XName = ...

Represents the lowestEdited XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileVersion

lum: XName = ...

Represents the lum XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hsl, hslClr

lvl: XName = ...

Represents the lvl XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr, oleChartEl, tmpl

m: XName = ...

Represents the m XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: item

macro: XName = ...

Represents the macro XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: controlPr, objectPr

majorUnit: XName = ...

Represents the majorUnit XML name.

man: XName = ...

Represents the man XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: brk

manualBreakCount: XName = ...

Represents the manualBreakCount XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: colBreaks, rowBreaks

manualMax: XName = ...

Represents the manualMax XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

manualMin: XName = ...

Represents the manualMin XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

manufacturer: XName = ...

Represents the manufacturer XML name.

map: XName = ...

Represents the map XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: h

mapId: XName = ...

Represents the mapId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xmlColumnPr, xmlPr

mappingCount: XName = ...

Represents the mappingCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField

mappingRef: XName = ...

Represents the mappingRef XML name.

marB: XName = ...

Represents the marB XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tcPr

marL: XName = ...

Represents the marL XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr, tcPr

marR: XName = ...

Represents the marR XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr, tcPr

marT: XName = ...

Represents the marT XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tcPr

markers: XName = ...

Represents the markers XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

masterRel: XName = ...

Represents the masterRel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

matchingName: XName = ...

Represents the matchingName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sldLayout

mathML: XName = ...

Represents the mathML XML name.

mathStruct: XName = ...

Represents the mathStruct XML name.

mathSymbol: XName = ...

Represents the mathSymbol XML name.

matrix: XName = ...

Represents the matrix XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: skew, shadow

max: XName = ...

Represents the max XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: brk, col, pivotSelection, formControlPr

maxAng: XName = ...

Represents the maxAng XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahPolar

maxAxisType: XName = ...

Represents the maxAxisType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

maxDate: XName = ...

Represents the maxDate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

maxLength: XName = ...

Represents the maxLength XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataBar, dataBar

maxR: XName = ...

Represents the maxR XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahPolar

maxRId: XName = ...

Represents the maxRId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: header

maxRank: XName = ...

Represents the maxRank XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: set

maxSheetId: XName = ...

Represents the maxSheetId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: header

maxSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the maxSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

maxVal: XName = ...

Represents the maxVal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dynamicFilter

maxValIso: XName = ...

Represents the maxValIso XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dynamicFilter

maxValue: XName = ...

Represents the maxValue XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

maxX: XName = ...

Represents the maxX XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahXY

maxY: XName = ...

Represents the maxY XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahXY

maximized: XName = ...

Represents the maximized XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

mdx: XName = ...

Represents the mdx XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calculatedMember, query

mdxLong: XName = ...

Represents the mdxLong XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calculatedMember

mdxSubqueries: XName = ...

Represents the mdxSubqueries XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

meanLine: XName = ...

Represents the meanLine XML name.

meanMarker: XName = ...

Represents the meanMarker XML name.

measure: XName = ...

Represents the measure XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy, dimension, calculatedMember

measureFilter: XName = ...

Represents the measureFilter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

measureGroup: XName = ...

Represents the measureGroup XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy, kpi, map, calculatedMember

measures: XName = ...

Represents the measures XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

measuresSet: XName = ...

Represents the measuresSet XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

mediaType: XName = ...

Represents the mediaType XML name.

memberName: XName = ...

Represents the memberName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calculatedMember

memberPropertyField: XName = ...

Represents the memberPropertyField XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField

memberValueDatatype: XName = ...

Represents the memberValueDatatype XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

mentionId: XName = ...

Represents the mentionId XML name.

mentionpersonId: XName = ...

Represents the mentionpersonId XML name.

merge: XName = ...

Represents the merge XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

mergeCell: XName = ...

Represents the mergeCell XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alignment

mergeInterval: XName = ...

Represents the mergeInterval XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

mergeItem: XName = ...

Represents the mergeItem XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

metal: XName = ...

Represents the metal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

meth: XName = ...

Represents the meth XML name.

method: XName = ...

Represents the method XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fill

midline: XName = ...

Represents the midline XML name.

min: XName = ...

Represents the min XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: brk, col, pivotSelection, formControlPr

minAng: XName = ...

Represents the minAng XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahPolar

minAxisType: XName = ...

Represents the minAxisType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

minDate: XName = ...

Represents the minDate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

minLength: XName = ...

Represents the minLength XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataBar, dataBar

minR: XName = ...

Represents the minR XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahPolar

minRId: XName = ...

Represents the minRId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: header

minRefreshableVersion: XName = ...

Represents the minRefreshableVersion XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection, pivotCacheDefinition, pivotTableDefinition

minSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the minSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

minSupportedVersion: XName = ...

Represents the minSupportedVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

minValue: XName = ...

Represents the minValue XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sharedItems

minVer: XName = ...

Represents the minVer XML name.

minVersionLoad: XName = ...

Represents the minVersionLoad XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataModel

minX: XName = ...

Represents the minX XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahXY

minY: XName = ...

Represents the minY XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ahXY

minimalRefreshVersion: XName = ...

Represents the minimalRefreshVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: state

minimized: XName = ...

Represents the minimized XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, workbookView

minimumVersion: XName = ...

Represents the minimumVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableRefresh

minorUnit: XName = ...

Represents the minorUnit XML name.

minusx: XName = ...

Represents the minusx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout

minusy: XName = ...

Represents the minusy XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout

minute: XName = ...

Represents the minute XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dateGroupItem

missingCaption: XName = ...

Represents the missingCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

missingItemsLimit: XName = ...

Represents the missingItemsLimit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

miterlimit: XName = ...

Represents the miterlimit XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

mod: XName = ...

Represents the mod XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extLst, extLst

model: XName = ...

Represents the model XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

modelId: XName = ...

Represents the modelId XML name.

mods: XName = ...

Represents the mods XML name.

month: XName = ...

Represents the month XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dateGroupItem

moveWith: XName = ...

Represents the moveWith XML name.

moveWithCells: XName = ...

Represents the moveWithCells XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor

movingMultiple: XName = ...

Represents the movingMultiple XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: movingPeriodState

movingPeriod: XName = ...

Represents the movingPeriod XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: movingPeriodState

mpFld: XName = ...

Represents the mpFld XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filter

multiLine: XName = ...

Represents the multiLine XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

multiSel: XName = ...

Represents the multiSel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

multipleFieldFilters: XName = ...

Represents the multipleFieldFilters XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

multipleItemSelectionAllowed: XName = ...

Represents the multipleItemSelectionAllowed XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, pivotHierarchy

mute: XName = ...

Represents the mute XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cMediaNode

n: XName = ...

Represents the n XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sx, sy, item, k, mdx, p, i, p, selection

nameLen: XName = ...

Represents the nameLen XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: mp

name_: XName = ...
nd: XName = ...

Represents the nd XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: i

negative: XName = ...

Represents the negative XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sparklineGroup

negativeBarBorderColorSameAsPositive: XName = ...

Represents the negativeBarBorderColorSameAsPositive XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataBar

negativeBarColorSameAsPositive: XName = ...

Represents the negativeBarColorSameAsPositive XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataBar

new: XName = ...

Represents the new XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: entry, connection

newLength: XName = ...

Represents the newLength XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcmt

newName: XName = ...

Represents the newName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rsnm

newVal: XName = ...

Represents the newVal XML name.

nextAc: XName = ...

Represents the nextAc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: seq

nextId: XName = ...

Represents the nextId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableRefresh

nf: XName = ...

Represents the nf XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: undo

noAdjustHandles: XName = ...

Represents the noAdjustHandles XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noChangeArrowheads: XName = ...

Represents the noChangeArrowheads XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noChangeAspect: XName = ...

Represents the noChangeAspect XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, graphicFrameLocks, grpSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noChangeShapeType: XName = ...

Represents the noChangeShapeType XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noCrop: XName = ...

Represents the noCrop XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: picLocks

noDrilldown: XName = ...

Represents the noDrilldown XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: graphicFrameLocks

noEditPoints: XName = ...

Represents the noEditPoints XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noGrp: XName = ...

Represents the noGrp XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, graphicFrameLocks, grpSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noMove: XName = ...

