Declares XNamespace and XName fields for the xmlns:w="" namespace.


  • W


abstractNum abstractNumId accent1 accent2 accent3 accent4 accent5 accent6 active activeRecord activeWritingStyle actualPg addressFieldName adjustLineHeightInTable adjustRightInd after afterAutospacing afterLines algIdExt algIdExtSource algorithmName alias aliases alignBordersAndEdges alignTablesRowByRow alignment all allStyles allowPNG allowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable altChunk altChunkPr altName alternateStyleNames alwaysMergeEmptyNamespace alwaysShowPlaceholderText anchor anchorLock annotationRef appName applyBreakingRules ascii asciiTheme attachedSchema attachedTemplate attr author autoCaption autoCaptions autoFormatOverride autoHyphenation autoRedefine autoSpaceDE autoSpaceDN autoSpaceLikeWord95 autofitToFirstFixedWidthCell b bCs background balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth bar basedOn bdo bdr before beforeAutospacing beforeLines behavior behaviors between bg1 bg2 bibliography bidi bidiVisual blockQuote body bodyDiv bookFoldPrinting bookFoldPrintingSheets bookFoldRevPrinting bookmarkEnd bookmarkStart bordersDoNotSurroundFooter bordersDoNotSurroundHeader bottom bottomFromText br cachedColBalance calcOnExit calendar cantSplit caps caption captions category cellDel cellIns cellMerge chapNum chapSep chapStyle char charSpace characterSet characterSpacingControl charset checkBox checkErrors checkStyle checked citation clear clearFormatting clickAndTypeStyle clrSchemeMapping cnfStyle code col colDelim colFirst colLast color cols column combine combineBrackets comboBox comment commentRangeEnd commentRangeStart commentReference comments compat compatSetting conformance connectString consecutiveHyphenLimit contentPart contextualSpacing continuationSeparator control convMailMergeEsc count countBy cr cryptAlgorithmClass cryptAlgorithmSid cryptAlgorithmType cryptProvider cryptProviderType cryptProviderTypeExt cryptProviderTypeExtSource cryptSpinCount cs csb0 csb1 cstheme customMarkFollows customStyle customStyles customXml customXmlDelRangeEnd customXmlDelRangeStart customXmlInsRangeEnd customXmlInsRangeStart customXmlMoveFromRangeEnd customXmlMoveFromRangeStart customXmlMoveToRangeEnd customXmlMoveToRangeStart customXmlPr dataBinding dataSource dataType date dateFormat dayLong dayShort ddList decimalSymbol decorated defLockedState defQFormat defSemiHidden defUIPriority defUnhideWhenUsed default defaultTabStop defaultTableStyle del delInstrText delText description destination dir directFormattingOnNumbering directFormattingOnParagraphs directFormattingOnRuns directFormattingOnTables dirty displacedByCustomXml display displayBackgroundShape displayHangulFixedWidth displayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery displayText displayVerticalDrawingGridEvery distance div divBdr divId divs divsChild dllVersion doNotAutoCompressPictures doNotAutofitConstrainedTables doNotBreakConstrainedForcedTable doNotBreakWrappedTables doNotDemarcateInvalidXml doNotDisplayPageBoundaries doNotExpandShiftReturn doNotHyphenateCaps doNotIncludeSubdocsInStats doNotLeaveBackslashAlone doNotOrganizeInFolder doNotRelyOnCSS doNotSaveAsSingleFile doNotShadeFormData doNotSnapToGridInCell doNotSuppressBlankLines doNotSuppressIndentation doNotSuppressParagraphBorders doNotTrackFormatting doNotTrackMoves doNotUseEastAsianBreakRules doNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing doNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop doNotUseLongFileNames doNotUseMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin doNotValidateAgainstSchema doNotVertAlignCellWithSp doNotVertAlignInTxbx doNotWrapTextWithPunct docDefaults docGrid docLocation docPart docPartBody docPartCategory docPartGallery docPartList docPartObj docPartPr docPartUnique docParts docVar docVars document documentProtection documentType drawAspect drawing drawingGridHorizontalOrigin drawingGridHorizontalSpacing drawingGridVerticalOrigin drawingGridVerticalSpacing dropCap dropDownList dstrike dxaOrig dyaOrig dynamicAddress eastAsia eastAsiaTheme eastAsianLayout ed edGrp edit effect element em embedBold embedBoldItalic embedItalic embedRegular embedSystemFonts embedTrueTypeFonts emboss enabled encoding end endChars endnote endnotePr endnoteRef endnoteReference endnotes enforcement entryMacro equalWidth equation evenAndOddHeaders evenHBand evenVBand exitMacro fHdr family ffData fieldCodes fieldMapData fill first firstColumn firstLine firstLineChars firstRow firstRowFirstColumn firstRowLastColumn fitText flatBorders fldChar fldCharType fldData fldLock fldSimple fmt followedHyperlink font fontKey fontSz fonts footer footerReference footnote footnoteLayoutLikeWW8 footnotePr footnoteRef footnoteReference footnotes forceUpgrade forgetLastTabAlignment formProt format formatting formsDesign frame frameLayout framePr frameset framesetSplitbar ftr fullDate gallery glossaryDocument grammar gridAfter gridBefore gridCol gridSpan group growAutofit guid gutter gutterAtTop h hAnchor hAnsi hAnsiTheme hMerge hRule hSpace hanging hangingChars hash hashValue hdr hdrShapeDefaults header headerReference headerSource heading headingStyles helpText hidden hideGrammaticalErrors hideMark hideSpellingErrors highlight hint history horzAnchor hps hpsBaseText hpsRaise hyperlink hyphenationZone i iCs id ignoreMixedContent ilvl imprint ind initials inkAnnotations ins insDel insideH insideV instr instrText isLgl jc keepLines keepNext kern kinsoku lang lastColumn lastRenderedPageBreak lastRow lastRowFirstColumn lastRowLastColumn lastValue latentStyles layoutRawTableWidth layoutTableRowsApart leader left leftChars leftFromText legacy legacyIndent legacySpace lid line linePitch lineRule lineWrapLikeWord6 lines link linkStyles linkToQuery linkedToFile listEntry listItem listSeparator lnNumType lock locked lockedField lsdException lvl lvlJc lvlOverride lvlPicBulletId lvlRestart lvlText mailAsAttachment mailMerge mailSubject mainDocumentType mappedName marBottom marH marLeft marRight marTop marW markup matchSrc maxLength mirrorIndents mirrorMargins monthLong monthShort moveFrom moveFromRangeEnd moveFromRangeStart moveTo moveToRangeEnd moveToRangeStart movie multiLevelType multiLine mwSmallCaps name_ next nlCheck noBorder noBreakHyphen noColumnBalance noEndnote noExtraLineSpacing noHBand noLabel noLeading noLineBreaksAfter noLineBreaksBefore noProof noPunctuationKerning noResizeAllowed noSpaceRaiseLower noTabHangInd noVBand noWrap notTrueType nsid null num numFmt numId numIdMacAtCleanup numPicBullet numPicBulletId numPr numRestart numStart numStyleLink numbering numberingChange numberingStyles oMath object objectEmbed objectLink oddHBand oddVBand odso offsetFrom optimizeForBrowser orient original other outline outlineLvl overflowPunct p pBdr pPr pPrChange pPrDefault pStyle pageBreakBefore panose1 paperSrc percent permEnd permStart personal personalCompose personalReply pgBorders pgMar pgNum pgNumType pgSz pict picture pitch pixelsPerInch placeholder pos position prefixMappings printBodyTextBeforeHeader printColBlack printFormsData printFractionalCharacterWidth printPostScriptOverText printTwoOnOne printerSettings progId proofErr proofState ptab qFormat query r rFonts rPr rPrChange rPrDefault rStyle readModeInkLockDown recipientData recipients recommended relativeTo relyOnVML removeDateAndTime removePersonalInformation restart result revisionView richText right rightChars rightFromText rsid rsidDel rsidP rsidR rsidRDefault rsidRPr rsidRoot rsidSect rsidTr rsids rt rtl rtlGutter ruby rubyAlign rubyBase rubyPr salt saltValue saveFormsData saveInvalidXml savePreviewPicture saveSubsetFonts saveThroughXslt saveXmlDataOnly scrollbar sdt sdtContent sdtEndPr sdtPr sectPr sectPrChange selectFldWithFirstOrLastChar semiHidden sep separator settings shadow shapeDefaults shapeId_ shapeLayoutLikeWW8 shapeid shd showBreaksInFrames showEnvelope showXMLTags showingPlcHdr sig size sizeAuto smallCaps snapToGrid softHyphen solutionID sourceFileName space spaceForUL spacing spacingInWholePoints specVanish spelling spinCount splitPgBreakAndParaMark src start startChars startOverride statusText storeItemID storeMappedDataAs strictFirstAndLastChars strike style styleId styleLink styleLockQFSet styleLockTheme stylePaneFormatFilter stylePaneSortMethod styles stylesInUse subDoc subFontBySize subsetted suff summaryLength suppressAutoHyphens suppressBottomSpacing suppressLineNumbers suppressOverlap suppressSpBfAfterPgBrk suppressSpacingAtTopOfPage suppressTopSpacing suppressTopSpacingWP swapBordersFacingPages sym sz szCs t t1 t2 tab table tableStyles tabs tag targetScreenSz tbl tblBorders tblCaption tblCellMar tblCellSpacing tblDescription tblGrid tblGridChange tblHeader tblInd tblLayout tblLook tblOverlap tblPr tblPrChange tblPrEx tblPrExChange tblStyle tblStyleColBandSize tblStylePr tblStyleRowBandSize tblW tblpPr tblpX tblpXSpec tblpY tblpYSpec tc tcBorders tcFitText tcMar tcPr tcPrChange tcW temporary tentative text textAlignment textDirection textInput textboxTightWrap tgtFrame themeColor themeFill themeFillShade themeFillTint themeFontLang themeShade themeTint titlePg tl2br tmpl tooltip top top3HeadingStyles topFromText topLinePunct tplc tr tr2bl trHeight trPr trPrChange trackRevisions truncateFontHeightsLikeWP6 txbxContent type types u udl uiCompat97To2003 uiPriority ulTrailSpace underlineTabInNumList unhideWhenUsed uniqueTag updateFields updateMode uri usb0 usb1 usb2 usb3 useAltKinsokuLineBreakRules useAnsiKerningPairs useFELayout useNormalStyleForList usePrinterMetrics useSingleBorderforContiguousCells useWord2002TableStyleRules useWord97LineBreakRules useXSLTWhenSaving vAlign vAnchor vMerge vMergeOrig vSpace val value vanish vendorID vert vertAlign vertAnchor vertCompress view viewMergedData visibleStyles w wAfter wBefore w_ webHidden webSettings widowControl wordWrap wpJustification wpSpaceWidth wrap wrapTrailSpaces writeProtection x xAlign xpath y yAlign yearLong yearShort zOrder zoom



abstractNum: XName = ...

