Class LinqIterableBase<T, TLinq>Abstract

Abstract base class for LINQ iterables.


This abstract class serves as the generic base class for all LINQ iterables provided by this library. The LinqIterable class just derives from this class and adds no further features. Other classes such as LinqElements inherit from this class and provide further methods. The generics-based pattern used in this case means that all filter methods, returning a TLinq, for example, will return instances of the subclasses.

Type Parameters

  • T

    The type of the elements of the sequence.

  • TLinq extends LinqIterableBase<T, TLinq>

    The type of the LINQ iterable returned by filters.



  • Iterable<T>


  • new LinqIterableBase<T, TLinq>(source: Iterable<T>, create: ((source: Iterable<T>) => TLinq)): LinqIterableBase<T, TLinq>
  • Initializes a new instance with the given sequence.

    Type Parameters


    • source: Iterable<T>

      The source sequence.

    • create: ((source: Iterable<T>) => TLinq)
        • (source: Iterable<T>): TLinq
        • Parameters

          • source: Iterable<T>

          Returns TLinq

    Returns LinqIterableBase<T, TLinq>


create: ((source: Iterable<T>) => TLinq)

Type declaration

    • (source: Iterable<T>): TLinq
    • Parameters

      • source: Iterable<T>

      Returns TLinq

source: Iterable<T>


  • [iterator](): Iterator<T, any, undefined>
  • Returns the sequence of elements represented by this LinqIterable<T>.


    The sequence of elements represented by this LinqIterable<T>.

    Returns Iterator<T, any, undefined>

  • all(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>): boolean
  • Returns true if the predicate is true for every element in the sequence or if the sequence is empty.


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The predicate.

    Returns boolean

  • any(predicate?: PredicateWithIndex<T>): boolean
  • If a predicate is provided, returns true if the predicate is true for any element in the sequence. If no predicate is provided, returns true if the sequence has any entries.


    • Optional predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The optional predicate.

    Returns boolean

  • applyFilters(filters: Iterable<IterableFilter<T>>): TLinq
  • Filters this sequence, using the given filters.


    A filtered sequence.


    • filters: Iterable<IterableFilter<T>>

      The filters to use.

    Returns TLinq

  • count(predicate?: PredicateWithIndex<T>): number
  • Returns the number of elements in the sequence. If a predicate is provided, filters the sequence based on the predicate.


    The number of elements in the sequence.


    • Optional predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The optional predicate.

    Returns number

  • defaultIfEmpty(defaultValue: T): TLinq
  • Returns the elements of the specified sequence or the default value if the sequence is empty.


    The elements of the specified sequence or the default value if the sequence is empty.


    • defaultValue: T

      The default value to be returned if this sequence is empty.

    Returns TLinq

  • filter(...filters: IterableFilter<T>[]): TLinq
  • Filters this sequence, using zero or more filters.


    A filtered sequence.


    • Rest ...filters: IterableFilter<T>[]

      The filters to use.

    Returns TLinq

  • first(predicate?: PredicateWithIndex<T>): T
  • Returns the first element of this sequence. If a predicate is provided, filters the sequence based on the predicate.


    The first element.


    If the (optionally filtered) sequence is empty.


    last and single


    • Optional predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The optional predicate.

    Returns T

  • firstOrDefault(): undefined | T
  • firstOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>): undefined | T
  • firstOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T
  • firstOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>, defaultValue: T): T
  • Returns the first element of this sequence or undefined, if the sequence is empty.

    When using this API, you should appreciate the differences between C# vs. JavaScript and TypeScript regarding the default values used for different types, e.g., as assigned by using the default keyword in C# or when not explicitly initializing fields or variables in JavaScript.

    In C#, the default values are as follows:

    • nullable (e.g., string?) and non-nullable (e.g.,string) reference types: null
    • nullable value types (e.g., int?, bool?): null
    • non-nullable value types (e.g., int, bool): 0 and false

    In JavaScript, the default value for uninitialized fields or variables is undefined in all cases. In TypeScript, you must either explicitly allow undefined in the declaration or use the non-null assertion operator (!) to assign undefined.