Represents the noMove XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, graphicFrameLocks, grpSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noProof: XName = ...

Represents the noProof XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

noResize: XName = ...

Represents the noResize XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, graphicFrameLocks, grpSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noRot: XName = ...

Represents the noRot XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, grpSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noSelect: XName = ...

Represents the noSelect XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnSpLocks, graphicFrameLocks, grpSpLocks, picLocks, spLocks, cpLocks

noTextEdit: XName = ...

Represents the noTextEdit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: spLocks

noThreeD: XName = ...

Represents the noThreeD XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

noThreeD2: XName = ...

Represents the noThreeD2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

noUngrp: XName = ...

Represents the noUngrp XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: grpSpLocks

noWrap: XName = ...

Represents the noWrap XML name.

nodePh: XName = ...

Represents the nodePh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

nodeType: XName = ...

Represents the nodeType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

node_number: XName = ...

Represents the node-number XML name.

nonAutoSortDefault: XName = ...

Represents the nonAutoSortDefault XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

nonoutliers: XName = ...

Represents the nonoutliers XML name.

normalEastAsianFlow: XName = ...

Represents the normalEastAsianFlow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: wsp

normalizeH: XName = ...

Represents the normalizeH XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

np: XName = ...

Represents the np XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: k, p

ns: XName = ...

Represents the ns XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ms

numCol: XName = ...

Represents the numCol XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

numFmtId: XName = ...

Represents the numFmtId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField, dataField, inputCells, numFmt, pivotField, rcc, xf

numSld: XName = ...

Represents the numSld XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cMediaNode

numberFormat: XName = ...

Represents the numberFormat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calculatedMember

numberOfShades: XName = ...

Represents the numberOfShades XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticCutout

numberStoredAsText: XName = ...

Represents the numberStoredAsText XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ignoredError, ignoredError

o: XName = ...

Represents the o XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ms

oEmbedUrl: XName = ...

Represents the oEmbedUrl XML name.

objId: XName = ...

Represents the objId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: nullEvt, pauseEvt, playEvt, resumeEvt, seekEvt, stopEvt, triggerEvt

objectId: XName = ...

Represents the objectId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: objectPr

objectType: XName = ...

Represents the objectType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

objects: XName = ...

Represents the objects XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

obscured: XName = ...

Represents the obscured XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: shadow

odcFile: XName = ...

Represents the odcFile XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

odxf: XName = ...

Represents the odxf XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc

offset: XName = ...

Represents the offset XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: skew, shadow, pivotArea, pivotArea

offset2: XName = ...

Represents the offset2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: shadow

old: XName = ...

Represents the old XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: entry, rcmt

oldComment: XName = ...

Represents the oldComment XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

oldCustomMenu: XName = ...

Represents the oldCustomMenu XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

oldDescription: XName = ...

Represents the oldDescription XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

oldFunction: XName = ...

Represents the oldFunction XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

oldFunctionGroupId: XName = ...

Represents the oldFunctionGroupId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

oldHelp: XName = ...

Represents the oldHelp XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

oldHidden: XName = ...

Represents the oldHidden XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

oldLength: XName = ...

Represents the oldLength XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcmt

oldName: XName = ...

Represents the oldName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rsnm

oldPh: XName = ...

Represents the oldPh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc

oldQuotePrefix: XName = ...

Represents the oldQuotePrefix XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc

oldShortcutKey: XName = ...

Represents the oldShortcutKey XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

oldStatusBar: XName = ...

Represents the oldStatusBar XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rdn

oldVal: XName = ...

Represents the oldVal XML name.

ole: XName = ...

Represents the ole XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ddeItem

oleUpdate: XName = ...

Represents the oleUpdate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: oleObject

on: XName = ...

Represents the on XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, callout, column, extrusion, left, right, skew, top, fill, shadow, stroke, textpath

onAction: XName = ...

Represents the onAction XML name.

onChange: XName = ...

Represents the onChange XML name.

onHide: XName = ...

Represents the onHide XML name.

onLoad: XName = ...

Represents the onLoad XML name.

onShow: XName = ...

Represents the onShow XML name.

oneField: XName = ...

Represents the oneField XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

onlySync: XName = ...

Represents the onlySync XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

onlyUseConnectionFile: XName = ...

Represents the onlyUseConnectionFile XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

op: XName = ...

Represents the op XML name.

opacity: XName = ...

Represents the opacity XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, fill, shadow, stroke

operator: XName = ...

Represents the operator XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, customFilter, dataValidation, cfRule, customFilter, dataValidation

optimizeMemory: XName = ...

Represents the optimizeMemory XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

organizeInFolders: XName = ...

Represents the organizeInFolders XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

orient: XName = ...

Represents the orient XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: guide, ph, split, guide

orientation: XName = ...

Represents the orientation XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion, pageSetup

orientationangle: XName = ...

Represents the orientationangle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

origin: XName = ...

Represents the origin XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: skew, animMotion, fill, shadow

out: XName = ...

Represents the out XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fade

outliers: XName = ...

Represents the outliers XML name.

outline: XName = ...

Represents the outline XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: border, pivotArea, pivotField, pivotHierarchy, pivotTableDefinition, pivotArea

outlineData: XName = ...

Represents the outlineData XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

outlineLevel: XName = ...

Represents the outlineLevel XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: col, row

outlineLevelCol: XName = ...

Represents the outlineLevelCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetFormatPr

outlineLevelRow: XName = ...

Represents the outlineLevelRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetFormatPr

outlineSymbols: XName = ...

Represents the outlineSymbols XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView

overflow: XName = ...

Represents the overflow XML name.

overlay: XName = ...

Represents the overlay XML name.

override: XName = ...

Represents the override XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cBhvr

ownerIdx: XName = ...

Represents the ownerIdx XML name.

p: XName = ...

Represents the p XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: k

pLen: XName = ...

Represents the pLen XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: mp

pPos: XName = ...

Represents the pPos XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: mp

page: XName = ...

Represents the page XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

pageOrder: XName = ...

Represents the pageOrder XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

pageOverThenDown: XName = ...

Represents the pageOverThenDown XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

pageStyle: XName = ...

Represents the pageStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

pageWrap: XName = ...

Represents the pageWrap XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

pane: XName = ...

Represents the pane XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotSelection, selection

panose: XName = ...

Represents the panose XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: buFont, cs, ea, latin, sym, font

paperSize: XName = ...

Represents the paperSize XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

par: XName = ...

Represents the par XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fieldGroup

parTransId: XName = ...

Represents the parTransId XML name.

parameterType: XName = ...

Represents the parameterType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: parameter

parent: XName = ...

Represents the parent XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calculatedMember, kpi

parentId: XName = ...

Represents the parentId XML name.

parentSet: XName = ...

Represents the parentSet XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

parsePre: XName = ...

Represents the parsePre XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

password: XName = ...

Represents the password XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: protectedRange, sheetProtection, protectedRange

passwordEdit: XName = ...

Represents the passwordEdit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

pasteAll: XName = ...

Represents the pasteAll XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

pasteBorders: XName = ...

Represents the pasteBorders XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

pasteColWidths: XName = ...

Represents the pasteColWidths XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

pasteComments: XName = ...

Represents the pasteComments XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

pasteDataValidation: XName = ...

Represents the pasteDataValidation XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

pasteFormats: XName = ...

Represents the pasteFormats XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

pasteFormulas: XName = ...

Represents the pasteFormulas XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

pasteNumberFormats: XName = ...

Represents the pasteNumberFormats XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

pasteValues: XName = ...

Represents the pasteValues XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

path: XName = ...

Represents the path XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path, animMotion, shape, shapetype

pathEditMode: XName = ...

Represents the pathEditMode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: animMotion

pattern: XName = ...

Represents the pattern XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: glitter, shred

patternType: XName = ...

Represents the patternType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: patternFill

pencilSize: XName = ...

Represents the pencilSize XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticLineDrawing, artisticPencilGrayscale

percent: XName = ...

Represents the percent XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, iconSet, top10, cfRule, iconSet

percentComplete: XName = ...

Represents the percentComplete XML name.

personId: XName = ...

Represents the personId XML name.

personalView: XName = ...

Represents the personalView XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

ph: XName = ...

Represents the ph XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: c, nc, oc, rcc, row

phldr: XName = ...