Represents the w:abstractNum XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

abstractNumId: XName = ...

Represents the w:abstractNumId XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:num
  • XML attributes: w:val

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:abstractNum

accent1: XName = ...

Represents the w:accent1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

accent2: XName = ...

Represents the w:accent2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

accent3: XName = ...

Represents the w:accent3 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

accent4: XName = ...

Represents the w:accent4 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

accent5: XName = ...

Represents the w:accent5 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

accent6: XName = ...

Represents the w:accent6 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

active: XName = ...

Represents the w:active XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

activeRecord: XName = ...

Represents the w:activeRecord XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

activeWritingStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:activeWritingStyle XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

actualPg: XName = ...

Represents the w:actualPg XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:readModeInkLockDown

addressFieldName: XName = ...

Represents the w:addressFieldName XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

adjustLineHeightInTable: XName = ...

Represents the w:adjustLineHeightInTable XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

adjustRightInd: XName = ...

Represents the w:adjustRightInd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
after: XName = ...

Represents the w:after XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:spacing

afterAutospacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:afterAutospacing XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:spacing

afterLines: XName = ...

Represents the w:afterLines XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:spacing

algIdExt: XName = ...

Represents the w:algIdExt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

algIdExtSource: XName = ...

Represents the w:algIdExtSource XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

algorithmName: XName = ...

Represents the w:algorithmName XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

alias: XName = ...

Represents the w:alias XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

aliases: XName = ...

Represents the w:aliases XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

alignBordersAndEdges: XName = ...

Represents the w:alignBordersAndEdges XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

alignTablesRowByRow: XName = ...

Represents the w:alignTablesRowByRow XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

alignment: XName = ...

Represents the w:alignment XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ptab

all: XName = ...

Represents the w:all XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:types

allStyles: XName = ...

Represents the w:allStyles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

allowPNG: XName = ...

Represents the w:allowPNG XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

allowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable: XName = ...

Represents the w:allowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

altChunk: XName = ...

Represents the w:altChunk XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

altChunkPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:altChunkPr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

altName: XName = ...

Represents the w:altName XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

alternateStyleNames: XName = ...

Represents the w:alternateStyleNames XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

alwaysMergeEmptyNamespace: XName = ...

Represents the w:alwaysMergeEmptyNamespace XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

alwaysShowPlaceholderText: XName = ...

Represents the w:alwaysShowPlaceholderText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

anchor: XName = ...

Represents the w:anchor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:hyperlink

anchorLock: XName = ...

Represents the w:anchorLock XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

annotationRef: XName = ...

Represents the w:annotationRef XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
appName: XName = ...

Represents the w:appName XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:activeWritingStyle

applyBreakingRules: XName = ...

Represents the w:applyBreakingRules XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

ascii: XName = ...

Represents the w:ascii XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:rFonts

asciiTheme: XName = ...

Represents the w:asciiTheme XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:rFonts

attachedSchema: XName = ...

Represents the w:attachedSchema XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

attachedTemplate: XName = ...

Represents the w:attachedTemplate XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

attr: XName = ...

Represents the w:attr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

author: XName = ...
autoCaption: XName = ...

Represents the w:autoCaption XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

autoCaptions: XName = ...

Represents the w:autoCaptions XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

autoFormatOverride: XName = ...

Represents the w:autoFormatOverride XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

autoHyphenation: XName = ...

Represents the w:autoHyphenation XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

autoRedefine: XName = ...

Represents the w:autoRedefine XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

autoSpaceDE: XName = ...

Represents the w:autoSpaceDE XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
autoSpaceDN: XName = ...

Represents the w:autoSpaceDN XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
autoSpaceLikeWord95: XName = ...

Represents the w:autoSpaceLikeWord95 XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

autofitToFirstFixedWidthCell: XName = ...

Represents the w:autofitToFirstFixedWidthCell XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

b: XName = ...

Represents the w:b XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
bCs: XName = ...

Represents the w:bCs XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
background: XName = ...

Represents the w:background XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth: XName = ...

Represents the w:balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bar: XName = ...

Represents the w:bar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

basedOn: XName = ...

Represents the w:basedOn XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bdo: XName = ...
bdr: XName = ...

Represents the w:bdr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

before: XName = ...

Represents the w:before XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:spacing

beforeAutospacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:beforeAutospacing XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:spacing

beforeLines: XName = ...

Represents the w:beforeLines XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:spacing

behavior: XName = ...

Represents the w:behavior XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

behaviors: XName = ...

Represents the w:behaviors XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

between: XName = ...

Represents the w:between XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bg1: XName = ...

Represents the w:bg1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

bg2: XName = ...

Represents the w:bg2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

bibliography: XName = ...

Represents the w:bibliography XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bidi: XName = ...

Represents the w:bidi XML element and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lang, w:themeFontLang

bidiVisual: XName = ...

Represents the w:bidiVisual XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

blockQuote: XName = ...

Represents the w:blockQuote XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:div
  • XML attributes: w:val
body: XName = ...
bodyDiv: XName = ...

Represents the w:bodyDiv XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:div
  • XML attributes: w:val
bookFoldPrinting: XName = ...

Represents the w:bookFoldPrinting XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bookFoldPrintingSheets: XName = ...

Represents the w:bookFoldPrintingSheets XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bookFoldRevPrinting: XName = ...

Represents the w:bookFoldRevPrinting XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bookmarkEnd: XName = ...

Represents the w:bookmarkEnd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bookmarkStart: XName = ...
bordersDoNotSurroundFooter: XName = ...

Represents the w:bordersDoNotSurroundFooter XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bordersDoNotSurroundHeader: XName = ...

Represents the w:bordersDoNotSurroundHeader XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bottom: XName = ...

Represents the w:bottom XML elements and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgMar

bottomFromText: XName = ...

Represents the w:bottomFromText XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

br: XName = ...

Represents the w:br XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

cachedColBalance: XName = ...

Represents the w:cachedColBalance XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

calcOnExit: XName = ...

Represents the w:calcOnExit XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

calendar: XName = ...

Represents the w:calendar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

cantSplit: XName = ...

Represents the w:cantSplit XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

caps: XName = ...

Represents the w:caps XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
caption: XName = ...

Represents the w:caption XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:autoCaption

captions: XName = ...

Represents the w:captions XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

category: XName = ...

Represents the w:category XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

cellDel: XName = ...

Represents the w:cellDel XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

cellIns: XName = ...

Represents the w:cellIns XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

cellMerge: XName = ...

Represents the w:cellMerge XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

chapNum: XName = ...

Represents the w:chapNum XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:caption

chapSep: XName = ...

Represents the w:chapSep XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgNumType

chapStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:chapStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgNumType

char: XName = ...

Represents the w:char XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:sym

charSpace: XName = ...

Represents the w:charSpace XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:docGrid

characterSet: XName = ...

Represents the w:characterSet XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:charset

characterSpacingControl: XName = ...

Represents the w:characterSpacingControl XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

charset: XName = ...

Represents the w:charset XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

checkBox: XName = ...

Represents the w:checkBox XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

checkErrors: XName = ...

Represents the w:checkErrors XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

checkStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:checkStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:activeWritingStyle

checked: XName = ...

Represents the w:checked XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

citation: XName = ...

Represents the w:citation XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

clear: XName = ...

Represents the w:clear XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:br

clearFormatting: XName = ...

Represents the w:clearFormatting XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

clickAndTypeStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:clickAndTypeStyle XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

clrSchemeMapping: XName = ...

Represents the w:clrSchemeMapping XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

cnfStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:cnfStyle XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

code: XName = ...

Represents the w:code XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgSz

col: XName = ...

Represents the w:col XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

colDelim: XName = ...

Represents the w:colDelim XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

colFirst: XName = ...

Represents the w:colFirst XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:bookmarkStart, w:moveFromRangeStart, w:moveToRangeStart, w:permStart

colLast: XName = ...

Represents the w:colLast XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:bookmarkStart, w:moveFromRangeStart, w:moveToRangeStart, w:permStart

color: XName = ...

Represents the w:color XML element and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:background, w:bar, w:bdr, w:between, w:bottom, w:end, w:insideH, w:insideV, w:left, w:right, w:shd, w:start, w:tl2br, w:top, w:tr2bl, w:u

cols: XName = ...