    Now, let's look at the signature of the well-known FirstOrDefault() extension method in C# (based on the .NET 6 documentation, which uses TSource instead of T):

    public static T? FirstOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source);

    Based on our understanding of the default values, the most natural signature in TypeScript is the following:

    firstOrDefault(): T | undefined;

    On an abstract level, the C# and TypeScript counterparts behave in the same way. For empty sequences, they both return the respective default values. On a concrete level, however, the language-specific difference between the default values for non-nullable value types in C# (e.g., int, bool) and the correspnding types in TypeScript (e.g., number, boolean) is that:

    • in C#, the default values are 0 and false, respectively; and
    • in TypeScript, the default value is undefined in all cases.

    Should you want to receive a value other than undefined in case the sequence is empty, you can use one of the overloads that allows you to specify a default value:

    firstOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T;
    firstOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>, defaultValue: T): T;


    The first element of this sequence or undefined, if this sequence is empty.


    lastOrDefault and singleOrDefault

    Returns undefined | T

  • Returns either (1) the first element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) undefined, if:

    • this sequence is empty or
    • the predicate returns false for all elements of this sequence.


    const sequence = linqIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
    const nonNullValue = sequence.firstOrDefault((n) => n > 3); // 4
    const defaultValue = sequence.firstOrDefault((n) => n > 5); // undefined


    Either (1) the first element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) undefined.


    lastOrDefault and singleOrDefault


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The predicate.

    Returns undefined | T

  • Returns the first element of this sequence or the given default value, if this sequence is empty.


    Do not use this overload in case the elements of this sequence are functions. See the section on overloads for details.


    const sequence = linqIterable<number>([]);
    const defaultValue = sequence.firstOrDefault(0); // 0


    The first element of this sequence or the given default value, if this sequence is empty.


    lastOrDefault and singleOrDefault


    • defaultValue: T

      The default value to be returned if this sequence is empty.

    Returns T

  • Returns either (1) the first element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) the given default value, if:

    • this sequence is empty or
    • the predicate returns false for all elements of this sequence.


    const sequence = linqIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
    const nonNullValue = sequence.firstOrDefault((n) => n > 3, 0); // 4
    const defaultValue = sequence.firstOrDefault((n) => n > 5, 0); // 0


    Either (1) the first element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) the given default value.


    lastOrDefault and singleOrDefault


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The predicate.

    • defaultValue: T

      The default value.

    Returns T

  • Groups elements by selected key.


    The grouped elements.

    Type Parameters

    • TKey

      The type of the grouping keys.


    • keySelector: SelectorWithIndex<T, TKey>

      Selects the grouping keys.

    Returns LinqIterable<LinqIterableGrouping<TKey, T>>

  • last(predicate?: PredicateWithIndex<T>): T
  • Returns the last element of the sequence. If a predicate is provided, filters the sequence based on the predicate.


    The last element.


    If the (optionally filtered) sequence is empty.


    first and single


    • Optional predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The optional predicate.

    Returns T

  • lastOrDefault(): undefined | T
  • lastOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>): undefined | T
  • lastOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T
  • lastOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>, defaultValue: T): T
  • Returns the last element of this sequence or undefined, if the sequence is empty.

    When using this API, you should appreciate the differences between C# vs. JavaScript and TypeScript regarding the default values used for different types, e.g., as assigned by using the default keyword in C# or when not explicitly initializing fields or variables in JavaScript.

    In C#, the default values are as follows:

    • nullable (e.g., string?) and non-nullable (e.g.,string) reference types: null
    • nullable value types (e.g., int?, bool?): null
    • non-nullable value types (e.g., int, bool): 0 and false

    In JavaScript, the default value for uninitialized fields or variables is undefined in all cases. In TypeScript, you must either explicitly allow undefined in the declaration or use the non-null assertion operator (!) to assign undefined.

    Now, let's look at the signature of the well-known LastOrDefault() extension method in C# (based on the .NET 6 documentation, which uses TSource instead of T):

    public static T? LastOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source);

    Based on our understanding of the default values, the most natural signature in TypeScript is the following:

    lastOrDefault(): T | undefined;

    On an abstract level, the C# and TypeScript counterparts behave in the same way. For empty sequences, they both return the respective default values. On a concrete level, however, the language-specific difference between the default values for non-nullable value types in C# (e.g., int, bool) and the correspnding types in TypeScript (e.g., number, boolean) is that:

    • in C#, the default values are 0 and false, respectively; and
    • in TypeScript, the default value is undefined in all cases.