Represents the phldr XML name.

phldrT: XName = ...

Represents the phldrT XML name.

phonetic: XName = ...

Represents the phonetic XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: col

picLocksAutoForOEmbed: XName = ...

Represents the picLocksAutoForOEmbed XML name.

pid: XName = ...

Represents the pid XML name.

pitchFamily: XName = ...

Represents the pitchFamily XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: buFont, cs, ea, latin, sym, font

pivot: XName = ...

Represents the pivot XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: conditionalFormatting, tableStyle, conditionalFormatting

pivotButton: XName = ...

Represents the pivotButton XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xf

pivotCacheId: XName = ...

Represents the pivotCacheId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olap, pivotCacheDefinition, tabular, state

pivotShowAs: XName = ...

Represents the pivotShowAs XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataField

pivotTableStyle: XName = ...

Represents the pivotTableStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

pivotTables: XName = ...

Represents the pivotTables XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

points: XName = ...

Represents the points XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: polyline

polar: XName = ...

Represents the polar XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: h

pos: XName = ...

Represents the pos XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: gs, tab, guide, guide

position: XName = ...

Represents the position XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock, fill, h, stop, textField

post: XName = ...

Represents the post XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

prLst: XName = ...

Represents the prLst XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: animEffect

pred: XName = ...

Represents the pred XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: predDERef

preferPic: XName = ...

Represents the preferPic XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ddeItem, oleItem, oleItem

preferRelativeResize: XName = ...

Represents the preferRelativeResize XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cNvPicPr, cNvPicPr

preferSingleView: XName = ...

Represents the preferSingleView XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: normalViewPr

prefix: XName = ...

Represents the prefix XML name.

presAssocID: XName = ...

Represents the presAssocID XML name.

presId: XName = ...

Represents the presId XML name.

presName: XName = ...

Represents the presName XML name.

presStyleCnt: XName = ...

Represents the presStyleCnt XML name.

presStyleIdx: XName = ...

Represents the presStyleIdx XML name.

presStyleLbl: XName = ...

Represents the presStyleLbl XML name.

preserve: XName = ...

Represents the preserve XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sldLayout, sldMaster

preserveFormatting: XName = ...

Represents the preserveFormatting XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, queryTable

preserveHistory: XName = ...

Represents the preserveHistory XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

preserveSortFilterLayout: XName = ...

Represents the preserveSortFilterLayout XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableRefresh

presetClass: XName = ...

Represents the presetClass XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

presetID: XName = ...

Represents the presetID XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

presetSubtype: XName = ...

Represents the presetSubtype XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

pressure: XName = ...

Represents the pressure XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticChalkSketch, artisticCrisscrossEtching, artisticMosiaicBubbles, artisticPencilSketch

prevAc: XName = ...

Represents the prevAc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: seq

previousCol: XName = ...

Represents the previousCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotSelection

previousRow: XName = ...

Represents the previousRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotSelection

pri: XName = ...

Represents the pri XML name.

print: XName = ...

Represents the print XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, group, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype, commentPr, controlPr, objectPr

printArea: XName = ...

Represents the printArea XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView

printDrill: XName = ...

Represents the printDrill XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

priorRef: XName = ...

Represents the priorRef XML name.

priority: XName = ...

Represents the priority XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, conditionalFormat, cfRule, conditionalFormat

prnWhat: XName = ...

Represents the prnWhat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: prnPr

productSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the productSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

progId: XName = ...

Represents the progId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: oleObj, oleLink, oleObject

prompt: XName = ...

Represents the prompt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, parameter, textPr, dataValidation, textPr

promptTitle: XName = ...

Represents the promptTitle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, dataValidation

promptedSolutions: XName = ...

Represents the promptedSolutions XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

propertyName: XName = ...

Represents the propertyName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField

protected: XName = ...

Represents the protected XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

provId_: XName = ...

Represents the provId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

provid: XName = ...

Represents the provid XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureline

providerId: XName = ...

Represents the providerId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presenceInfo

prst: XName = ...

Represents the prst XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bevel, bevelB, bevelT, camera, pattFill, prstGeom, prstShdw, prstTxWarp, prstTrans

prstMaterial: XName = ...

Represents the prstMaterial XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cell3D, sp3d, hiddenSp3d

pt: XName = ...

Represents the pt XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: brk

ptCount: XName = ...

Represents the ptCount XML name.

ptType: XName = ...

Represents the ptType XML name.

ptsTypes: XName = ...

Represents the ptsTypes XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: animMotion

pubBrowser: XName = ...

Represents the pubBrowser XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: htmlPubPr

publishItems: XName = ...

Represents the publishItems XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

publishToServer: XName = ...

Represents the publishToServer XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName

published: XName = ...

Represents the published XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, sheetPr, table

qsCatId: XName = ...

Represents the qsCatId XML name.

qsTypeId: XName = ...

Represents the qsTypeId XML name.

qualifier: XName = ...

Represents the qualifier XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

quartileMethod: XName = ...

Represents the quartileMethod XML name.

queryFailed: XName = ...

Represents the queryFailed XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: set

queryTableFieldId: XName = ...

Represents the queryTableFieldId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableColumn

quotePrefix: XName = ...

Represents the quotePrefix XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc, xf

r: XName = ...

Represents the r XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fillRect, fillToRect, rect, scrgbClr, srcRect, tileRect, backgroundRemoval, rgb, effectExtent, c, cell, cellWatch, i, inputCells, nc, oc, row, singleXmlCell, tr, undo, pivotRow

r1: XName = ...

Represents the r1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

r2: XName = ...

Represents the r2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f

rAng: XName = ...

Represents the rAng XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: animMotion

rId: XName = ...

Represents the rId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc, rcft, rdn, reviewed, ris, rm, rrc, rsnm

rIns: XName = ...

Represents the rIns XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

ra: XName = ...

Represents the ra XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc, rcft, rdn, ris, rm, rrc, rsnm

rad: XName = ...

Represents the rad XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alphaOutset, blur, glow, softEdge

radius: XName = ...

Represents the radius XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticBlur

radiusrange: XName = ...

Represents the radiusrange XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: h

rank: XName = ...

Represents the rank XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, cfRule

rankBy: XName = ...

Represents the rankBy XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

rctx: XName = ...

Represents the rctx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cBhvr

readOnlyRecommended: XName = ...

Represents the readOnlyRecommended XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileSharing

readingOrder: XName = ...

Represents the readingOrder XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alignment

recalcAlways: XName = ...

Represents the recalcAlways XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: controlPr

recolor: XName = ...

Represents the recolor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fill

recolortarget: XName = ...

Represents the recolortarget XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: imagedata

reconnectionMethod: XName = ...

Represents the reconnectionMethod XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

recordCount: XName = ...

Represents the recordCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

ref: XName = ...

Represents the ref XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: effect, autoFilter, comment, dataRef, dimension, f, hyperlink, location, mergeCell, oleSize, raf, rangeSet, rqt, rrc, sortCondition, sortState, table, worksheetSource, sortCondition

ref3D: XName = ...

Represents the ref3D XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: undo

refFor: XName = ...

Represents the refFor XML name.

refForName: XName = ...

Represents the refForName XML name.

refMode: XName = ...

Represents the refMode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calcPr

refPtType: XName = ...

Represents the refPtType XML name.

refType: XName = ...

Represents the refType XML name.

referenceDateBegin: XName = ...

Represents the referenceDateBegin XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: movingPeriodState

referenceMultiple: XName = ...

Represents the referenceMultiple XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: movingPeriodState

referencePeriod: XName = ...

Represents the referencePeriod XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: movingPeriodState

refersTo: XName = ...

Represents the refersTo XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName

refreshAllConnections: XName = ...

Represents the refreshAllConnections XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

refreshError: XName = ...

Represents the refreshError XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetData

refreshOnChange: XName = ...

Represents the refreshOnChange XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: parameter

refreshOnLoad: XName = ...

Represents the refreshOnLoad XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection, pivotCacheDefinition, queryTable

refreshedBy: XName = ...

Represents the refreshedBy XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

refreshedDate: XName = ...

Represents the refreshedDate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

refreshedDateIso: XName = ...

Represents the refreshedDateIso XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

refreshedVersion: XName = ...