Represents the w:cols XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

column: XName = ...

Represents the w:column XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

combine: XName = ...

Represents the w:combine XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:eastAsianLayout

combineBrackets: XName = ...

Represents the w:combineBrackets XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:eastAsianLayout

comboBox: XName = ...

Represents the w:comboBox XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

comment: XName = ...

Represents the w:comment XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

commentRangeEnd: XName = ...

Represents the w:commentRangeEnd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

commentRangeStart: XName = ...

Represents the w:commentRangeStart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

commentReference: XName = ...

Represents the w:commentReference XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
  • XML attributes: w:id
comments: XName = ...

Represents the w:comments XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:revisionView

compat: XName = ...

Represents the w:compat XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

compatSetting: XName = ...

Represents the w:compatSetting XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

conformance: XName = ...

Represents the w:conformance XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:document

connectString: XName = ...

Represents the w:connectString XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

consecutiveHyphenLimit: XName = ...

Represents the w:consecutiveHyphenLimit XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

contentPart: XName = ...

Represents the w:contentPart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

contextualSpacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:contextualSpacing XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
continuationSeparator: XName = ...

Represents the w:continuationSeparator XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
control: XName = ...

Represents the w:control XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

convMailMergeEsc: XName = ...

Represents the w:convMailMergeEsc XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

count: XName = ...

Represents the w:count XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:latentStyles

countBy: XName = ...

Represents the w:countBy XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lnNumType

cr: XName = ...

Represents the w:cr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
cryptAlgorithmClass: XName = ...

Represents the w:cryptAlgorithmClass XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

cryptAlgorithmSid: XName = ...

Represents the w:cryptAlgorithmSid XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

cryptAlgorithmType: XName = ...

Represents the w:cryptAlgorithmType XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

cryptProvider: XName = ...

Represents the w:cryptProvider XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

cryptProviderType: XName = ...

Represents the w:cryptProviderType XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

cryptProviderTypeExt: XName = ...

Represents the w:cryptProviderTypeExt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

cryptProviderTypeExtSource: XName = ...

Represents the w:cryptProviderTypeExtSource XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

cryptSpinCount: XName = ...

Represents the w:cryptSpinCount XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

cs: XName = ...

Represents the w:cs XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:rFonts

csb0: XName = ...

Represents the w:csb0 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:sig

csb1: XName = ...

Represents the w:csb1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:sig

cstheme: XName = ...

Represents the w:cstheme XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:rFonts

customMarkFollows: XName = ...

Represents the w:customMarkFollows XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:endnoteReference, w:footnoteReference

customStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:customStyle XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:style

customStyles: XName = ...

Represents the w:customStyles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

customXml: XName = ...
customXmlDelRangeEnd: XName = ...

Represents the w:customXmlDelRangeEnd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

customXmlDelRangeStart: XName = ...

Represents the w:customXmlDelRangeStart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

customXmlInsRangeEnd: XName = ...

Represents the w:customXmlInsRangeEnd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

customXmlInsRangeStart: XName = ...

Represents the w:customXmlInsRangeStart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

customXmlMoveFromRangeEnd: XName = ...

Represents the w:customXmlMoveFromRangeEnd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

customXmlMoveFromRangeStart: XName = ...

Represents the w:customXmlMoveFromRangeStart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

customXmlMoveToRangeEnd: XName = ...

Represents the w:customXmlMoveToRangeEnd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

customXmlMoveToRangeStart: XName = ...

Represents the w:customXmlMoveToRangeStart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

customXmlPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:customXmlPr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

dataBinding: XName = ...

Represents the w:dataBinding XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

dataSource: XName = ...

Represents the w:dataSource XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

dataType: XName = ...

Represents the w:dataType XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

date: XName = ...
dateFormat: XName = ...

Represents the w:dateFormat XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

dayLong: XName = ...

Represents the w:dayLong XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
dayShort: XName = ...

Represents the w:dayShort XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
ddList: XName = ...

Represents the w:ddList XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

decimalSymbol: XName = ...

Represents the w:decimalSymbol XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

decorated: XName = ...

Represents the w:decorated XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:name_

defLockedState: XName = ...

Represents the w:defLockedState XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:latentStyles

defQFormat: XName = ...

Represents the w:defQFormat XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:latentStyles

defSemiHidden: XName = ...

Represents the w:defSemiHidden XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:latentStyles

defUIPriority: XName = ...

Represents the w:defUIPriority XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:latentStyles

defUnhideWhenUsed: XName = ...

Represents the w:defUnhideWhenUsed XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:latentStyles

default: XName = ...

Represents the w:default XML elements and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:style

defaultTabStop: XName = ...

Represents the w:defaultTabStop XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

defaultTableStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:defaultTableStyle XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

del: XName = ...
delInstrText: XName = ...

Represents the w:delInstrText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

delText: XName = ...

Represents the w:delText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

description: XName = ...

Represents the w:description XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

destination: XName = ...

Represents the w:destination XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

dir: XName = ...
directFormattingOnNumbering: XName = ...

Represents the w:directFormattingOnNumbering XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

directFormattingOnParagraphs: XName = ...

Represents the w:directFormattingOnParagraphs XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

directFormattingOnRuns: XName = ...

Represents the w:directFormattingOnRuns XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

directFormattingOnTables: XName = ...

Represents the w:directFormattingOnTables XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

dirty: XName = ...

Represents the w:dirty XML element and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:fldChar, w:fldSimple

displacedByCustomXml: XName = ...

Represents the w:displacedByCustomXml XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:bookmarkEnd, w:bookmarkStart, w:commentRangeEnd, w:commentRangeStart, w:moveFromRangeEnd, w:moveFromRangeStart, w:moveToRangeEnd, w:moveToRangeStart, w:permEnd, w:permStart

display: XName = ...

Represents the w:display XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgBorders

displayBackgroundShape: XName = ...

Represents the w:displayBackgroundShape XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

displayHangulFixedWidth: XName = ...

Represents the w:displayHangulFixedWidth XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

displayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery: XName = ...

Represents the w:displayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

displayText: XName = ...

Represents the w:displayText XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:listItem

displayVerticalDrawingGridEvery: XName = ...

Represents the w:displayVerticalDrawingGridEvery XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

distance: XName = ...

Represents the w:distance XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lnNumType

div: XName = ...

Represents the w:div XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

divBdr: XName = ...

Represents the w:divBdr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

divId: XName = ...

Represents the w:divId XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

divs: XName = ...

Represents the w:divs XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

divsChild: XName = ...

Represents the w:divsChild XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:div
  • child XML elements: w:div
dllVersion: XName = ...

Represents the w:dllVersion XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:activeWritingStyle

doNotAutoCompressPictures: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotAutoCompressPictures XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotAutofitConstrainedTables: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotAutofitConstrainedTables XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotBreakConstrainedForcedTable: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotBreakConstrainedForcedTable XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotBreakWrappedTables: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotBreakWrappedTables XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotDemarcateInvalidXml: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotDemarcateInvalidXml XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotDisplayPageBoundaries: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotDisplayPageBoundaries XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotExpandShiftReturn: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotExpandShiftReturn XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotHyphenateCaps: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotHyphenateCaps XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotIncludeSubdocsInStats: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotIncludeSubdocsInStats XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotLeaveBackslashAlone: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotLeaveBackslashAlone XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotOrganizeInFolder: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotOrganizeInFolder XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotRelyOnCSS: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotRelyOnCSS XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotSaveAsSingleFile: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotSaveAsSingleFile XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotShadeFormData: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotShadeFormData XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotSnapToGridInCell: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotSnapToGridInCell XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotSuppressBlankLines: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotSuppressBlankLines XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotSuppressIndentation: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotSuppressIndentation XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotSuppressParagraphBorders: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotSuppressParagraphBorders XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotTrackFormatting: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotTrackFormatting XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotTrackMoves: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotTrackMoves XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotUseEastAsianBreakRules: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotUseEastAsianBreakRules XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotUseLongFileNames: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotUseLongFileNames XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotUseMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotUseMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotValidateAgainstSchema: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotValidateAgainstSchema XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotVertAlignCellWithSp: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotVertAlignCellWithSp XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotVertAlignInTxbx: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotVertAlignInTxbx XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doNotWrapTextWithPunct: XName = ...

Represents the w:doNotWrapTextWithPunct XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docDefaults: XName = ...

Represents the w:docDefaults XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docGrid: XName = ...

Represents the w:docGrid XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docLocation: XName = ...

Represents the w:docLocation XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:hyperlink

docPart: XName = ...

Represents the w:docPart XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docPartBody: XName = ...
docPartCategory: XName = ...

Represents the w:docPartCategory XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docPartGallery: XName = ...

Represents the w:docPartGallery XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docPartList: XName = ...

Represents the w:docPartList XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docPartObj: XName = ...

Represents the w:docPartObj XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docPartPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:docPartPr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docPartUnique: XName = ...

Represents the w:docPartUnique XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docParts: XName = ...

Represents the w:docParts XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docVar: XName = ...

Represents the w:docVar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

docVars: XName = ...

Represents the w:docVars XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

document: XName = ...

Represents the w:document XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

documentProtection: XName = ...
documentType: XName = ...

Represents the w:documentType XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

drawAspect: XName = ...

Represents the w:drawAspect XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:objectEmbed, w:objectLink

drawing: XName = ...

Represents the w:drawing XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

drawingGridHorizontalOrigin: XName = ...

Represents the w:drawingGridHorizontalOrigin XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

drawingGridHorizontalSpacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:drawingGridHorizontalSpacing XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

drawingGridVerticalOrigin: XName = ...

