Declares XNamespace and XName fields for the xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" namespace.


  • O


FieldCodes: XName = ...

Represents the o:FieldCodes XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

LinkType: XName = ...

Represents the o:LinkType XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

LockedField: XName = ...

Represents the o:LockedField XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

OLEObject: XName = ...

Represents the o:OLEObject XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

allowincell: XName = ...

Represents the o:allowincell XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:shapedefaults, v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

allowoverlap: XName = ...

Represents the o:allowoverlap XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:shapedefaults, v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

althref: XName = ...

Represents the o:althref XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:bottom, o:column, o:left, o:right, o:top, v:fill, v:stroke

borderbottomcolor: XName = ...

Represents the o:borderbottomcolor XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

borderleftcolor: XName = ...

Represents the o:borderleftcolor XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

borderrightcolor: XName = ...

Represents the o:borderrightcolor XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

bordertopcolor: XName = ...

Represents the o:bordertopcolor XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

bottom: XName = ...

Represents the o:bottom XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

bullet: XName = ...

Represents the o:bullet XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

button: XName = ...

Represents the o:button XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

bwmode: XName = ...

Represents the o:bwmode XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:background, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

bwnormal: XName = ...

Represents the o:bwnormal XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:background, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

bwpure: XName = ...

Represents the o:bwpure XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:background, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

callout: XName = ...

Represents the o:callout XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

clip: XName = ...

Represents the o:clip XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

clippath: XName = ...

Represents the o:clippath XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

cliptowrap: XName = ...

Represents the o:cliptowrap XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

colormenu: XName = ...

Represents the o:colormenu XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

colormru: XName = ...

Represents the o:colormru XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

column: XName = ...

Represents the o:column XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

complex: XName = ...

Represents the o:complex XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

connectangles: XName = ...

Represents the o:connectangles XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:path

connectlocs: XName = ...

Represents the o:connectlocs XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:path

connectortype: XName = ...

Represents the o:connectortype XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

connecttype: XName = ...

Represents the o:connecttype XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:path

detectmouseclick: XName = ...

Represents the o:detectmouseclick XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:fill, v:imagedata

dgmlayout: XName = ...

Represents the o:dgmlayout XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

dgmlayoutmru: XName = ...

Represents the o:dgmlayoutmru XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

dgmnodekind: XName = ...

Represents the o:dgmnodekind XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

diagram: XName = ...

Represents the o:diagram XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

doubleclicknotify: XName = ...

Represents the o:doubleclicknotify XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

entry: XName = ...

Represents the o:entry XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

extrusion: XName = ...

Represents the o:extrusion XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

extrusionok: XName = ...

Represents the o:extrusionok XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:path

fill: XName = ...

Represents the o:fill XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

forcedash: XName = ...

Represents the o:forcedash XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:bottom, o:column, o:left, o:right, o:top, v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype, v:stroke

gfxdata: XName = ...

Represents the o:gfxdata XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape

hr: XName = ...

Represents the o:hr XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

hralign: XName = ...

Represents the o:hralign XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

href: XName = ...

Represents the o:href XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:bottom, o:column, o:left, o:right, o:top, v:fill, v:stroke

hrnoshade: XName = ...

Represents the o:hrnoshade XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

hrpct: XName = ...

Represents the o:hrpct XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

hrstd: XName = ...

Represents the o:hrstd XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

idmap: XName = ...

Represents the o:idmap XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

ink: XName = ...

Represents the o:ink XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

insetmode: XName = ...

Represents the o:insetmode XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:shapedefaults, v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

left: XName = ...

Represents the o:left XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

lock: XName = ...

Represents the o:lock XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

master: XName = ...

Represents the o:master XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:shapetype

o: XNamespace = ...

Defines the XML namespace associated with the o prefix.

ole: XName = ...

Represents the o:ole XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

oleicon: XName = ...

Represents the o:oleicon XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

oned: XName = ...

Represents the o:oned XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

opacity2: XName = ...

Represents the o:opacity2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:fill

preferrelative: XName = ...

Represents the o:preferrelative XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

proxy: XName = ...

Represents the o:proxy XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

  • parent XML elements: o:r
r: XName = ...

Represents the o:r XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

regroupid: XName = ...

Represents the o:regroupid XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

regrouptable: XName = ...

Represents the o:regrouptable XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rel: XName = ...

Represents the o:rel XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

relationtable: XName = ...

Represents the o:relationtable XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

relid: XName = ...

Represents the o:relid XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:imagedata

right: XName = ...

Represents the o:right XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

rules: XName = ...

Represents the o:rules XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

shapedefaults: XName = ...

Represents the o:shapedefaults XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

shapelayout: XName = ...

Represents the o:shapelayout XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

signatureline: XName = ...

Represents the o:signatureline XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

singleclick: XName = ...

Represents the o:singleclick XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:textbox

skew: XName = ...

Represents the o:skew XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

spid: XName = ...

Represents the o:spid XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

spt: XName = ...

Represents the o:spt XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

suggestedsigner: XName = ...

Represents the o:suggestedsigner XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:signatureline

suggestedsigner2: XName = ...

Represents the o:suggestedsigner2 XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:signatureline

suggestedsigneremail: XName = ...

Represents the o:suggestedsigneremail XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:signatureline

tablelimits: XName = ...

Represents the o:tablelimits XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:group

tableproperties: XName = ...

Represents the o:tableproperties XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:group

targetscreensize: XName = ...

Represents the o:targetscreensize XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:background

title: XName = ...

Represents the o:title XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:bottom, o:column, o:left, o:right, o:top, v:fill, v:imagedata, v:stroke

top: XName = ...

Represents the o:top XML element.


As an XML element, it has the following:

userdrawn: XName = ...

Represents the o:userdrawn XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

userhidden: XName = ...

Represents the o:userhidden XML attributes.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: v:arc, v:curve, v:group, v:image, v:line, v:oval, v:polyline, v:rect, v:roundrect, v:shape, v:shapetype

v: XName = ...

Represents the o:v XML attribute.


As an XML attribute, it is contained in the following XML elements: o:clippath


  • get namespaceDeclaration(): XAttribute
  • Returns the namespace declaration XAttribute for this namespace.

    Returns XAttribute

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