Represents the refreshedVersion XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection, pivotCacheDefinition

relId: XName = ...

Represents the relId XML name.

relNeededHidden: XName = ...

Represents the relNeededHidden XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableUISettings

relation: XName = ...

Represents the relation XML name.

relative: XName = ...

Represents the relative XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: reference

relativeFrom: XName = ...

Represents the relativeFrom XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: positionH, positionV

relativeHeight: XName = ...

Represents the relativeHeight XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor

relativeIndent: XName = ...

Represents the relativeIndent XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alignment

relyOnVml: XName = ...

Represents the relyOnVml XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

removeDataOnSave: XName = ...

Represents the removeDataOnSave XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable

removePersonalInfoOnSave: XName = ...

Represents the removePersonalInfoOnSave XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation

removed: XName = ...

Represents the removed XML name.

render: XName = ...

Represents the render XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

repairLoad: XName = ...

Represents the repairLoad XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileRecoveryPr

repeatCount: XName = ...

Represents the repeatCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

repeatDur: XName = ...

Represents the repeatDur XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

resId: XName = ...

Represents the resId XML name.

reservationPassword: XName = ...

Represents the reservationPassword XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileSharing

resizeGraphics: XName = ...

Represents the resizeGraphics XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

resource: XName = ...

Represents the resource XML name.

respectTo: XName = ...

Represents the respectTo XML name.

restart: XName = ...

Represents the restart XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn, kiosk

rev: XName = ...

Represents the rev XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bldDgm, rot, bldP

reverse: XName = ...

Represents the reverse XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: diagram, iconSet, iconSet

revisionId: XName = ...

Represents the revisionId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

revisionsAlgorithmName: XName = ...

Represents the revisionsAlgorithmName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

revisionsHashValue: XName = ...

Represents the revisionsHashValue XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

revisionsPassword: XName = ...

Represents the revisionsPassword XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

revisionsSaltValue: XName = ...

Represents the revisionsSaltValue XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

revisionsSpinCount: XName = ...

Represents the revisionsSpinCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

rfe: XName = ...

Represents the rfe XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

rff: XName = ...

Represents the rff XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

rfo: XName = ...

Represents the rfo XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

rgb: XName = ...

Represents the rgb XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bgColor, color, fgColor, rgbColor, tabColor, axisColor, borderColor, color, colorAxis, colorFirst, colorHigh, colorLast, colorLow, colorMarkers, colorNegative, colorSeries, fillColor, negativeBorderColor, negativeFillColor

rhe: XName = ...

Represents the rhe XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

rhf: XName = ...

Represents the rhf XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

rho: XName = ...

Represents the rho XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: drawingHF

richSortKey: XName = ...

Represents the richSortKey XML name.

rig: XName = ...

Represents the rig XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lightRig

right: XName = ...

Represents the right XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: gradientFill, pageMargins

rightToLeft: XName = ...

Represents the rightToLeft XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView, sparklineGroup

rot: XName = ...

Represents the rot XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, xfrm, bodyPr

rotWithShape: XName = ...

Represents the rotWithShape XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: blipFill, gradFill, outerShdw, reflection, blipFill

rotate: XName = ...

Represents the rotate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fill

rotatedBoundingBox: XName = ...

Represents the rotatedBoundingBox XML name.

rotation: XName = ...

Represents the rotation XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock

rotationAngle_: XName = ...

Represents the rotationAngle XML name.

rotationangle: XName = ...

Represents the rotationangle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

rotationcenter: XName = ...

Represents the rotationcenter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

row: XName = ...

Represents the row XML name.

rowColShift: XName = ...

Represents the rowColShift XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

rowCount: XName = ...

Represents the rowCount XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tupleSet, pivotTableData

rowDrillCount: XName = ...

Represents the rowDrillCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olapPr

rowGrandTotals: XName = ...

Represents the rowGrandTotals XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

rowHeaderCaption: XName = ...

Represents the rowHeaderCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

rowHeight: XName = ...

Represents the rowHeight XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: slicer

rowHidden: XName = ...

Represents the rowHidden XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr

rowNumbers: XName = ...

Represents the rowNumbers XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTable, queryTableField

rowPageCount: XName = ...

Represents the rowPageCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: location

rowSpan: XName = ...

Represents the rowSpan XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tc

rows: XName = ...

Represents the rows XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: values, values

rtl: XName = ...

Represents the rtl XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defPPr, lvl1pPr, lvl2pPr, lvl3pPr, lvl4pPr, lvl5pPr, lvl6pPr, lvl7pPr, lvl8pPr, lvl9pPr, pPr, tblPr, presentation

rtlCol: XName = ...

Represents the rtlCol XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

rupBuild: XName = ...

Represents the rupBuild XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileVersion

s: XName = ...

Represents the s XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hsl, c, item, n, nc, oc, rcc, rfmt, row, tr, i

sId: XName = ...

Represents the sId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc, rrc, undo

saltData: XName = ...

Represents the saltData XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

saltValue: XName = ...

Represents the saltValue XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier, fileSharing, protectedRange, sheetProtection, protectedRange

sat: XName = ...

Represents the sat XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hsl, hslClr, saturation

saveData: XName = ...

Represents the saveData XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection, pivotCacheDefinition

saveExternalLinkValues: XName = ...

Represents the saveExternalLinkValues XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

savePassword: XName = ...

Represents the savePassword XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

saveSubsetFonts: XName = ...

Represents the saveSubsetFonts XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation

sb: XName = ...

Represents the sb XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rPh

scale: XName = ...

Represents the scale XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, pageSetup

scaleToFitPaper: XName = ...

Represents the scaleToFitPaper XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: prnPr

scaleWithDoc: XName = ...

Represents the scaleWithDoc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headerFooter

scaled: XName = ...

Represents the scaled XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lin

scaling: XName = ...

Represents the scaling XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticGlass, artisticPastelsSmooth, artisticTexturizer

scenarios: XName = ...

Represents the scenarios XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

scope: XName = ...

Represents the scope XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: conditionalFormat, conditionalFormat

screentip: XName = ...

Represents the screentip XML name.

script: XName = ...

Represents the script XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: font

scrollPosition: XName = ...

Represents the scrollPosition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: timeline

sd: XName = ...

Represents the sd XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: item

second: XName = ...

Represents the second XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dateGroupItem

secondColumnMaxWidth: XName = ...

Represents the secondColumnMaxWidth XML name.

secondColumnMinWidth: XName = ...

Represents the secondColumnMinWidth XML name.

securityDescriptor: XName = ...

Represents the securityDescriptor XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: protectedRange, protectedRange

seek: XName = ...

Represents the seek XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: seekEvt

sel: XName = ...

Represents the sel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

selectLockedCells: XName = ...

Represents the selectLockedCells XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

selectUnlockedCells: XName = ...

Represents the selectUnlockedCells XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

selected: XName = ...

Represents the selected XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: reference

selection: XName = ...

Represents the selection XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock

selectionLevel: XName = ...

Represents the selectionLevel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: timeline

seltype: XName = ...

Represents the seltype XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

semanticType: XName = ...

Represents the semanticType XML name.

semicolon: XName = ...

Represents the semicolon XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

sendLocale: XName = ...

Represents the sendLocale XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olapPr

seq: XName = ...

Represents the seq XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: linkedTxbx

serialNo: XName = ...

Represents the serialNo XML name.

series: XName = ...

Represents the series XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: chartFormat

seriesIdx: XName = ...

Represents the seriesIdx XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: chart

seriesName: XName = ...

Represents the seriesName XML name.

serverCommand: XName = ...

Represents the serverCommand XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dbPr

serverField: XName = ...

Represents the serverField XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField, pivotField

serverFill: XName = ...

Represents the serverFill XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olapPr

serverFont: XName = ...

Represents the serverFont XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olapPr

serverFontColor: XName = ...

Represents the serverFontColor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olapPr

serverNumberFormat: XName = ...

Represents the serverNumberFormat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: olapPr

serverSldId: XName = ...

Represents the serverSldId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sldSyncPr

serverSldModifiedTime: XName = ...

Represents the serverSldModifiedTime XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sldSyncPr

serverZoom: XName = ...

Represents the serverZoom XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation

set: XName = ...