Represents the w:drawingGridVerticalOrigin XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

drawingGridVerticalSpacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:drawingGridVerticalSpacing XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

dropCap: XName = ...

Represents the w:dropCap XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

dropDownList: XName = ...

Represents the w:dropDownList XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

dstrike: XName = ...

Represents the w:dstrike XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
dxaOrig: XName = ...

Represents the w:dxaOrig XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:object

dyaOrig: XName = ...

Represents the w:dyaOrig XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:object

dynamicAddress: XName = ...

Represents the w:dynamicAddress XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

eastAsia: XName = ...

Represents the w:eastAsia XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lang, w:rFonts, w:themeFontLang

eastAsiaTheme: XName = ...

Represents the w:eastAsiaTheme XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:rFonts

eastAsianLayout: XName = ...

Represents the w:eastAsianLayout XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

ed: XName = ...

Represents the w:ed XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:permStart

edGrp: XName = ...

Represents the w:edGrp XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:permStart

edit: XName = ...

Represents the w:edit XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection

effect: XName = ...

Represents the w:effect XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
element: XName = ...

Represents the w:element XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:customXml

em: XName = ...

Represents the w:em XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
embedBold: XName = ...

Represents the w:embedBold XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

embedBoldItalic: XName = ...

Represents the w:embedBoldItalic XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

embedItalic: XName = ...

Represents the w:embedItalic XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

embedRegular: XName = ...

Represents the w:embedRegular XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

embedSystemFonts: XName = ...

Represents the w:embedSystemFonts XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

embedTrueTypeFonts: XName = ...

Represents the w:embedTrueTypeFonts XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

emboss: XName = ...

Represents the w:emboss XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
enabled: XName = ...

Represents the w:enabled XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

encoding: XName = ...

Represents the w:encoding XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

end: XName = ...

Represents the w:end XML elements and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind

endChars: XName = ...

Represents the w:endChars XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind

endnote: XName = ...
endnotePr: XName = ...

Represents the w:endnotePr XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

endnoteRef: XName = ...

Represents the w:endnoteRef XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
endnoteReference: XName = ...

Represents the w:endnoteReference XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

endnotes: XName = ...

Represents the w:endnotes XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

enforcement: XName = ...

Represents the w:enforcement XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection

entryMacro: XName = ...

Represents the w:entryMacro XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

equalWidth: XName = ...

Represents the w:equalWidth XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cols

equation: XName = ...

Represents the w:equation XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

evenAndOddHeaders: XName = ...

Represents the w:evenAndOddHeaders XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

evenHBand: XName = ...

Represents the w:evenHBand XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle

evenVBand: XName = ...

Represents the w:evenVBand XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle

exitMacro: XName = ...

Represents the w:exitMacro XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

fHdr: XName = ...

Represents the w:fHdr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

family: XName = ...

Represents the w:family XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

ffData: XName = ...

Represents the w:ffData XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

fieldCodes: XName = ...

Represents the w:fieldCodes XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:objectEmbed, w:objectLink

fieldMapData: XName = ...

Represents the w:fieldMapData XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

fill: XName = ...

Represents the w:fill XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:shd

first: XName = ...

Represents the w:first XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:paperSrc

firstColumn: XName = ...

Represents the w:firstColumn XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle, w:tblLook

firstLine: XName = ...

Represents the w:firstLine XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind

firstLineChars: XName = ...

Represents the w:firstLineChars XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind

firstRow: XName = ...

Represents the w:firstRow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle, w:tblLook

firstRowFirstColumn: XName = ...

Represents the w:firstRowFirstColumn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle

firstRowLastColumn: XName = ...

Represents the w:firstRowLastColumn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle

fitText: XName = ...

Represents the w:fitText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

flatBorders: XName = ...

Represents the w:flatBorders XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

fldChar: XName = ...

Represents the w:fldChar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

fldCharType: XName = ...

Represents the w:fldCharType XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:fldChar

fldData: XName = ...

Represents the w:fldData XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

fldLock: XName = ...

Represents the w:fldLock XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:fldChar, w:fldSimple

fldSimple: XName = ...
fmt: XName = ...

Represents the w:fmt XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgNumType

followedHyperlink: XName = ...

Represents the w:followedHyperlink XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

font: XName = ...

Represents the w:font XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:sym

fontKey: XName = ...

Represents the w:fontKey XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:embedBold, w:embedBoldItalic, w:embedItalic, w:embedRegular

fontSz: XName = ...

Represents the w:fontSz XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:readModeInkLockDown

fonts: XName = ...

Represents the w:fonts XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

footer: XName = ...

Represents the w:footer XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgMar

footerReference: XName = ...

Represents the w:footerReference XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

footnote: XName = ...
footnoteLayoutLikeWW8: XName = ...

Represents the w:footnoteLayoutLikeWW8 XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

footnotePr: XName = ...

Represents the w:footnotePr XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

footnoteRef: XName = ...

Represents the w:footnoteRef XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
footnoteReference: XName = ...

Represents the w:footnoteReference XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

footnotes: XName = ...

Represents the w:footnotes XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

forceUpgrade: XName = ...

Represents the w:forceUpgrade XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

forgetLastTabAlignment: XName = ...

Represents the w:forgetLastTabAlignment XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

formProt: XName = ...

Represents the w:formProt XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

format: XName = ...

Represents the w:format XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:numFmt

formatting: XName = ...

Represents the w:formatting XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:revisionView

formsDesign: XName = ...

Represents the w:formsDesign XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

frame: XName = ...

Represents the w:frame XML element and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:bar, w:bdr, w:between, w:bottom, w:end, w:insideH, w:insideV, w:left, w:right, w:start, w:tl2br, w:top, w:tr2bl

frameLayout: XName = ...

Represents the w:frameLayout XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

framePr: XName = ...

Represents the w:framePr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

frameset: XName = ...

Represents the w:frameset XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

framesetSplitbar: XName = ...

Represents the w:framesetSplitbar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

ftr: XName = ...
fullDate: XName = ...

Represents the w:fullDate XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:date

gallery: XName = ...

Represents the w:gallery XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

glossaryDocument: XName = ...

Represents the w:glossaryDocument XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

grammar: XName = ...

Represents the w:grammar XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:proofState

gridAfter: XName = ...

Represents the w:gridAfter XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

gridBefore: XName = ...

Represents the w:gridBefore XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

gridCol: XName = ...

Represents the w:gridCol XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

gridSpan: XName = ...

Represents the w:gridSpan XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

group: XName = ...

Represents the w:group XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

growAutofit: XName = ...

Represents the w:growAutofit XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

guid: XName = ...

Represents the w:guid XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

gutter: XName = ...

Represents the w:gutter XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgMar

gutterAtTop: XName = ...

Represents the w:gutterAtTop XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

h: XName = ...

Represents the w:h XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr, w:pgSz, w:readModeInkLockDown

hAnchor: XName = ...

Represents the w:hAnchor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

hAnsi: XName = ...

Represents the w:hAnsi XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:rFonts

hAnsiTheme: XName = ...

Represents the w:hAnsiTheme XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:rFonts

hMerge: XName = ...

Represents the w:hMerge XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

hRule: XName = ...

Represents the w:hRule XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr, w:trHeight

hSpace: XName = ...

Represents the w:hSpace XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

hanging: XName = ...

Represents the w:hanging XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind

hangingChars: XName = ...

Represents the w:hangingChars XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind

hash: XName = ...

Represents the w:hash XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

hashValue: XName = ...

Represents the w:hashValue XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

hdr: XName = ...
hdrShapeDefaults: XName = ...

Represents the w:hdrShapeDefaults XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

header: XName = ...

Represents the w:header XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgMar

headerReference: XName = ...

Represents the w:headerReference XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

headerSource: XName = ...

Represents the w:headerSource XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

heading: XName = ...

Represents the w:heading XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:caption

headingStyles: XName = ...

Represents the w:headingStyles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

helpText: XName = ...

Represents the w:helpText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

hidden: XName = ...

Represents the w:hidden XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

hideGrammaticalErrors: XName = ...

Represents the w:hideGrammaticalErrors XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

hideMark: XName = ...

Represents the w:hideMark XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

hideSpellingErrors: XName = ...

Represents the w:hideSpellingErrors XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

highlight: XName = ...

Represents the w:highlight XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
hint: XName = ...

Represents the w:hint XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:rFonts

history: XName = ...

Represents the w:history XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:hyperlink

horzAnchor: XName = ...

Represents the w:horzAnchor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

hps: XName = ...

Represents the w:hps XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

hpsBaseText: XName = ...

Represents the w:hpsBaseText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

hpsRaise: XName = ...

Represents the w:hpsRaise XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

hyperlink: XName = ...
hyphenationZone: XName = ...

Represents the w:hyphenationZone XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

i: XName = ...

Represents the w:i XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
iCs: XName = ...

Represents the w:iCs XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
id: XName = ...
ignoreMixedContent: XName = ...

Represents the w:ignoreMixedContent XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

ilvl: XName = ...

Represents the w:ilvl XML element and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lvl, w:lvlOverride

imprint: XName = ...

Represents the w:imprint XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
ind: XName = ...

Represents the w:ind XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

initials: XName = ...

Represents the w:initials XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:comment

inkAnnotations: XName = ...

Represents the w:inkAnnotations XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:revisionView

ins: XName = ...
insDel: XName = ...

Represents the w:insDel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:revisionView

insideH: XName = ...

Represents the w:insideH XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

insideV: XName = ...

Represents the w:insideV XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

instr: XName = ...