    Should you want to receive a value other than undefined in case the sequence is empty, you can use one of the overloads that allows you to specify a default value:

    lastOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T;
    lastOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>, defaultValue: T): T;


    The last element of this sequence or undefined, if this sequence is empty.


    firstOrDefault and singleOrDefault

    Returns undefined | T

  • Returns either (1) the last element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) undefined, if:

    • this sequence is empty or
    • the predicate returns false for all elements of this sequence.


    const sequence = linqIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
    const nonNullValue = sequence.lastOrDefault((n) => n > 3); // 4
    const defaultValue = sequence.lastOrDefault((n) => n > 5); // undefined


    Either (1) the last element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) undefined.


    firstOrDefault and singleOrDefault


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The predicate.

    Returns undefined | T

  • Returns the last element of this sequence or the given default value, if this sequence is empty.


    Do not use this overload in case the elements of this sequence are functions. See the section on overloads for details.


    const sequence = linqIterable<number>([]);
    const defaultValue = sequence.lastOrDefault(0); // 0


    The last element of this sequence or the given default value, if this sequence is empty.


    firstOrDefault and singleOrDefault


    • defaultValue: T

      The default value to be returned if this sequence is empty.

    Returns T

  • Returns either (1) the last element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) the given default value, if:

    • this sequence is empty or
    • the predicate returns false for all elements of this sequence.


    const sequence = linqIterable([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
    const nonNullValue = sequence.lastOrDefault((n) => n > 3, 0); // 4
    const defaultValue = sequence.lastOrDefault((n) => n > 5, 0); // 0


    Either (1) the last element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) the given default value.


    firstOrDefault and singleOrDefault


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The predicate.

    • defaultValue: T

      The default value.

    Returns T

  • resolve<TResult>(resolution: IterableTransform<T, TResult>): TResult
  • Applies the given resolution to this sequence.


    The resolved value.

    Type Parameters

    • TResult

      The type of the result of the resolution.


    • resolution: IterableTransform<T, TResult>

      The resolution to use.

    Returns TResult

  • select<TResult>(selector: SelectorWithIndex<T, TResult>): LinqIterable<TResult>
  • Projects, or maps, each element of a sequence into a new form.


    The projected, or mapped, sequence.

    Type Parameters

    • TResult

      The type of the elements of the projected, or mapped, sequence.


    • selector: SelectorWithIndex<T, TResult>

      The selector used to project, or map, the elements.

    Returns LinqIterable<TResult>

  • selectMany<TResult>(selector: SelectorWithIndex<T, Iterable<TResult>>): LinqIterable<TResult>
  • Merges the selected sequences into one flat sequence.


    The merged, flat sequence.

    Type Parameters

    • TResult

      The type of the elements of the flat sequence.


    • selector: SelectorWithIndex<T, Iterable<TResult>>

      The selector.

    Returns LinqIterable<TResult>

  • single(predicate?: PredicateWithIndex<T>): T
  • Returns the single element of the sequence. If a predicate is provided, filters the sequence based on the predicate.


    The single element.


    If the (optionally filtered) sequence does not contain exactly one element.


    first and last


    • Optional predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The optional predicate.

    Returns T

  • singleOrDefault(): undefined | T
  • singleOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>): undefined | T
  • singleOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T
  • singleOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>, defaultValue: T): T
  • Returns the single element of this sequence or undefined, if the sequence is empty.

    When using this API, you should appreciate the differences between C# vs. JavaScript and TypeScript regarding the default values used for different types, e.g., as assigned by using the default keyword in C# or when not explicitly initializing fields or variables in JavaScript.

    In C#, the default values are as follows:

    • nullable (e.g., string?) and non-nullable (e.g.,string) reference types: null
    • nullable value types (e.g., int?, bool?): null
    • non-nullable value types (e.g., int, bool): 0 and false

    In JavaScript, the default value for uninitialized fields or variables is undefined in all cases. In TypeScript, you must either explicitly allow undefined in the declaration or use the non-null assertion operator (!) to assign undefined.