Represents the set XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy, calculatedMember

setDate: XName = ...

Represents the setDate XML name.

setDefinition: XName = ...

Represents the setDefinition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: set

shadeToTitle: XName = ...

Represents the shadeToTitle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bgPr

shadow: XName = ...

Represents the shadow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: borderbottom, borderleft, borderright, bordertop

shadowcolor: XName = ...

Represents the shadowcolor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: colormenu

shadowok: XName = ...

Represents the shadowok XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

shapeGeometry: XName = ...

Represents the shapeGeometry XML name.

shapeId: XName = ...

Represents the shapeId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: comment, control, oleObject

shapeName: XName = ...

Represents the shapeName XML name.

shapetype: XName = ...

Represents the shapetype XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock

shared: XName = ...

Represents the shared XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

sheet: XName = ...

Represents the sheet XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataRef, rangeSet, sheetProtection, worksheetSource

sheetId: XName = ...

Represents the sheetId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName, raf, rcft, rcmt, rfmt, ris, rm, rqt, rsnm, sheet, sheetData

sheetPosition: XName = ...

Represents the sheetPosition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ris

shininess: XName = ...

Represents the shininess XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

shortcutKey: XName = ...

Represents the shortcutKey XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName, rdn

show: XName = ...

Represents the show XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sld, scenarios

showAll: XName = ...

Represents the showAll XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

showAnimation: XName = ...

Represents the showAnimation XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: showPr, webPr

showAsCaption: XName = ...

Represents the showAsCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: mp

showAsIcon: XName = ...

Represents the showAsIcon XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: control, oleObj

showAutoFilter: XName = ...

Represents the showAutoFilter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView

showBorderUnselectedTables: XName = ...

Represents the showBorderUnselectedTables XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

showButton: XName = ...

Represents the showButton XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filterColumn

showCalcMbrs: XName = ...

Represents the showCalcMbrs XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showCaption: XName = ...

Represents the showCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: slicer

showCaptions: XName = ...

Represents the showCaptions XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: photoAlbum

showCell: XName = ...

Represents the showCell XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: mp

showColHeaders: XName = ...

Represents the showColHeaders XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableStyleInfo

showColStripes: XName = ...

Represents the showColStripes XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableStyleInfo

showColumnStripes: XName = ...

Represents the showColumnStripes XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableStyleInfo

showComments: XName = ...

Represents the showComments XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: viewPr, customWorkbookView

showDataAs: XName = ...

Represents the showDataAs XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataField

showDataDropDown: XName = ...

Represents the showDataDropDown XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showDataTips: XName = ...

Represents the showDataTips XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showDrill: XName = ...

Represents the showDrill XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showDropDown: XName = ...

Represents the showDropDown XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, dataValidation

showDropDowns: XName = ...

Represents the showDropDowns XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

showDropZones: XName = ...

Represents the showDropZones XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showEmptyCol: XName = ...

Represents the showEmptyCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showEmptyRow: XName = ...

Represents the showEmptyRow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showError: XName = ...

Represents the showError XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showErrorMessage: XName = ...

Represents the showErrorMessage XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, dataValidation

showFirstColumn: XName = ...

Represents the showFirstColumn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableStyleInfo

showFormatting: XName = ...

Represents the showFormatting XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sorterViewPr

showFormulaBar: XName = ...

Represents the showFormulaBar XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

showFormulas: XName = ...

Represents the showFormulas XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, sheetView

showGridLines: XName = ...

Represents the showGridLines XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, sheetView

showGuides: XName = ...

Represents the showGuides XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cSldViewPr

showHeader: XName = ...

Represents the showHeader XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotSelection, timeline

showHeaders: XName = ...

Represents the showHeaders XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showHorizontalScroll: XName = ...

Represents the showHorizontalScroll XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, workbookView

showHorizontalScrollbar: XName = ...

Represents the showHorizontalScrollbar XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: timeline

showImage: XName = ...

Represents the showImage XML name.

showInFieldList: XName = ...

Represents the showInFieldList XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotHierarchy

showInRibbon: XName = ...

Represents the showInRibbon XML name.

showInkAnnotation: XName = ...

Represents the showInkAnnotation XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

showInputMessage: XName = ...

Represents the showInputMessage XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataValidation, dataValidation

showItemImage: XName = ...

Represents the showItemImage XML name.

showItemLabel: XName = ...

Represents the showItemLabel XML name.

showItems: XName = ...

Represents the showItems XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showLabel: XName = ...

Represents the showLabel XML name.

showLastColumn: XName = ...

Represents the showLastColumn XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableStyleInfo, tableStyleInfo

showMasterPhAnim: XName = ...

Represents the showMasterPhAnim XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: notes, sld, sldLayout

showMasterSp: XName = ...

Represents the showMasterSp XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: notes, sld, sldLayout

showMemberPropertyTips: XName = ...

Represents the showMemberPropertyTips XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showMissing: XName = ...

Represents the showMissing XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition, tabular

showMultipleLabel: XName = ...

Represents the showMultipleLabel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

showNarration: XName = ...

Represents the showNarration XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: showPr

showObjects: XName = ...

Represents the showObjects XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, workbookPr

showOutlineIcons: XName = ...

Represents the showOutlineIcons XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: normalViewPr

showOutlineSymbols: XName = ...

Represents the showOutlineSymbols XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: outlinePr, sheetView

showPageBreaks: XName = ...

Represents the showPageBreaks XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView

showPivotChartFilter: XName = ...

Represents the showPivotChartFilter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

showPropAsCaption: XName = ...

Represents the showPropAsCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

showPropCell: XName = ...

Represents the showPropCell XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

showPropTip: XName = ...

Represents the showPropTip XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

showRowCol: XName = ...

Represents the showRowCol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView

showRowColHeaders: XName = ...

Represents the showRowColHeaders XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

showRowHeaders: XName = ...

Represents the showRowHeaders XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableStyleInfo

showRowStripes: XName = ...

Represents the showRowStripes XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableStyleInfo, tableStyleInfo

showRuler: XName = ...

Represents the showRuler XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, sheetView

showScrollbar: XName = ...

Represents the showScrollbar XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: browse

showSelectionLabel: XName = ...

Represents the showSelectionLabel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: timeline

showSheetTabs: XName = ...

Represents the showSheetTabs XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, workbookView

showSignDate_: XName = ...

Represents the showSignDate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

showSpeakerNotes: XName = ...

Represents the showSpeakerNotes XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: htmlPubPr

showSpecialPlsOnTitleSld: XName = ...

Represents the showSpecialPlsOnTitleSld XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation

showStatus: XName = ...

Represents the showStatus XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: browseMode

showStatusbar: XName = ...

Represents the showStatusbar XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView

showTimeLevel: XName = ...

Represents the showTimeLevel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: timeline

showTip: XName = ...

Represents the showTip XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: mp

showValue: XName = ...

Represents the showValue XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataBar, iconSet, dataBar, iconSet

showVerticalScroll: XName = ...

Represents the showVerticalScroll XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, workbookView

showWhenStopped: XName = ...

Represents the showWhenStopped XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cMediaNode

showWhiteSpace: XName = ...

Represents the showWhiteSpace XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

showZeros: XName = ...

Represents the showZeros XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

showsigndate: XName = ...

Represents the showsigndate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureline

shrinkToFit: XName = ...

Represents the shrinkToFit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alignment

si: XName = ...

Represents the si XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: f, t

sibTransId: XName = ...

Represents the sibTransId XML name.

side: XName = ...

Represents the side XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: wrap

sigProvUrl_: XName = ...

Represents the sigProvUrl XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

signingInstructionsSet_: XName = ...

Represents the signingInstructionsSet XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

signingInstructions_: XName = ...

Represents the signingInstructions XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

signinginstructions: XName = ...

Represents the signinginstructions XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureline

signinginstructionsset: XName = ...

Represents the signinginstructionsset XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureline

sigprovurl: XName = ...

Represents the sigprovurl XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureline

simplePos: XName = ...

Represents the simplePos XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor

singleRangeFilterState: XName = ...

Represents the singleRangeFilterState XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: state

singleSignOnId: XName = ...

Represents the singleSignOnId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

siteId: XName = ...

Represents the siteId XML name.

size: XName = ...