Represents the w:instr XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:fldSimple

instrText: XName = ...

Represents the w:instrText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

isLgl: XName = ...

Represents the w:isLgl XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:lvl
  • XML attributes: w:val
jc: XName = ...

Represents the w:jc XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

keepLines: XName = ...

Represents the w:keepLines XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
keepNext: XName = ...

Represents the w:keepNext XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
kern: XName = ...

Represents the w:kern XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
kinsoku: XName = ...

Represents the w:kinsoku XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
lang: XName = ...

Represents the w:lang XML element and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:activeWritingStyle, w:noLineBreaksAfter, w:noLineBreaksBefore

lastColumn: XName = ...

Represents the w:lastColumn XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle, w:tblLook

lastRenderedPageBreak: XName = ...

Represents the w:lastRenderedPageBreak XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
lastRow: XName = ...

Represents the w:lastRow XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle, w:tblLook

lastRowFirstColumn: XName = ...

Represents the w:lastRowFirstColumn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle

lastRowLastColumn: XName = ...

Represents the w:lastRowLastColumn XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle

lastValue: XName = ...

Represents the w:lastValue XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:comboBox, w:dropDownList

latentStyles: XName = ...

Represents the w:latentStyles XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

layoutRawTableWidth: XName = ...

Represents the w:layoutRawTableWidth XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

layoutTableRowsApart: XName = ...

Represents the w:layoutTableRowsApart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

leader: XName = ...

Represents the w:leader XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ptab, w:tab

left: XName = ...

Represents the w:left XML elements and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind, w:pgMar

leftChars: XName = ...

Represents the w:leftChars XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind

leftFromText: XName = ...

Represents the w:leftFromText XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

legacy: XName = ...

Represents the w:legacy XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:legacy

legacyIndent: XName = ...

Represents the w:legacyIndent XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:legacy

legacySpace: XName = ...

Represents the w:legacySpace XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:legacy

lid: XName = ...

Represents the w:lid XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

line: XName = ...

Represents the w:line XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:spacing

linePitch: XName = ...

Represents the w:linePitch XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:docGrid

lineRule: XName = ...

Represents the w:lineRule XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:spacing

lineWrapLikeWord6: XName = ...

Represents the w:lineWrapLikeWord6 XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

lines: XName = ...

Represents the w:lines XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

link: XName = ...

Represents the w:link XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

linkStyles: XName = ...

Represents the w:linkStyles XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

linkToQuery: XName = ...

Represents the w:linkToQuery XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

linkedToFile: XName = ...

Represents the w:linkedToFile XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

listEntry: XName = ...

Represents the w:listEntry XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

listItem: XName = ...

Represents the w:listItem XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

listSeparator: XName = ...

Represents the w:listSeparator XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

lnNumType: XName = ...

Represents the w:lnNumType XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

lock: XName = ...

Represents the w:lock XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

locked: XName = ...

Represents the w:locked XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lsdException

lockedField: XName = ...

Represents the w:lockedField XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:objectLink

lsdException: XName = ...

Represents the w:lsdException XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

lvl: XName = ...

Represents the w:lvl XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

lvlJc: XName = ...

Represents the w:lvlJc XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:lvl
  • XML attributes: w:val
lvlOverride: XName = ...

Represents the w:lvlOverride XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

lvlPicBulletId: XName = ...

Represents the w:lvlPicBulletId XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:lvl
  • XML attributes: w:val
lvlRestart: XName = ...

Represents the w:lvlRestart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:lvl
  • XML attributes: w:val
lvlText: XName = ...

Represents the w:lvlText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

mailAsAttachment: XName = ...

Represents the w:mailAsAttachment XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

mailMerge: XName = ...

Represents the w:mailMerge XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

mailSubject: XName = ...

Represents the w:mailSubject XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

mainDocumentType: XName = ...

Represents the w:mainDocumentType XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

mappedName: XName = ...

Represents the w:mappedName XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

marBottom: XName = ...

Represents the w:marBottom XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:div
  • XML attributes: w:val
marH: XName = ...

Represents the w:marH XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

marLeft: XName = ...

Represents the w:marLeft XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:div
  • XML attributes: w:val
marRight: XName = ...

Represents the w:marRight XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:div
  • XML attributes: w:val
marTop: XName = ...

Represents the w:marTop XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:div
  • XML attributes: w:val
marW: XName = ...

Represents the w:marW XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

markup: XName = ...

Represents the w:markup XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:revisionView

matchSrc: XName = ...

Represents the w:matchSrc XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

maxLength: XName = ...

Represents the w:maxLength XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

mirrorIndents: XName = ...

Represents the w:mirrorIndents XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
mirrorMargins: XName = ...

Represents the w:mirrorMargins XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

monthLong: XName = ...

Represents the w:monthLong XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
monthShort: XName = ...

Represents the w:monthShort XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
moveFrom: XName = ...
moveFromRangeEnd: XName = ...

Represents the w:moveFromRangeEnd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

moveFromRangeStart: XName = ...
moveTo: XName = ...
moveToRangeEnd: XName = ...

Represents the w:moveToRangeEnd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

moveToRangeStart: XName = ...
movie: XName = ...

Represents the w:movie XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pict
  • XML attributes: r:id
multiLevelType: XName = ...

Represents the w:multiLevelType XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

multiLine: XName = ...

Represents the w:multiLine XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:text

mwSmallCaps: XName = ...

Represents the w:mwSmallCaps XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

name_: XName = ...

Represents the w:name XML elements and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:attr, w:autoCaption, w:bookmarkStart, w:caption, w:compatSetting, w:control, w:docVar, w:font, w:lsdException, w:moveFromRangeStart, w:moveToRangeStart

next: XName = ...

Represents the w:next XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

nlCheck: XName = ...

Represents the w:nlCheck XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:activeWritingStyle

noBorder: XName = ...

Represents the w:noBorder XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noBreakHyphen: XName = ...

Represents the w:noBreakHyphen XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
noColumnBalance: XName = ...

Represents the w:noColumnBalance XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noEndnote: XName = ...

Represents the w:noEndnote XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noExtraLineSpacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:noExtraLineSpacing XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noHBand: XName = ...

Represents the w:noHBand XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblLook

noLabel: XName = ...

Represents the w:noLabel XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:caption

noLeading: XName = ...

Represents the w:noLeading XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noLineBreaksAfter: XName = ...

Represents the w:noLineBreaksAfter XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noLineBreaksBefore: XName = ...

Represents the w:noLineBreaksBefore XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noProof: XName = ...

Represents the w:noProof XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
noPunctuationKerning: XName = ...

Represents the w:noPunctuationKerning XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noResizeAllowed: XName = ...

Represents the w:noResizeAllowed XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noSpaceRaiseLower: XName = ...

Represents the w:noSpaceRaiseLower XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noTabHangInd: XName = ...

Represents the w:noTabHangInd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

noVBand: XName = ...

Represents the w:noVBand XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblLook

noWrap: XName = ...

Represents the w:noWrap XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

notTrueType: XName = ...

Represents the w:notTrueType XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

nsid: XName = ...

Represents the w:nsid XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

null: XName = ...

Represents the w:null XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lvlText

num: XName = ...

Represents the w:num XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cols

numFmt: XName = ...

Represents the w:numFmt XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:caption

numId: XName = ...

Represents the w:numId XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:num

numIdMacAtCleanup: XName = ...

Represents the w:numIdMacAtCleanup XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

numPicBullet: XName = ...

Represents the w:numPicBullet XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

numPicBulletId: XName = ...

Represents the w:numPicBulletId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:numPicBullet

numPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:numPr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

numRestart: XName = ...

Represents the w:numRestart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

numStart: XName = ...

Represents the w:numStart XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

numStyleLink: XName = ...

Represents the w:numStyleLink XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

numbering: XName = ...

Represents the w:numbering XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

numberingChange: XName = ...

Represents the w:numberingChange XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

numberingStyles: XName = ...

Represents the w:numberingStyles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

oMath: XName = ...

Represents the w:oMath XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
object: XName = ...

Represents the w:object XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

objectEmbed: XName = ...

Represents the w:objectEmbed XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

objectLink: XName = ...

Represents the w:objectLink XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

oddHBand: XName = ...

Represents the w:oddHBand XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle

oddVBand: XName = ...

Represents the w:oddVBand XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cnfStyle

odso: XName = ...

Represents the w:odso XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

offsetFrom: XName = ...

Represents the w:offsetFrom XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgBorders

optimizeForBrowser: XName = ...

Represents the w:optimizeForBrowser XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

orient: XName = ...

Represents the w:orient XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgSz

original: XName = ...

Represents the w:original XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:numberingChange

other: XName = ...

Represents the w:other XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:paperSrc

outline: XName = ...

Represents the w:outline XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
outlineLvl: XName = ...

Represents the w:outlineLvl XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
overflowPunct: XName = ...

Represents the w:overflowPunct XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
p: XName = ...
pBdr: XName = ...

Represents the w:pBdr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pPr: XName = ...
pPrChange: XName = ...

Represents the w:pPrChange XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pPrDefault: XName = ...

Represents the w:pPrDefault XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:pStyle XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pageBreakBefore: XName = ...

Represents the w:pageBreakBefore XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
panose1: XName = ...

Represents the w:panose1 XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

paperSrc: XName = ...

Represents the w:paperSrc XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

percent: XName = ...

Represents the w:percent XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:zoom

permEnd: XName = ...
permStart: XName = ...
personal: XName = ...

Represents the w:personal XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

personalCompose: XName = ...

Represents the w:personalCompose XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

personalReply: XName = ...