    Now, let's look at the signature of the well-known SingleOrDefault() extension method in C# (based on the .NET 6 documentation, which uses TSource instead of T):

    public static T? SingleOrDefault<T>(this IEnumerable<T> source);

    Based on our understanding of the default values, the most natural signature in TypeScript is the following:

    singleOrDefault(): T | undefined;

    On an abstract level, the C# and TypeScript counterparts behave in the same way. For empty sequences, they both return the respective default values. On a concrete level, however, the language-specific difference between the default values for non-nullable value types in C# (e.g., int, bool) and the correspnding types in TypeScript (e.g., number, boolean) is that:

    • in C#, the default values are 0 and false, respectively; and
    • in TypeScript, the default value is undefined in all cases.

    Should you want to receive a value other than undefined in case the sequence is empty, you can use one of the overloads that allows you to specify a default value:

    singleOrDefault(defaultValue: T): T;
    singleOrDefault(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>, defaultValue: T): T;


    The single element or undefined, if this sequence is empty.


    If this sequence contains more than one element.


    firstOrDefault and lastOrDefault

    Returns undefined | T

  • Returns either (1) the single element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) undefined, if:

    • this sequence is empty or
    • the predicate returns false for all elements of this sequence.


    Either (1) the single element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) undefined, if the predicate returns false for all elements.


    If there is more than one element for which the predicate returns true.


    firstOrDefault and lastOrDefault


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The predicate.

    Returns undefined | T

  • Returns the single element of this sequence or the given default value, if this sequence is empty.


    Do not use this overload in case the elements of this sequence are functions. See the section on overloads for details.


    The single element of this sequence or the given default value, if this sequence is empty.


    If this sequence contains more than one element.


    firstOrDefault and lastOrDefault


    • defaultValue: T

      The default value to be returned if this sequence is empty.

    Returns T

  • Returns either (1) the single element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) the given default value, if:

    • this sequence is empty or
    • the predicate returns false for all elements of this sequence.


    Either (1) the single element of this sequence for which the predicate returns true or (2) the given default value, if the predicate returns false for all elements.


    If there is more than one element for which the predicate returns true.


    firstOrDefault and lastOrDefault


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The predicate.

    • defaultValue: T

      The default value to be returned if this sequence is empty or the predicate returns false for all elements.

    Returns T

  • skip(count: number): TLinq
  • Returns a new sequence that contains the elements from this sequence with the first count elements omitted.


    A new sequence that contains the elements from this sequence with the first count elements omitted.


    • count: number

      The number of elements to be omitted.

    Returns TLinq

  • skipLast(count: number): TLinq
  • Returns a new sequence that contains the elements from this sequence with the last count elements omitted.


    A new sequence that contains the elements from this sequence with the first count elements omitted.


    • count: number

      The number of elements to be omitted.

    Returns TLinq

  • skipWhile(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>): TLinq
  • Bypasses elements in a sequence as long as a specified condition is true and then returns the remaining elements.


    A new sequence with the remaining elements.


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The specified condition.

    Returns TLinq

  • take(count: number): TLinq
  • Returns a new sequence that contains the specified number of contiguous elements from the start of this sequence.


    a new sequence that contains the specified number of contiguous elements from the start of this sequence.


    • count: number

      The number of elements to take.

    Returns TLinq

  • takeLast(count: number): TLinq
  • Returns a new sequence that contains the specified number of contiguous elements from the end of this sequence.


    A new sequence that contains the specified number of contiguous elements from the end of this sequence.


    • count: number

      The number of elements to take.

    Returns TLinq

  • takeWhile(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>): TLinq
  • Returns a new sequence that contains elements from this sequence that occur before the element at which the specified condition is false.


    A new sequence that contains elements from this sequence that occur before the element at which the specified condition is false.


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The specified condition.

    Returns TLinq

  • toArray(): T[]
  • Returns all the elements in the sequence as an array.

    Returns T[]

  • transform<TResult>(transformation: IterableValueTransform<T, TResult>): LinqIterable<TResult>
  • Transforms this sequence, using the given transformation.


    TResult The type of the elements of the transformed sequence.


    A transformed sequence.

    Type Parameters

    • TResult


    • transformation: IterableValueTransform<T, TResult>

      The transformation to use.

    Returns LinqIterable<TResult>

  • where(predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>): TLinq
  • Filters the sequence using the given predicate.


    The filtered sequence.


    • predicate: PredicateWithIndex<T>

      The predicate.

    Returns TLinq

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