Represents the size XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticMarker, fill, tableStyleElement

sizeString: XName = ...

Represents the sizeString XML name.

sizeWithCells: XName = ...

Represents the sizeWithCells XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor

skewamt: XName = ...

Represents the skewamt XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

skewangle: XName = ...

Represents the skewangle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

sldNum: XName = ...

Represents the sldNum XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hf

slicerData: XName = ...

Represents the slicerData XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

slideIdLst: XName = ...

Represents the slideIdLst XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: section

smoothness: XName = ...

Represents the smoothness XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: artisticGlowEdges, artisticPlasticWrap

smtClean: XName = ...

Represents the smtClean XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

smtId: XName = ...

Represents the smtId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

snapToGrid: XName = ...

Represents the snapToGrid XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cSldViewPr

snapToObjects: XName = ...

Represents the snapToObjects XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cSldViewPr

snapVertSplitter: XName = ...

Represents the snapVertSplitter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: normalViewPr

solveOrder: XName = ...

Represents the solveOrder XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: calculatedMember

sort: XName = ...

Represents the sort XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetProtection

sortBy: XName = ...

Represents the sortBy XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sortCondition, sortCondition

sortMethod: XName = ...

Represents the sortMethod XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sortState

sortOrder: XName = ...

Represents the sortOrder XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: level, tabular, tableSlicerCache

sortType: XName = ...

Represents the sortType XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, set

source: XName = ...

Represents the source XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rm

sourceCaption: XName = ...

Represents the sourceCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: level

sourceData: XName = ...

Represents the sourceData XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

sourceDataName: XName = ...

Represents the sourceDataName XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableUISettings, queryTable

sourceField: XName = ...

Represents the sourceField XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataField

sourceFile: XName = ...

Represents the sourceFile XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection, textPr, textPr

sourceLinked: XName = ...

Represents the sourceLinked XML name.

sourceName: XName = ...

Represents the sourceName XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: slicerCacheDefinition, rangePr, timelineCacheDefinition

sourceObject: XName = ...

Represents the sourceObject XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishItem, webPublishObject

sourceRef: XName = ...

Represents the sourceRef XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishItem

sourceSheetId: XName = ...

Represents the sourceSheetId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rm

sourceType: XName = ...

Represents the sourceType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishItem

sp: XName = ...

Represents the sp XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ds

space: XName = ...

Represents the space XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

spans: XName = ...

Represents the spans XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: row

spc: XName = ...

Represents the spc XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

spcCol: XName = ...

Represents the spcCol XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

spcFirstLastPara: XName = ...

Represents the spcFirstLastPara XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

spd: XName = ...

Represents the spd XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn, transition

specificationRef: XName = ...

Represents the specificationRef XML name.

specularity: XName = ...

Represents the specularity XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

spid: XName = ...

Represents the spid XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cameraTool, compatExt, bldDgm, bldGraphic, bldOleChart, bldP, control, inkTgt, oleObj, spTgt, subSp, bmkTgt

spidmax: XName = ...

Represents the spidmax XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: shapedefaults

spinCount: XName = ...

Represents the spinCount XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier, fileSharing, protectedRange, sheetProtection, protectedRange

spinValue: XName = ...

Represents the spinValue XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modifyVerifier

splitAll: XName = ...

Represents the splitAll XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

splitFirst: XName = ...

Represents the splitFirst XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: metadataType

spokes: XName = ...

Represents the spokes XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: wheel, wheelReverse

sqlType: XName = ...

Represents the sqlType XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField, parameter

sqref: XName = ...

Represents the sqref XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: conditionalFormatting, dataValidation, ignoredError, protectedRange, rfmt, scenarios, selection

src: XName = ...

Represents the src XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, fill, image, stroke

srcId: XName = ...

Represents the srcId XML name.

srcOrd: XName = ...

Represents the srcOrd XML name.

srcUrl: XName = ...

Represents the srcUrl XML name.

st: XName = ...

Represents the st XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cxnDERefs, charRg, pRg, sldRg, trim, e, m, n, s, t, x

stA: XName = ...

Represents the stA XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: reflection

stAng: XName = ...

Represents the stAng XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arcTo

stPos: XName = ...

Represents the stPos XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: reflection

start: XName = ...

Represents the start XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: proxy, pivotSelection, rfmt

startAt: XName = ...

Represents the startAt XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: buAutoNum

startDate: XName = ...

Represents the startDate XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangePr, bounds, selection

startFromScratch: XName = ...

Represents the startFromScratch XML name.

startIndex: XName = ...

Represents the startIndex XML name.

startItem: XName = ...

Represents the startItem XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: range, slicer

startLabels: XName = ...

Represents the startLabels XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataConsolidate

startNum: XName = ...

Represents the startNum XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rangePr

startangle: XName = ...

Represents the startangle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc

startarrow: XName = ...

Represents the startarrow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

startarrowlength: XName = ...

Represents the startarrowlength XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

startarrowwidth: XName = ...

Represents the startarrowwidth XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke

state: XName = ...

Represents the state XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, pane, sheet

status: XName = ...

Represents the status XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: kpi

statusBar: XName = ...

Represents the statusBar XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName, rdn

stdDev: XName = ...

Represents the stdDev XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, cfRule

stdDevPSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the stdDevPSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

stdDevSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the stdDevSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

step: XName = ...

Represents the step XML name.

stopIfTrue: XName = ...

Represents the stopIfTrue XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, cfRule

store: XName = ...

Represents the store XML name.

storeType: XName = ...

Represents the storeType XML name.

strictFirstAndLastChars: XName = ...

Represents the strictFirstAndLastChars XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presentation

strike: XName = ...

Represents the strike XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr

string: XName = ...

Represents the string XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textpath, parameter

stringValue1: XName = ...

Represents the stringValue1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filter

stringValue2: XName = ...

Represents the stringValue2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: filter

stroke: XName = ...

Represents the stroke XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path, shapedefaults

strokecolor: XName = ...

Represents the strokecolor XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: colormenu, shapedefaults, arc, curve, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

stroked: XName = ...

Represents the stroked XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

strokeok: XName = ...

Represents the strokeok XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

strokeweight: XName = ...

Represents the strokeweight XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

style: XName = ...

Represents the style XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: shapedefaults, arc, curve, group, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype, textbox, textpath, bottom, col, diagonal, end, horizontal, left, right, start, top, vertical, slicer, timeline

styleId: XName = ...

Represents the styleId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableStyle, tblStyle

styleLbl: XName = ...

Represents the styleLbl XML name.

styleName: XName = ...

Represents the styleName XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableStyle, tblStyle

subtotal: XName = ...

Represents the subtotal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataField

subtotalCaption: XName = ...

Represents the subtotalCaption XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

subtotalHiddenItems: XName = ...

Represents the subtotalHiddenItems XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

subtotalTop: XName = ...

Represents the subtotalTop XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, pivotHierarchy

suggestedSigner: XName = ...

Represents the suggestedSigner XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

suggestedSigner2: XName = ...

Represents the suggestedSigner2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

suggestedSignerEmail: XName = ...

Represents the suggestedSignerEmail XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: signatureLine

sumSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the sumSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

summaryBelow: XName = ...

Represents the summaryBelow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: outlinePr

summaryRight: XName = ...

Represents the summaryRight XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: outlinePr

supertip: XName = ...

Represents the supertip XML name.

supportAddCalcMems: XName = ...

Represents the supportAddCalcMems XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

supportAdvancedDrill: XName = ...

Represents the supportAdvancedDrill XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

supportSubquery: XName = ...

Represents the supportSubquery XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

supportSubqueryCalcMem: XName = ...

Represents the supportSubqueryCalcMem XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

supportSubqueryNonVisual: XName = ...

Represents the supportSubqueryNonVisual XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

swAng: XName = ...

Represents the swAng XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arcTo

switch: XName = ...

Represents the switch XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: h

sx: XName = ...

Represents the sx XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: outerShdw, reflection, tile, xfrm

sy: XName = ...

Represents the sy XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: outerShdw, reflection, tile, xfrm

symbol: XName = ...

Represents the symbol XML name.

syncBehavior: XName = ...

Represents the syncBehavior XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

syncHorizontal: XName = ...