Represents the w:personalReply XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pgBorders: XName = ...

Represents the w:pgBorders XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pgMar: XName = ...

Represents the w:pgMar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pgNum: XName = ...

Represents the w:pgNum XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
pgNumType: XName = ...

Represents the w:pgNumType XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pgSz: XName = ...

Represents the w:pgSz XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pict: XName = ...

Represents the w:pict XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

picture: XName = ...

Represents the w:picture XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pitch: XName = ...

Represents the w:pitch XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pixelsPerInch: XName = ...

Represents the w:pixelsPerInch XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

placeholder: XName = ...

Represents the w:placeholder XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

pos: XName = ...

Represents the w:pos XML elements and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:caption, w:tab

position: XName = ...

Represents the w:position XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
prefixMappings: XName = ...

Represents the w:prefixMappings XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:dataBinding, w15:dataBinding

printBodyTextBeforeHeader: XName = ...

Represents the w:printBodyTextBeforeHeader XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

printColBlack: XName = ...

Represents the w:printColBlack XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

printFormsData: XName = ...

Represents the w:printFormsData XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

printFractionalCharacterWidth: XName = ...

Represents the w:printFractionalCharacterWidth XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

printPostScriptOverText: XName = ...

Represents the w:printPostScriptOverText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

printTwoOnOne: XName = ...

Represents the w:printTwoOnOne XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

printerSettings: XName = ...

Represents the w:printerSettings XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

progId: XName = ...

Represents the w:progId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:objectEmbed, w:objectLink

proofErr: XName = ...

Represents the w:proofErr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

proofState: XName = ...

Represents the w:proofState XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

ptab: XName = ...

Represents the w:ptab XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

qFormat: XName = ...

Represents the w:qFormat XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lsdException

query: XName = ...

Represents the w:query XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

r: XName = ...
rFonts: XName = ...

Represents the w:rFonts XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rPr: XName = ...
rPrChange: XName = ...

Represents the w:rPrChange XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rPrDefault: XName = ...

Represents the w:rPrDefault XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:rStyle XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
readModeInkLockDown: XName = ...

Represents the w:readModeInkLockDown XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

recipientData: XName = ...

Represents the w:recipientData XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

recipients: XName = ...

Represents the w:recipients XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

recommended: XName = ...

Represents the w:recommended XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:writeProtection

relativeTo: XName = ...

Represents the w:relativeTo XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ptab

relyOnVML: XName = ...

Represents the w:relyOnVML XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

removeDateAndTime: XName = ...

Represents the w:removeDateAndTime XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

removePersonalInformation: XName = ...

Represents the w:removePersonalInformation XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

restart: XName = ...

Represents the w:restart XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lnNumType

result: XName = ...

Represents the w:result XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

revisionView: XName = ...

Represents the w:revisionView XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

richText: XName = ...

Represents the w:richText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

right: XName = ...

Represents the w:right XML elements and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind, w:pgMar

rightChars: XName = ...

Represents the w:rightChars XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind

rightFromText: XName = ...

Represents the w:rightFromText XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

rsid: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsid XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rsidDel: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsidDel XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:p, w:r, w:sectPr, w:tr

rsidP: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsidP XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:p

rsidR: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsidR XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:p, w:r, w:sectPr, w:tr

rsidRDefault: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsidRDefault XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:p

rsidRPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsidRPr XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:p, w:r, w:sectPr, w:tr

rsidRoot: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsidRoot XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rsidSect: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsidSect XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:sectPr

rsidTr: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsidTr XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tr

rsids: XName = ...

Represents the w:rsids XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rt: XName = ...
rtl: XName = ...

Represents the w:rtl XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
rtlGutter: XName = ...

Represents the w:rtlGutter XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

ruby: XName = ...

Represents the w:ruby XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rubyAlign: XName = ...

Represents the w:rubyAlign XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rubyBase: XName = ...
rubyPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:rubyPr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

salt: XName = ...

Represents the w:salt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

saltValue: XName = ...

Represents the w:saltValue XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

saveFormsData: XName = ...

Represents the w:saveFormsData XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

saveInvalidXml: XName = ...

Represents the w:saveInvalidXml XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

savePreviewPicture: XName = ...

Represents the w:savePreviewPicture XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

saveSubsetFonts: XName = ...

Represents the w:saveSubsetFonts XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

saveThroughXslt: XName = ...

Represents the w:saveThroughXslt XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

saveXmlDataOnly: XName = ...

Represents the w:saveXmlDataOnly XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

scrollbar: XName = ...

Represents the w:scrollbar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

sdt: XName = ...
sdtContent: XName = ...
sdtEndPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:sdtEndPr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:sdt
  • child XML elements: w:rPr
sdtPr: XName = ...
sectPr: XName = ...
sectPrChange: XName = ...

Represents the w:sectPrChange XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

selectFldWithFirstOrLastChar: XName = ...

Represents the w:selectFldWithFirstOrLastChar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

semiHidden: XName = ...

Represents the w:semiHidden XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lsdException

sep: XName = ...

Represents the w:sep XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:caption, w:cols

separator: XName = ...

Represents the w:separator XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
settings: XName = ...

Represents the w:settings XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

shadow: XName = ...

Represents the w:shadow XML element and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:bar, w:bdr, w:between, w:bottom, w:end, w:insideH, w:insideV, w:left, w:right, w:start, w:tl2br, w:top, w:tr2bl

shapeDefaults: XName = ...

Represents the w:shapeDefaults XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

shapeId_: XName = ...

Represents the w:shapeId XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:objectEmbed, w:objectLink

shapeLayoutLikeWW8: XName = ...

Represents the w:shapeLayoutLikeWW8 XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

shapeid: XName = ...

Represents the w:shapeid XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:control

shd: XName = ...

Represents the w:shd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

showBreaksInFrames: XName = ...

Represents the w:showBreaksInFrames XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

showEnvelope: XName = ...

Represents the w:showEnvelope XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

showXMLTags: XName = ...

Represents the w:showXMLTags XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

showingPlcHdr: XName = ...

Represents the w:showingPlcHdr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

sig: XName = ...

Represents the w:sig XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

size: XName = ...

Represents the w:size XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

sizeAuto: XName = ...

Represents the w:sizeAuto XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

smallCaps: XName = ...

Represents the w:smallCaps XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
snapToGrid: XName = ...

Represents the w:snapToGrid XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

softHyphen: XName = ...

Represents the w:softHyphen XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
solutionID: XName = ...

Represents the w:solutionID XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:saveThroughXslt

sourceFileName: XName = ...

Represents the w:sourceFileName XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

space: XName = ...

Represents the w:space XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:bar, w:bdr, w:between, w:bottom, w:col, w:cols, w:end, w:insideH, w:insideV, w:left, w:right, w:start, w:tl2br, w:top, w:tr2bl

spaceForUL: XName = ...

Represents the w:spaceForUL XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

spacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:spacing XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

spacingInWholePoints: XName = ...

Represents the w:spacingInWholePoints XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

specVanish: XName = ...

Represents the w:specVanish XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
spelling: XName = ...

Represents the w:spelling XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:proofState

spinCount: XName = ...

Represents the w:spinCount XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:documentProtection, w:writeProtection

splitPgBreakAndParaMark: XName = ...

Represents the w:splitPgBreakAndParaMark XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

src: XName = ...

Represents the w:src XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:odso
  • XML attributes: r:id
start: XName = ...

Represents the w:start XML elements and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind, w:lnNumType, w:pgNumType

startChars: XName = ...

Represents the w:startChars XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:ind

startOverride: XName = ...

Represents the w:startOverride XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

statusText: XName = ...

Represents the w:statusText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

storeItemID: XName = ...

Represents the w:storeItemID XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:dataBinding, w15:dataBinding

storeMappedDataAs: XName = ...

Represents the w:storeMappedDataAs XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

strictFirstAndLastChars: XName = ...

Represents the w:strictFirstAndLastChars XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

strike: XName = ...

Represents the w:strike XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
style: XName = ...

Represents the w:style XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

styleId: XName = ...

Represents the w:styleId XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:style

styleLink: XName = ...

Represents the w:styleLink XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

styleLockQFSet: XName = ...

Represents the w:styleLockQFSet XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

styleLockTheme: XName = ...

Represents the w:styleLockTheme XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

stylePaneFormatFilter: XName = ...
stylePaneSortMethod: XName = ...

Represents the w:stylePaneSortMethod XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

styles: XName = ...

Represents the w:styles XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

stylesInUse: XName = ...

Represents the w:stylesInUse XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

subDoc: XName = ...

Represents the w:subDoc XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

subFontBySize: XName = ...

Represents the w:subFontBySize XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

subsetted: XName = ...

Represents the w:subsetted XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:embedBold, w:embedBoldItalic, w:embedItalic, w:embedRegular

suff: XName = ...

Represents the w:suff XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:lvl
  • XML attributes: w:val
summaryLength: XName = ...

Represents the w:summaryLength XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

suppressAutoHyphens: XName = ...

Represents the w:suppressAutoHyphens XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
suppressBottomSpacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:suppressBottomSpacing XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

suppressLineNumbers: XName = ...

Represents the w:suppressLineNumbers XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
suppressOverlap: XName = ...

Represents the w:suppressOverlap XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
suppressSpBfAfterPgBrk: XName = ...

Represents the w:suppressSpBfAfterPgBrk XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

suppressSpacingAtTopOfPage: XName = ...

Represents the w:suppressSpacingAtTopOfPage XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

suppressTopSpacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:suppressTopSpacing XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

suppressTopSpacingWP: XName = ...