Represents the syncHorizontal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetPr

syncRef: XName = ...

Represents the syncRef XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetPr

syncVertical: XName = ...

Represents the syncVertical XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetPr

sz: XName = ...

Represents the sz XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr, ph, restoredLeft, restoredTop

t: XName = ...

Represents the t XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fillRect, fillToRect, rect, srcRect, tileRect, backgroundRemoval, tracePt, effectExtent, c, cell, f, i, item, nc, oc, rc, tp, value, c

tIns: XName = ...

Represents the tIns XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

tab: XName = ...

Represents the tab XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

tabId: XName = ...

Represents the tabId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTable, pivotTable

tabRatio: XName = ...

Represents the tabRatio XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, workbookView

tabSelected: XName = ...

Represents the tabSelected XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

table: XName = ...

Represents the table XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableStyle

tableBorderDxfId: XName = ...

Represents the tableBorderDxfId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

tableColumnId: XName = ...

Represents the tableColumnId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableField

tableId: XName = ...

Represents the tableId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableSlicerCache

tableType: XName = ...

Represents the tableType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

tag: XName = ...

Represents the tag XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

tags: XName = ...

Represents the tags XML name.

target: XName = ...

Represents the target XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, group, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

targetScreenSize: XName = ...

Represents the targetScreenSize XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: backgroundPr, webPublishing

text: XName = ...

Represents the text XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock, cfRule, cfRule, dbCommand

textDates: XName = ...

Represents the textDates XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

textHAlign: XName = ...

Represents the textHAlign XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, formControlPr

textRotation: XName = ...

Represents the textRotation XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alignment

textVAlign: XName = ...

Represents the textVAlign XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, formControlPr

textborder: XName = ...

Represents the textborder XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: callout

textboxrect: XName = ...

Represents the textboxrect XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

textlink: XName = ...

Represents the textlink XML name.

textpathok: XName = ...

Represents the textpathok XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path

tgtFrame: XName = ...

Represents the tgtFrame XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hlinkClick, hlinkHover, hlinkMouseOver

theme: XName = ...

Represents the theme XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bgColor, color, fgColor, tabColor, axisColor, borderColor, color, colorAxis, colorFirst, colorHigh, colorLast, colorLow, colorMarkers, colorNegative, colorSeries, fillColor, negativeBorderColor, negativeFillColor

thickBot: XName = ...

Represents the thickBot XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: row

thickBottom: XName = ...

Represents the thickBottom XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetFormatPr

thickTop: XName = ...

Represents the thickTop XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: row, sheetFormatPr

thicket: XName = ...

Represents the thicket XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishing

thousands: XName = ...

Represents the thousands XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textPr, textPr

thresh: XName = ...

Represents the thresh XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alphaBiLevel, biLevel

thruBlk: XName = ...

Represents the thruBlk XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cut, fade, reveal

time: XName = ...

Represents the time XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: end, st, bmk, nullEvt, pauseEvt, playEvt, resumeEvt, seekEvt, stopEvt, triggerEvt, cacheHierarchy

timeOffset: XName = ...

Represents the timeOffset XML name.

timePeriod: XName = ...

Represents the timePeriod XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cfRule, cfRule

timeString: XName = ...

Represents the timeString XML name.

timeZoneBias: XName = ...

Represents the timeZoneBias XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: threadingInfo

timelineData: XName = ...

Represents the timelineData XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: timelinePivotCacheDefinition

timestampRef: XName = ...

Represents the timestampRef XML name.

tint: XName = ...

Represents the tint XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bgColor, color, fgColor, tabColor, axisColor, borderColor, color, colorAxis, colorFirst, colorHigh, colorLast, colorLow, colorMarkers, colorNegative, colorSeries, fillColor, negativeBorderColor, negativeFillColor

title: XName = ...

Represents the title XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cNvPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, arc, curve, group, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype, cNvPr, docPr, cNvPr, cNvPr, webPublishItem, webPublishObject

tm: XName = ...

Represents the tm XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tav

tmFilter: XName = ...

Represents the tmFilter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cTn

to: XName = ...

Represents the to XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anim, animRot, cBhvr, curve, line

toColumn: XName = ...

Represents the toColumn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modelRelationship

toTable: XName = ...

Represents the toTable XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: modelRelationship

tooltip: XName = ...

Represents the tooltip XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: hlinkClick, hlinkHover, hlinkMouseOver, hyperlink

top: XName = ...

Represents the top XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: gradientFill, pageMargins, top10

topAutoShow: XName = ...

Represents the topAutoShow XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

topLabels: XName = ...

Represents the topLabels XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dataConsolidate

topLeftCell: XName = ...

Represents the topLeftCell XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, pane, sheetView

totalsRowBorderDxfId: XName = ...

Represents the totalsRowBorderDxfId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

totalsRowCellStyle: XName = ...

Represents the totalsRowCellStyle XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table, tableColumn

totalsRowCount: XName = ...

Represents the totalsRowCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

totalsRowDxfId: XName = ...

Represents the totalsRowDxfId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table, tableColumn

totalsRowFunction: XName = ...

Represents the totalsRowFunction XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableColumn

totalsRowLabel: XName = ...

Represents the totalsRowLabel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tableColumn

totalsRowShown: XName = ...

Represents the totalsRowShown XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: table

traceDataRef: XName = ...

Represents the traceDataRef XML name.

traceFormatRef: XName = ...

Represents the traceFormatRef XML name.

track: XName = ...

Represents the track XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: end, st

trackRevisions: XName = ...

Represents the trackRevisions XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

trans: XName = ...
transition: XName = ...

Represents the transition XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: animEffect

transitionEntry: XName = ...

Represents the transitionEntry XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetPr

transitionEvaluation: XName = ...

Represents the transitionEvaluation XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetPr

trend: XName = ...

Represents the trend XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: kpi

trim: XName = ...

Represents the trim XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textpath

tupleCache: XName = ...

Represents the tupleCache XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

twoDigitTextYear: XName = ...

Represents the twoDigitTextYear XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ignoredError, ignoredError

tx: XName = ...

Represents the tx XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: relOff, tile, xfrm

tx1: XName = ...

Represents the tx1 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

tx2: XName = ...

Represents the tx2 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrMap, overrideClrMapping, clrMap

txBox: XName = ...

Represents the txBox XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cNvSpPr, cNvSpPr, cNvSpPr

ty: XName = ...

Represents the ty XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: relOff, tile, xfrm

type: XName = ...
typeface: XName = ...

Represents the typeface XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: buFont, cs, ea, font, latin, sym, font

u: XName = ...

Represents the u XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: defRPr, endParaRPr, rPr, b, d, e, m, n, s, t, rowItem

uBound: XName = ...

Represents the uBound XML name.

ua: XName = ...

Represents the ua XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc, rcft, rdn, ris, rm, rrc, rsnm

uiExpand: XName = ...

Represents the uiExpand XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bldDgm, bldGraphic, bldOleChart, bldP

uiObject: XName = ...

Represents the uiObject XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: commentPr, controlPr, objectPr

un: XName = ...

Represents the un XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: e, m, n, s, x

unbalanced: XName = ...

Represents the unbalanced XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

unbalancedGroup: XName = ...

Represents the unbalancedGroup XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy

unboundColumnsLeft: XName = ...

Represents the unboundColumnsLeft XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableRefresh

unboundColumnsRight: XName = ...

Represents the unboundColumnsRight XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: queryTableRefresh

underflow: XName = ...

Represents the underflow XML name.

undone: XName = ...

Represents the undone XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: inputCells

ungrouping: XName = ...

Represents the ungrouping XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock

uniform: XName = ...

Represents the uniform XML name.

uniqueCount: XName = ...

Represents the uniqueCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sst

uniqueId: XName = ...

Represents the uniqueId XML name.

uniqueList: XName = ...

Represents the uniqueList XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheField

uniqueMemberProperty: XName = ...

Represents the uniqueMemberProperty XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField

uniqueName: XName = ...

Represents the uniqueName XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cacheHierarchy, dimension, group, groupLevel, groupMember, kpi, tableColumn, xmlCellPr, dataField, header, level, slicerCacheOlapLevelName

uniqueParent: XName = ...

Represents the uniqueParent XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: group

unit: XName = ...

Represents the unit XML name.

units: XName = ...

Represents the units XML name.

unlockedFormula: XName = ...

Represents the unlockedFormula XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ignoredError, ignoredError

updateAutomatic: XName = ...

Represents the updateAutomatic XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: link

updateLinks: XName = ...

Represents the updateLinks XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookPr

updatedVersion: XName = ...

Represents the updatedVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

upgradeOnRefresh: XName = ...

Represents the upgradeOnRefresh XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotCacheDefinition

upright: XName = ...

Represents the upright XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

uri: XName = ...

Represents the uri XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: ext, graphicData, ext, customXml, ext

url: XName = ...

Represents the url XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

useA: XName = ...

Represents the useA XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: clrChange

useAutoFormatting: XName = ...

Represents the useAutoFormatting XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

useBgFill: XName = ...

Represents the useBgFill XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sp

useDef: XName = ...

Represents the useDef XML name.

useFirstPageNumber: XName = ...

Represents the useFirstPageNumber XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

useLongFilenames: XName = ...

Represents the useLongFilenames XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

usePrinterDefaults: XName = ...

Represents the usePrinterDefaults XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

useTimings: XName = ...

Represents the useTimings XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: showPr

useWholeDay: XName = ...

Represents the useWholeDay XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotFilter

usedByAddin: XName = ...

Represents the usedByAddin XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: connection

user: XName = ...

Represents the user XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: groupLevel, scenario

userDrawn: XName = ...

Represents the userDrawn XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: nvPr, sldLayout, nvPr, guide

userId: XName = ...

Represents the userId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: presenceInfo

userName: XName = ...

Represents the userName XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: fileSharing, header

userProvider: XName = ...

Represents the userProvider XML name.

v: XName = ...

Represents the v XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: path, b, d, e, mpMap, n, rc, s, undo, x_

vMerge: XName = ...

Represents the vMerge XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: tc

vacatedStyle: XName = ...

Represents the vacatedStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

val: XName = ...
valIso: XName = ...

Represents the valIso XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dynamicFilter

value: XName = ...

Represents the value XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: kpi

valueType: XName = ...

Represents the valueType XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anim, editValue

varPSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the varPSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

varScale: XName = ...

Represents the varScale XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cViewPr

varSubtotal: XName = ...

Represents the varSubtotal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotField, reference

variable: XName = ...

Represents the variable XML name.

vbProcedure: XName = ...

Represents the vbProcedure XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName

version: XName = ...

Represents the version XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: headers

vert: XName = ...

Represents the vert XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, tcPr, bodyPr

vertBarState: XName = ...

Represents the vertBarState XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: normalViewPr

vertOverflow: XName = ...

Represents the vertOverflow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

vertical: XName = ...

Represents the vertical XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: alignment

verticalBar: XName = ...

Represents the verticalBar XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

verticalCentered: XName = ...

Represents the verticalCentered XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: printOptions

verticalDpi: XName = ...

Represents the verticalDpi XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pageSetup

verticies: XName = ...

Represents the verticies XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: lock

vid: XName = ...

Represents the vid XML name.

view: XName = ...

Represents the view XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, sheetView

viewpoint: XName = ...

Represents the viewpoint XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

viewpointorigin: XName = ...

Represents the viewpointorigin XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: extrusion

visibility: XName = ...

Represents the visibility XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookView

visible: XName = ...

Represents the visible XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: imgEffect

visualTotals: XName = ...

Represents the visualTotals XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

visualTotalsForSets: XName = ...

Represents the visualTotalsForSets XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotTableDefinition

vm: XName = ...

Represents the vm XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: c, cell, nc, oc

vml: XName = ...

Represents the vml XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPublishing

vocabulary: XName = ...

Represents the vocabulary XML name.

vol: XName = ...

Represents the vol XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cMediaNode

w: XName = ...

Represents the w XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bevel, bevelB, bevelT, gridCol, headEnd, ln, lnB, lnBlToTr, lnL, lnR, lnT, lnTlToBr, path, tailEnd, uLn, hiddenLine

wR: XName = ...

Represents the wR XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arcTo

weight: XName = ...

Represents the weight XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bottom, column, left, right, top, stroke, kpi

weightExpression: XName = ...

Represents the weightExpression XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pivotChange, pivotTableDefinition

width: XName = ...

Represents the width XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: borderbottom, borderleft, borderright, bordertop, col

widthMin: XName = ...

Represents the widthMin XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: formControlPr

windowHeight: XName = ...

Represents the windowHeight XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, workbookView

windowProtection: XName = ...

Represents the windowProtection XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

windowWidth: XName = ...

Represents the windowWidth XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, workbookView

workbookAlgorithmName: XName = ...

Represents the workbookAlgorithmName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

workbookHashValue: XName = ...

Represents the workbookHashValue XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

workbookParameter: XName = ...

Represents the workbookParameter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName

workbookPassword: XName = ...

Represents the workbookPassword XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

workbookSaltValue: XName = ...

Represents the workbookSaltValue XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

workbookSpinCount: XName = ...

Represents the workbookSpinCount XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: workbookProtection

workbookViewId: XName = ...

Represents the workbookViewId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

wrap: XName = ...

Represents the wrap XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: bodyPr, bodyPr

wrapText: XName = ...

Represents the wrapText XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: wrapSquare, wrapThrough, wrapTight, alignment

wrapcoords: XName = ...

Represents the wrapcoords XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: arc, curve, group, image, line, oval, polyline, rect, roundrect, shape, shapetype

x: XName = ...

Represents the x XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor, chOff, off, pos, pt, by, from, origin, pos, rCtr, to, tracePt, lineTo, simplePos, start, field, fieldUsage, item, n, i

x1: XName = ...

Represents the x1 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: backgroundMark, foregroundMark

x2: XName = ...

Represents the x2 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: backgroundMark, foregroundMark

xSplit: XName = ...

Represents the xSplit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pane

xWindow: XName = ...

Represents the xWindow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, dataValidations, workbookView, dataValidations

xfDxf: XName = ...

Represents the xfDxf XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: rcc, rfmt

xfId: XName = ...

Represents the xfId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cellStyle, xf

xfrmType: XName = ...

Represents the xfrmType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: cBhvr

xl2000: XName = ...

Represents the xl2000 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

xl97: XName = ...

Represents the xl97 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

xlm: XName = ...

Represents the xlm XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: definedName

xml: XName = ...

Represents the xml XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: webPr

xmlDataType: XName = ...

Represents the xmlDataType XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xmlColumnPr, xmlPr

xpath: XName = ...

Represents the xpath XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: xmlColumnPr, xmlPr

xrange: XName = ...

Represents the xrange XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: h

xscale: XName = ...

Represents the xscale XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: textpath

y: XName = ...

Represents the y XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor, chOff, off, pos, pt, by, from, origin, pos, rCtr, to, tracePt, lineTo, simplePos, start

y1: XName = ...

Represents the y1 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: backgroundMark, foregroundMark

y2: XName = ...

Represents the y2 XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: backgroundMark, foregroundMark

ySplit: XName = ...

Represents the ySplit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: pane

yWindow: XName = ...

Represents the yWindow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customWorkbookView, dataValidations, workbookView, dataValidations

year: XName = ...

Represents the year XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: dateGroupItem

yrange: XName = ...

Represents the yrange XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: h

z: XName = ...

Represents the z XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor, flatTx, sp3d, hiddenSp3d

zOrderOff: XName = ...

Represents the zOrderOff XML name.

z_order: XName = ...

Represents the z-order XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: anchor

zeroHeight: XName = ...

Represents the zeroHeight XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetFormatPr

zeroValues: XName = ...

Represents the zeroValues XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView

zoom: XName = ...

Represents the zoom XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: camera

zoomContents: XName = ...

Represents the zoomContents XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: animScale

zoomScale: XName = ...

Represents the zoomScale XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

zoomScaleNormal: XName = ...

Represents the zoomScaleNormal XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

zoomScalePageLayoutView: XName = ...

Represents the zoomScalePageLayoutView XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

zoomScaleSheetLayoutView: XName = ...

Represents the zoomScaleSheetLayoutView XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: sheetView

zoomToFit: XName = ...

Represents the zoomToFit XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: customSheetView, sheetView

Generated using TypeDoc