Represents the w:suppressTopSpacingWP XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

swapBordersFacingPages: XName = ...

Represents the w:swapBordersFacingPages XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

sym: XName = ...

Represents the w:sym XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

sz: XName = ...

Represents the w:sz XML elements and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:bar, w:bdr, w:between, w:bottom, w:end, w:insideH, w:insideV, w:left, w:right, w:start, w:tl2br, w:top, w:tr2bl

szCs: XName = ...

Represents the w:szCs XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
t: XName = ...

Represents the w:t XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

t1: XName = ...

Represents the w:t1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

t2: XName = ...

Represents the w:t2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:clrSchemeMapping

tab: XName = ...

Represents the w:tab XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

table: XName = ...

Represents the w:table XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tableStyles: XName = ...

Represents the w:tableStyles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

tabs: XName = ...

Represents the w:tabs XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • child XML elements: w:tab
tag: XName = ...

Represents the w:tag XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

targetScreenSz: XName = ...

Represents the w:targetScreenSz XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tbl: XName = ...
tblBorders: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblBorders XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblCaption: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblCaption XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblCellMar: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblCellMar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblCellSpacing: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblCellSpacing XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblDescription: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblDescription XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblGrid: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblGrid XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblGridChange: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblGridChange XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblHeader: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblHeader XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblInd: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblInd XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblLayout: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblLayout XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblLook: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblLook XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblOverlap: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblOverlap XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblPr XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblPrChange: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblPrChange XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblPrEx: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblPrEx XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblPrExChange: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblPrExChange XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblStyle: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblStyle XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblStyleColBandSize: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblStyleColBandSize XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblStylePr: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblStylePr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblStyleRowBandSize: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblStyleRowBandSize XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblW: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblW XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblpPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblpPr XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tblpX: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblpX XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

tblpXSpec: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblpXSpec XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

tblpY: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblpY XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

tblpYSpec: XName = ...

Represents the w:tblpYSpec XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

tc: XName = ...
tcBorders: XName = ...

Represents the w:tcBorders XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tcFitText: XName = ...

Represents the w:tcFitText XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tcMar: XName = ...

Represents the w:tcMar XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tcPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:tcPr XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tcPrChange: XName = ...

Represents the w:tcPrChange XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tcW: XName = ...

Represents the w:tcW XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

temporary: XName = ...

Represents the w:temporary XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tentative: XName = ...

Represents the w:tentative XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lvl

text: XName = ...

Represents the w:text XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

textAlignment: XName = ...

Represents the w:textAlignment XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
textDirection: XName = ...

Represents the w:textDirection XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

textInput: XName = ...

Represents the w:textInput XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

textboxTightWrap: XName = ...

Represents the w:textboxTightWrap XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
tgtFrame: XName = ...

Represents the w:tgtFrame XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:hyperlink

themeColor: XName = ...

Represents the w:themeColor XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:background, w:bar, w:bdr, w:between, w:bottom, w:color, w:end, w:insideH, w:insideV, w:left, w:right, w:shd, w:start, w:tl2br, w:top, w:tr2bl, w:u, w15:color

themeFill: XName = ...

Represents the w:themeFill XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:shd

themeFillShade: XName = ...

Represents the w:themeFillShade XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:shd

themeFillTint: XName = ...

Represents the w:themeFillTint XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:shd

themeFontLang: XName = ...

Represents the w:themeFontLang XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

themeShade: XName = ...

Represents the w:themeShade XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:background, w:bar, w:bdr, w:between, w:bottom, w:color, w:end, w:insideH, w:insideV, w:left, w:right, w:shd, w:start, w:tl2br, w:top, w:tr2bl, w:u, w15:color

themeTint: XName = ...

Represents the w:themeTint XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:background, w:bar, w:bdr, w:between, w:bottom, w:color, w:end, w:insideH, w:insideV, w:left, w:right, w:shd, w:start, w:tl2br, w:top, w:tr2bl, w:u, w15:color

titlePg: XName = ...

Represents the w:titlePg XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tl2br: XName = ...

Represents the w:tl2br XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tmpl: XName = ...

Represents the w:tmpl XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

tooltip: XName = ...

Represents the w:tooltip XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:hyperlink

top: XName = ...

Represents the w:top XML elements and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgMar

top3HeadingStyles: XName = ...

Represents the w:top3HeadingStyles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

topFromText: XName = ...

Represents the w:topFromText XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

topLinePunct: XName = ...

Represents the w:topLinePunct XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
tplc: XName = ...

Represents the w:tplc XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lvl

tr: XName = ...
tr2bl: XName = ...

Represents the w:tr2bl XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

trHeight: XName = ...

Represents the w:trHeight XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

trPr: XName = ...

Represents the w:trPr XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

trPrChange: XName = ...

Represents the w:trPrChange XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

trackRevisions: XName = ...

Represents the w:trackRevisions XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

truncateFontHeightsLikeWP6: XName = ...

Represents the w:truncateFontHeightsLikeWP6 XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

txbxContent: XName = ...
type: XName = ...

Represents the w:type XML elements and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:bottom, w:br, w:docGrid, w:end, w:endnote, w:footerReference, w:footnote, w:headerReference, w:helpText, w:left, w:proofErr, w:right, w:start, w:statusText, w:style, w:tblCellSpacing, w:tblInd, w:tblLayout, w:tblStylePr, w:tblW, w:tcW, w:top, w:wAfter, w:wBefore

types: XName = ...

Represents the w:types XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

u: XName = ...

Represents the w:u XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

udl: XName = ...

Represents the w:udl XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

uiCompat97To2003: XName = ...

Represents the w:uiCompat97To2003 XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

uiPriority: XName = ...

Represents the w:uiPriority XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lsdException

ulTrailSpace: XName = ...

Represents the w:ulTrailSpace XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

underlineTabInNumList: XName = ...

Represents the w:underlineTabInNumList XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

unhideWhenUsed: XName = ...

Represents the w:unhideWhenUsed XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:lsdException

uniqueTag: XName = ...

Represents the w:uniqueTag XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

updateFields: XName = ...

Represents the w:updateFields XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

updateMode: XName = ...

Represents the w:updateMode XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:objectLink

uri: XName = ...

Represents the w:uri XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:attr, w:compatSetting

usb0: XName = ...

Represents the w:usb0 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:sig

usb1: XName = ...

Represents the w:usb1 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:sig

usb2: XName = ...

Represents the w:usb2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:sig

usb3: XName = ...

Represents the w:usb3 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:sig

useAltKinsokuLineBreakRules: XName = ...

Represents the w:useAltKinsokuLineBreakRules XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

useAnsiKerningPairs: XName = ...

Represents the w:useAnsiKerningPairs XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

useFELayout: XName = ...

Represents the w:useFELayout XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

useNormalStyleForList: XName = ...

Represents the w:useNormalStyleForList XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

usePrinterMetrics: XName = ...

Represents the w:usePrinterMetrics XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

useSingleBorderforContiguousCells: XName = ...

Represents the w:useSingleBorderforContiguousCells XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

useWord2002TableStyleRules: XName = ...

Represents the w:useWord2002TableStyleRules XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

useWord97LineBreakRules: XName = ...

Represents the w:useWord97LineBreakRules XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

useXSLTWhenSaving: XName = ...

Represents the w:useXSLTWhenSaving XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

vAlign: XName = ...

Represents the w:vAlign XML elements.


As an XML element, it has the following:

vAnchor: XName = ...

Represents the w:vAnchor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

vMerge: XName = ...

Represents the w:vMerge XML element and attribute.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cellMerge

vMergeOrig: XName = ...

Represents the w:vMergeOrig XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:cellMerge

vSpace: XName = ...

Represents the w:vSpace XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

val: XName = ...

Represents the w:val XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:abstractNumId, w:active, w:activeRecord, w:addressFieldName, w:adjustLineHeightInTable, w:adjustRightInd, w:alias, w:aliases, w:alignBordersAndEdges, w:alignTablesRowByRow, w:allowPNG, w:allowSpaceOfSameStyleInTable, w:altName, w:alwaysMergeEmptyNamespace, w:alwaysShowPlaceholderText, w:applyBreakingRules, w:attachedSchema, w:attr, w:autofitToFirstFixedWidthCell, w:autoFormatOverride, w:autoHyphenation, w:autoRedefine, w:autoSpaceDE, w:autoSpaceDN, w:autoSpaceLikeWord95, w:b, w:balanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth, w:bar, w:basedOn, w:bCs, w:bdo, w:bdr, w:behavior, w:between, w:bidi, w:bidiVisual, w:blockQuote, w:bodyDiv, w:bookFoldPrinting, w:bookFoldPrintingSheets, w:bookFoldRevPrinting, w:bordersDoNotSurroundFooter, w:bordersDoNotSurroundHeader, w:bottom, w:cachedColBalance, w:calcOnExit, w:calendar, w:cantSplit, w:caps, w:characterSpacingControl, w:charset, w:checked, w:checkErrors, w:clickAndTypeStyle, w:cnfStyle, w:colDelim, w:color, w:column, w:compatSetting, w:connectString, w:consecutiveHyphenLimit, w:contextualSpacing, w:convMailMergeEsc, w:cs, w:dataType, w:dateFormat, w:decimalSymbol, w:default, w:defaultTableStyle, w:defaultTabStop, w:description, w:destination, w:dir, w:dirty, w:displayBackgroundShape, w:displayHangulFixedWidth, w:displayHorizontalDrawingGridEvery, w:displayVerticalDrawingGridEvery, w:divId, w:docPart, w:docPartCategory, w:docPartGallery, w:docPartUnique, w:documentType, w:docVar, w:doNotAutoCompressPictures, w:doNotAutofitConstrainedTables, w:doNotBreakConstrainedForcedTable, w:doNotBreakWrappedTables, w:doNotDemarcateInvalidXml, w:doNotDisplayPageBoundaries, w:doNotExpandShiftReturn, w:doNotHyphenateCaps, w:doNotIncludeSubdocsInStats, w:doNotLeaveBackslashAlone, w:doNotOrganizeInFolder, w:doNotRelyOnCSS, w:doNotSaveAsSingleFile, w:doNotShadeFormData, w:doNotSnapToGridInCell, w:doNotSuppressBlankLines, w:doNotSuppressIndentation, w:doNotSuppressParagraphBorders, w:doNotTrackFormatting, w:doNotTrackMoves, w:doNotUseEastAsianBreakRules, w:doNotUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing, w:doNotUseIndentAsNumberingTabStop, w:doNotUseLongFileNames, w:doNotUseMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin, w:doNotValidateAgainstSchema, w:doNotVertAlignCellWithSp, w:doNotVertAlignInTxbx, w:doNotWrapTextWithPunct, w:drawingGridHorizontalOrigin, w:drawingGridHorizontalSpacing, w:drawingGridVerticalOrigin, w:drawingGridVerticalSpacing, w:dstrike, w:dynamicAddress, w:effect, w:em, w:embedSystemFonts, w:embedTrueTypeFonts, w:emboss, w:enabled, w:encoding, w:end, w:entryMacro, w:evenAndOddHeaders, w:exitMacro, w:family, w:fHdr, w:fitText, w:flatBorders, w:footnoteLayoutLikeWW8, w:forgetLastTabAlignment, w:format, w:formProt, w:formsDesign, w:frameLayout, w:gallery, w:gridAfter, w:gridBefore, w:gridSpan, w:growAutofit, w:guid, w:gutterAtTop, w:helpText, w:hidden, w:hideGrammaticalErrors, w:hideMark, w:hideSpellingErrors, w:highlight, w:hMerge, w:hps, w:hpsBaseText, w:hpsRaise, w:hyphenationZone, w:i, w:iCs, w:id, w:ignoreMixedContent, w:ilvl, w:imprint, w:insideH, w:insideV, w:isLgl, w:jc, w:keepLines, w:keepNext, w:kern, w:kinsoku, w:lang, w:layoutRawTableWidth, w:layoutTableRowsApart, w:left, w:lid, w:lineWrapLikeWord6, w:link, w:linkedToFile, w:linkStyles, w:linkToQuery, w:listEntry, w:listSeparator, w:lock, w:locked, w:lvlJc, w:lvlPicBulletId, w:lvlRestart, w:lvlText, w:mailAsAttachment, w:mailSubject, w:mainDocumentType, w:mappedName, w:marBottom, w:marH, w:marLeft, w:marRight, w:marTop, w:marW, w:matchSrc, w:maxLength, w:mirrorIndents, w:mirrorMargins, w:multiLevelType, w:mwSmallCaps, w:name_, w:next, w:noBorder, w:noColumnBalance, w:noEndnote, w:noExtraLineSpacing, w:noLeading, w:noLineBreaksAfter, w:noLineBreaksBefore, w:noProof, w:noPunctuationKerning, w:noResizeAllowed, w:noSpaceRaiseLower, w:noTabHangInd, w:notTrueType, w:noWrap, w:nsid, w:numFmt, w:numId, w:numIdMacAtCleanup, w:numRestart, w:numStart, w:numStyleLink, w:oMath, w:optimizeForBrowser, w:outline, w:outlineLvl, w:overflowPunct, w:pageBreakBefore, w:panose1, w:personal, w:personalCompose, w:personalReply, w:pitch, w:pixelsPerInch, w:placeholder, w:pos, w:position, w:printBodyTextBeforeHeader, w:printColBlack, w:printFormsData, w:printFractionalCharacterWidth, w:printPostScriptOverText, w:printTwoOnOne, w:pStyle, w:qFormat, w:query, w:relyOnVML, w:removeDateAndTime, w:removePersonalInformation, w:result, w:right, w:rsid, w:rsidRoot, w:rStyle, w:rtl, w:rtlGutter, w:rubyAlign, w:saveFormsData, w:saveInvalidXml, w:savePreviewPicture, w:saveSubsetFonts, w:saveXmlDataOnly, w:scrollbar, w:selectFldWithFirstOrLastChar, w:semiHidden, w:shadow, w:shapeLayoutLikeWW8, w:shd, w:showBreaksInFrames, w:showEnvelope, w:showingPlcHdr, w:showXMLTags, w:size, w:sizeAuto, w:smallCaps, w:snapToGrid, w:spaceForUL, w:spacing, w:spacingInWholePoints, w:specVanish, w:splitPgBreakAndParaMark, w:start, w:startOverride, w:statusText, w:storeMappedDataAs, w:strictFirstAndLastChars, w:strike, w:style, w:styleLink, w:styleLockQFSet, w:styleLockTheme, w:stylePaneFormatFilter, w:stylePaneSortMethod, w:subFontBySize, w:suff, w:summaryLength, w:suppressAutoHyphens, w:suppressBottomSpacing, w:suppressLineNumbers, w:suppressOverlap, w:suppressSpacingAtTopOfPage, w:suppressSpBfAfterPgBrk, w:suppressTopSpacing, w:suppressTopSpacingWP, w:swapBordersFacingPages, w:sz, w:szCs, w:tab, w:table, w:tag, w:targetScreenSz, w:tblCaption, w:tblDescription, w:tblHeader, w:tblLook, w:tblOverlap, w:tblStyle, w:tblStyleColBandSize, w:tblStyleRowBandSize, w:tcFitText, w:temporary, w:textAlignment, w:textboxTightWrap, w:textDirection, w:themeFontLang, w:titlePg, w:tl2br, w:tmpl, w:top, w:topLinePunct, w:tr2bl, w:trackRevisions, w:trHeight, w:truncateFontHeightsLikeWP6, w:type, w:u, w:udl, w:uiCompat97To2003, w:uiPriority, w:ulTrailSpace, w:underlineTabInNumList, w:unhideWhenUsed, w:uniqueTag, w:updateFields, w:useAltKinsokuLineBreakRules, w:useAnsiKerningPairs, w:useFELayout, w:useNormalStyleForList, w:usePrinterMetrics, w:useSingleBorderforContiguousCells, w:useWord2002TableStyleRules, w:useWord97LineBreakRules, w:useXSLTWhenSaving, w:vAlign, w:vanish, w:vertAlign, w:view, w:viewMergedData, w:vMerge, w:w_, w:webHidden, w:widowControl, w:wordWrap, w:wpJustification, w:wpSpaceWidth, w:wrapTrailSpaces, w:zoom, w15:chartTrackingRefBased, w15:collapsed, w15:color, w15:doNotAllowInsertDeleteSection, w15:footnoteColumns, w15:sectionTitle, w15:webExtensionCreated, w15:webExtensionLinked

value: XName = ...

Represents the w:value XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:listItem

vanish: XName = ...

Represents the w:vanish XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
vendorID: XName = ...

Represents the w:vendorID XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:activeWritingStyle

vert: XName = ...

Represents the w:vert XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:eastAsianLayout

vertAlign: XName = ...

Represents the w:vertAlign XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
vertAnchor: XName = ...

Represents the w:vertAnchor XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:tblpPr

vertCompress: XName = ...

Represents the w:vertCompress XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:eastAsianLayout

view: XName = ...

Represents the w:view XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

viewMergedData: XName = ...

Represents the w:viewMergedData XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

visibleStyles: XName = ...

Represents the w:visibleStyles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:stylePaneFormatFilter

w: XNamespace = ...

Defines the XML namespace associated with the w prefix.

wAfter: XName = ...

Represents the w:wAfter XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

wBefore: XName = ...

Represents the w:wBefore XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

w_: XName = ...

Represents the w:w XML elements and attributes.


As an XML element, it has the following:

As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:bottom, w:col, w:end, w:framePr, w:gridCol, w:left, w:pgSz, w:readModeInkLockDown, w:right, w:start, w:tblCellSpacing, w:tblInd, w:tblW, w:tcW, w:top, w:wAfter, w:wBefore

webHidden: XName = ...

Represents the w:webHidden XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:rPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
webSettings: XName = ...

Represents the w:webSettings XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

widowControl: XName = ...

Represents the w:widowControl XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
wordWrap: XName = ...

Represents the w:wordWrap XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: w:pPr
  • XML attributes: w:val
wpJustification: XName = ...

Represents the w:wpJustification XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

wpSpaceWidth: XName = ...

Represents the w:wpSpaceWidth XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

wrap: XName = ...

Represents the w:wrap XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

wrapTrailSpaces: XName = ...

Represents the w:wrapTrailSpaces XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

writeProtection: XName = ...
x: XName = ...

Represents the w:x XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

xAlign: XName = ...

Represents the w:xAlign XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

xpath: XName = ...

Represents the w:xpath XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:dataBinding, w15:dataBinding

y: XName = ...

Represents the w:y XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

yAlign: XName = ...

Represents the w:yAlign XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:framePr

yearLong: XName = ...

Represents the w:yearLong XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
yearShort: XName = ...

Represents the w:yearShort XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: m:r, w:r
zOrder: XName = ...

Represents the w:zOrder XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: w:pgBorders

zoom: XName = ...

Represents the w:zoom XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:


  • get namespaceDeclaration(): XAttribute
  • Returns the namespace declaration XAttribute for this namespace.

    Returns XAttribute

Generated using TypeDoc